

New member
Apr 30, 2014
Blue and gold macaw named zippy
Hi I've joined this group hoping for a bit of advice I have been getting a macaw not so long ago and I think he starting to trust me he can be a lovely boy when wants to be he steps up and comes to front of cage when I call him he lets me pet him and feed him although can see he still a little unsure sometimes. The problem I need advice on is when my friend comes in he a totally different bird he gets very snappy and wnt let anyone near not even me if anyone tries to feed him while she in house he will go to get food then bite your fingers instead he even flings food out of the cage which is always in her direction ( still trying to work out if that a deliberate aim lol ) she came in once when he was on top cage and he got down on floor and chased her. How can I stop h attacking her everytime she comes in as dnt want to have to have him locked away when she here
Thanks Lisa xx:blue1:
It sounds like he needs to be socialized.

Is there any way you can have your friend sit in a room where Zippy can't see her, then bring Zippy in at the entrance and reward him for remaining calm? If he continues acting fine, you can slowly move closer to your friend and continue rewarding him for being calm. Keep the sessions short, though! Over time, you may be able to have Zippy close to your friend without him reacting to her.
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Thank you I'll try that he is ok with my kids and fine with my partner he just seems to go of it when she near even on a video call as soon as he heard her voice he puffed up and started to growl :(
I agree.

These are pair bond birds. If allowed to over bond with one person, they will.

The bird needs to get used to dealing with strangers, and playing with strangers.


"Get away from her, she's mine!"
Have you tried using a play stand where he can't climb down so he can be socialized?
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Yeah he got a stand but he dnt like it I need get him a different one maybe he prefers to stand on door of his cage or on back of one my chairs :)

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