Windy Thursday


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Good morning all, Its very windy here today but not as cold as yesterday, but we have been forcast for SNOW Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, that will be me hibernating if that gets here.

Bucc went missing again yesterday, he has a habbit of doing that he takes himself upstairs and just sits on the banister and waits for me to catch up with him, could be that as I have my son home from school, it is quieter and darker up there than it is down stairs at the moment. Knew he had to be somewhere as its been too cold to have any doors and windows open at the moment. He is a real bit of work that boy. :04: :04:
It windy here also, I froze my butt off out at the bus stop with Meghan. The wind just rips right through you and steals all the heat. Its only 35 too, so it's colder than here than yesterday.

Bucc sounds like quite a comical little guy. Lucky for me, Gwen doesn't wander off the playarea, unless something scares him, then he pretty much stays where he lands and calls to me till I come and pick him up.
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Strange how they love ya to bits when they want picking up, even if we do upset them and they haven't spoken to us for days, they always love us when they need us. Hehehehehe its a good job we don't take things personally isn't it.

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