A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.


Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
I hate writing topics like this, but feel it necessary due to what it has become and talking mainly the big name PetTubers on YouTube pretty much and the mess it becoming.

The problem has becoming big and to the point of being out of control? I just see so many small animals not just birds unfortunately get neglected and due to lack of knowledge and impulse buying and big name PetTubers are also putting out misinformation and is pretty much a spiraling mess of insanity, even worst now is they are working together and smaller channels are shouting out bigger channels so channel can grow. I now seeing a nasty tend of so many bigger PetTubers nowadays put out so much misinformation and videos are mostly click bait drama, or "Feeding My 50 Animals" Then you have the ones that only do product reviews just because they are sponsored to them with no real knowledge of the product they are using? Good example is "petra the african grey" she using a Compact Air Purifier made by Levoit looks like the LV-H132 model and she has multiple birds in that large room. That thing is not that great as a small air purifier, even the big one and not designed for that that size room. I don't blame her for her thinking as another bigger PetTuber that suppose to be good put out Levoit makes good purifiers and due to he was sponsored it, so now everyone has one. People in general are unfortunately sheepish buy into to this as no other video to dispute it and a big YouTuber has good video production with huge following, so they buy the junk product and wonder why it not doing the job, or worst endangers the animal without realizing it?

There are a lot more pettubers with a crazy amount of animals and the "All of my pets", or "Feed my 50 pets" video hack seems to be never-ending and becoming a huge problem.

To summarize, Pettubers are kinda insane and they buy way too many pets just so they can make more money. Is that ethical?

I do think we sure start calling these bad PetTubers out for their shoddy practices and misinformation they put out and starting a log and reason, so kids don't fall victim as they aspired to become them and somehow can stop the current spiraling mess of insanity it become and reverse the tend. Kids see this unrealized amount of animals in small spaces these PetTubers has and misinformation they put out and look up to them and tries to copy a irresponsible lifestyle that is very unrealized and as a result the poor animal, or animals suffer.

The point of this thread is to start a educated discussion and not necessary hate toward someone, or to bash someone, but more on facts and video examples in question and what they did wrong, pretty much anything that you feel is cringe-worthy, so people can learn from mistakes and not make them. It could be about Parrots only if you want, or even thread about all small animals.I kind of hoping this in time will bring light to the mess we call PetTube and in time will help solve the issues and rise the bar I don't care for the terrible vote Pettubers who only use the animals to get internet points and more sponsoring -> the birds (and other animals) are the ones paying the price ultimately. What happens to the animals they have currently when the YouTube money and fame dry up for these major PetTubers, as for most of them it is their only source of income?

It's everyone's responsibility to step away from these bad PetTubers and stop subscribing and watching their videos. It is also our responsibility educate ourselves on what is and isn't proper care. I'm hoping in time major PetTubers are being exposed for their shoddy practices and will be getting all the negative attention they deserved, instead of deleting and hiding negative comments and self promoting and promoting each other. Moving forward I hope many people can turn their curiosity towards the people who are responsible, compassionate and who above all, strive to educate themselves for the good of the animals in their care.

I'd love to hear what people think of this, if they know about this drama, or didn't as well?
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New member
Jan 30, 2019
Michigan... Thinking of moving to the state of New
N/A but hopes I get chosen oh please oh please
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

YouTube is basically a mess in general. This probably has been happening before. This age of YouTube is something to shake your head at.
Is that what happens to the animals in moives? After that, they get thrown away, I mean it's not just on YouTube.
Animals and people alike get used for money on YouTube, and other places too just for others entertainment. Back then, like around 2009 - 2014 or 2015 it wasn't about money, it was just posting videos for fun, that was the golden age. Now it is about money and people will use anything. It's pretty hard to stop people now on there, YouTube can't really do anything really about the channels, only if they get demonetized but that only happens by chance for reasons and no reason. The payment on YouTube comes general anyway, also long as you have like over 1,000 subscribers and daily or weekly make videos. If people aren't careful they can be tricked with the stuff people put out, sadly this happens all the time if people have no background knowledge to tell if the information they give is right or not. All this isn't new, it's been happening for a long while, so disappointing. To be honest, I'm pretty ashamed what YouTube has become as a whole.
Stay educated folks, knowledge is power, too many people believe lies of others
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Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

YouTube is basically a mess in general. This probably has been happening before. This age of YouTube is something to shake your head at.
Is that what happens to the animals in moives? After that, they get thrown away, I mean it's not just on YouTube.
Animals and people alike get used for money on YouTube, and other places too just for others entertainment. Back then, like around 2009 - 2014 or 2015 it wasn't about money, it was just posting videos for fun, that was the golden age. Now it is about money and people will use anything. To be honest, I'm pretty ashamed what YouTube has become as a whole
Pretty much, as remember when YouTube use to be good, but then Google kept reducing payouts and ETC, as you did get videos monetized even back then as use to have a decent size channel with a little over 40k subscribers doing engineering related videos, repair videos and tear downs. It was great back then as did it for fun as a side hobby that paid for itself. As time when by wasn't worth the hassle as Google just kept getting more greedy and I eventually shut down the channel. I remember when I was making 2k plus a month just off the ad revenue. Just became less and less a few months later and to the point it was costing me money to keep it going. Crowd funding and donations wasn't as big back then and unheard of.

Now content creators figure out crowd funding, donations, getting sponsors and self promotion and sucking up to larger channels to get noticed and the larger channels are not even educated in material they are putting out, just flashy and good video production and mostly "click bait" and usually drama to attract people. The problem is the large corporations figure this out and they sponsoring channels, so reviews are very biased, or uneducated people that have no business doing product reviews in the first place and has become a complete mess. I remember when it was hobbyist were in control and YouTube was a much better content platform. As sponsoring a channel wasn't common. People did the content they enjoyed doing and mostly people that had extensive knowledge on the product, or topic. Now it just a complete joke and everyone just uses YouTube to brand themselves, it no longer about the content anymore, it about how much fame they can gain and money they can make.
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Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

YouTube is basically a mess in general. It's pretty hard to stop people now on there, YouTube can't really do anything really about the channels, only if they get demonetized but that only happens by chance for reasons and no reason.
We can all make a change and educate people that how you stop it. You never be able to 100% stop it, but can make a positive change gradually and people will start seeing pass the smoke and mirrors, if enough people complaint and start threads with proof. I believe it is possible when done in numbers. It will become harder to overlook in time. Bubbles eventually do burst and I am hoping soon.

Stay educated folks, knowledge is power, too many people believe lies of others

Yep this is 100% correct. Knowledge is power.
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Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

Some twenty plus years ago, I attended a presentation regarding the dangers of the Internet and especially open /mass forums, etc... The presentation was provide by our corporate legal department. Their reasoning for providing this presentation, corporate wide, was to inform staff of the legal dangers of liability and other issues that such 'open topic' group present.

This is a bit different, but the dangers still exist in how one goes about 'calling out' others in those settings. The best way is to 100% stop using such sites. If one wishes to complain to the providers of such sites, that should be handled off-site (not in public).

As pointed out, such business plans fall under they own weight and in this example driven by the lack of income as viewership falls away.

Please assure that whatever approach you choose is within the rules of Parrot Forums, like not listing links, etc...
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Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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  • #8
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

Some twenty plus years ago, I attended a presentation regarding the dangers of the Internet and especially open /mass forums, etc... The presentation was provide by our corporate legal department. Their reasoning for providing this presentation, corporate wide, was to inform staff of the legal dangers of liability and other issues that such 'open topic' group present.

This is a bit different, but the dangers still exist in how one goes about 'calling out' others in those settings. The best way is to 100% stop using such sites. If one wishes to complain to the providers of such sites, that should be handled off-site (not in public).

As pointed out, such business plans fall under they own weight and in this example driven by the lack of income as viewership falls away.

Please assure that whatever approach you choose is within the rules of Parrot Forums, like not listing links, etc...
This is one of those threads like I stated earlier hated having to write, but hoping it will have a positive effect and bring light to the shoddy practices itself being committed and not directed at a individual, or business, or vendor, as like you stated "just don't use the service anymore". I do think it would be hopefully a good discussion and won't spiral out of control. This is about the PetTube genre and shoddy practices itself and examples.

Good reason why I am not going to target one group, or individual. It more of the shoddy practices being done and misinformation being put out, is what I want to focus on. Video links of the actual video of the shoddy practices being committed is fine, as they posted it themselves and won't be consider slander. Just no videos of people slandering someone, no business websites links, or contact information, as not directing to one person, as then could be written libel. It has to be about facts, or opinions about the practices itself, or care and not directed towards just one individual, no vendors, or any business, or contact info posted. I want to keep it civil as much as possible.
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Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

Some twenty plus years ago, I attended a presentation regarding the dangers of the Internet and especially open /mass forums, etc... The presentation was provide by our corporate legal department. Their reasoning for providing this presentation, corporate wide, was to inform staff of the legal dangers of liability and other issues that such 'open topic' group present.

This is a bit different, but the dangers still exist in how one goes about 'calling out' others in those settings. The best way is to 100% stop using such sites. If one wishes to complain to the providers of such sites, that should be handled off-site (not in public).

As pointed out, such business plans fall under they own weight and in this example driven by the lack of income as viewership falls away.

Please assure that whatever approach you choose is within the rules of Parrot Forums, like not listing links, etc...
This is one of those threads Like I stated hated having to write, but hoping it will have a positive effect and bring light to the shoddy practices itself being committed and not directed at a individual, or business, or vendor, as like you stated just don't use the service anymore. I do think it would be hopefully a good discussion and won't spiral out of control. This is about the PetTube genre and shoddy practices itself and examples.

Good reason why I am not going to target one group, or individual. It more of the shoddy practices being done and misinformation being put out, is what I want to focus on. Video links of the actual video of the shoddy practices being committed is fine, as they posted it and won't be consider slander. Just no business websites links, or contact information, as not directing to one person, as then could be written libel. It has to be about facts, or opinions about the practices itself and not directed towards just one individual, no vendors, or any business, or contact info posted. I want to keep it civil as much as possible.

I hear what you are saying. Just remember that when you list a link, it acts as a driver to that site, photo, video, etc... and anyone that clicks on that link adds to the total number of visitors, which also drives the value of the site, photo, video, etc... (think money). IMHO, providing the link would foil your goal. Just my two cents.


Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I hear what you are saying. Just remember that when you list a link, it acts as a driver to that site, photo, video, etc... and anyone that clicks on that link adds to the total number of visitors, which also drives the value of the site, photo, video, etc... (think money). IMHO, providing the link would foil your goal. Just my two cents.

That is true, we don't want to promote them as would be backwards as they are after the views?


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

Some twenty plus years ago, I attended a presentation regarding the dangers of the Internet and especially open /mass forums, etc... The presentation was provide by our corporate legal department. Their reasoning for providing this presentation, corporate wide, was to inform staff of the legal dangers of liability and other issues that such 'open topic' group present.

This is a bit different, but the dangers still exist in how one goes about 'calling out' others in those settings. The best way is to 100% stop using such sites. If one wishes to complain to the providers of such sites, that should be handled off-site (not in public).

As pointed out, such business plans fall under they own weight and in this example driven by the lack of income as viewership falls away.

Please assure that whatever approach you choose is within the rules of Parrot Forums, like not listing links, etc...
This is one of those threads like I stated earlier hated having to write, but hoping it will have a positive effect and bring light to the shoddy practices itself being committed and not directed at a individual, or business, or vendor, as like you stated "just don't use the service anymore". I do think it would be hopefully a good discussion and won't spiral out of control. This is about the PetTube genre and shoddy practices itself and examples.

Good reason why I am not going to target one group, or individual. It more of the shoddy practices being done and misinformation being put out, is what I want to focus on. Video links of the actual video of the shoddy practices being committed is fine, as they posted it themselves and won't be consider slander. Just no videos of people slandering someone, no business websites links, or contact information, as not directing to one person, as then could be written libel. It has to be about facts, or opinions about the practices itself, or care and not directed towards just one individual, no vendors, or any business, or contact info posted. I want to keep it civil as much as possible.
Remember, with the quality of this flock, you are preaching to the choir!
Your post tweaked my interest, so I looked, and dumped as junk! But, I do this as a living!


Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

You are correct, most people here know better already, plus negative attention is still attention and views for them? Next question is how do you delete a thread, or if a mod can delete it?


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

We tend not to delete Threads unless they provide no useful information. Although, at this moment, you may not see the full usefulness of your Thread. I would recommend that you read it from the Vantage Point of a Newer Member or a Viewer. You may find that it serves to provide knowledge as to what deep holes exist on the vast web and the advantage of avoiding them for everyone's benefit.


New member
Jan 30, 2019
Michigan... Thinking of moving to the state of New
N/A but hopes I get chosen oh please oh please
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I hear what you are saying. Just remember that when you list a link, it acts as a driver to that site, photo, video, etc... and anyone that clicks on that link adds to the total number of visitors, which also drives the value of the site, photo, video, etc... (think money). IMHO, providing the link would foil your goal. Just my two cents.

That is true, we don't want to promote them as would be backwards as they are after the views?

Yeah, got to be careful, trying to address negative stuff can also sorta promote them. It's kinda like if someone does something bad and they get called out or addressed for negative reasons it possible for them to turn all that negative attention for their own good but that's the opposite of what the addressing was for.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I'm glad someone else is upset about these people too! I actually only recently stumbled upon these people a few months ago while I was researching setting up my aquarium. I was looking at professional fish/shrimp breeder channels for advise and somehow these people popped up too and I was curious about the "feeding my 50 pets" too. To be clear, I really appreciate the fact there are experienced pet owners as well as professional breeders who are willing to share their knowledge online with those seeking information. And I don't think someone, who say raises parakeets as their job or source of side income and therefore has 20 parakeets for sale currently under their care are the issue. It's the people who have 75 various animals that are ALL personal pets. Personally, even if relatively well cared for, I'd classify this as some kind of animal hoarding disorder. And I don't believe for a second that some of those animals at least aren't living in subpar conditions compared to what could be provided by a diligent pet owner who has less animals to care for and therefore more time, money and space for them. At first I was kind of impressed at how well taken care of these peoples 50 animals appeared. Then I watched a few more videos from different people etc... and kind of realized a few problems existed with these people with extreme amounts of pets.

Firstly, it is not immediately apparent these people literally make the income they use to buy food and keep a roof over their head off making these videos and have no outside job. When your career is effectively being a zookeeper of course it's 'easy' to care for a bajillion animals. That's literally all you have to do all day long! I'd love to have more pets but I know very well I don't have TIME for more pets, much less a bottomless bank account and mini mansion to house them in but no everyone realizes these limitations nor realizes the care parameters some seemingly easy animals require that take up time and effort daily. Nor does the average person have the money to fund the ongoing expenses of having excessive amounts of animals. Imagine if you had an illness come through and now have 20 sick pets in need of immediate vet care??? I just spent close to $100 (including a new heater) because my new fishes heater went out and he developed a nasty fungal infection. That was $100 on a fish I paid like $5 for and above and beyond the couplel hundred I spent setting up this tiny little tank in the first place. How many people would be willing to do that? I'm guessing not many. Vets, especially specialist vets for exotics are EXPENSIVE and yet I watched numerous videos from these people with a bajillion pets and never heard a one talk about the cost of specialist vet expenses and/or healthcare for their many, many exotic animals. It is likely the average person would just let a fish, reptile and probably even smaller birds die.

Some of these people also appear to buy animals on a 'whim' at pet shows etc... and brag about it like that is an acceptable/ok thing for the average person to do. While they may be able to afford several hundred dollar setups at the drop of the hat and have enough experience/general knowledge of species specific care to do so, the average viewer DOES NOT. I feel especially bad for smaller animals like reptiles, aquatics, inverts, birds etc... who are NOT easy care pets and have very specific dietary and environmental needs but because xyzcrazyanimalhoarder on youtube has 20 reptiles they're showing off and who's videos show a seemingly simple care routine for, other people figure it would be easy and inexpensive to have 20 reptiles too. Plus, some of the enclosure sizes are akin to stuffing a macaw in a canary cage. Lastly, I wonder how are you suppose to even enjoy your animals when you spend all your waking time just caring for them? What's the point of even having them?

Ok now, rant over:p
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Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I'm glad someone else is upset about these people too! I actually only recently stumbled upon these people a few months ago while I was researching setting up my aquarium. I was looking at professional fish/shrimp breeder channels for advise and somehow these people popped up too and I was curious about the "feeding my 50 pets" too. To be clear, I really appreciate the fact there are experienced pet owners as well as professional breeders who are willing to share their knowledge online with those seeking information. And I don't think someone, who say raises parakeets as their job or source of side income and therefore has 20 parakeets for sale currently under their care are the issue. It's the people who have 75 various animals that are ALL personal pets. Personally, even if relatively well cared for, I'd classify this as some kind of animal hoarding disorder. And I don't believe for a second that some of those animals at least aren't living in subpar conditions compared to what could be provided by a diligent pet owner who has less animals to care for and therefore more time, money and space for them. At first I was kind of impressed at how well taken care of these peoples 50 animals appeared. Then I watched a few more videos from different people etc... and kind of realized a few problems existed with these people with extreme amounts of pets.

Firstly, it is not immediately apparent these people literally make the income they use to buy food and keep a roof over their head off making these videos and have no outside job. When your career is effectively being a zookeeper of course it's 'easy' to care for a bajillion animals. That's literally all you have to do all day long! I'd love to have more pets but I know very well I don't have TIME for more pets, much less a bottomless bank account and mini mansion to house them in but no everyone realizes these limitations nor realizes the care parameters some seemingly easy animals require that take up time and effort daily. Nor does the average person have the money to fund the ongoing expenses of having excessive amounts of animals. Imagine if you had an illness come through and now have 20 sick pets in need of immediate vet care???

Some of these people also appear to buy animals on a 'whim' at pet shows etc... and brag about it like that is an acceptable/ok thing for the average person to do. While they may be able to afford several hundred dollar setups at the drop of the hat and have enough experience/general knowledge of species specific care to do so, the average viewer DOES NOT. I feel especially bad for smaller animals like reptiles, aquatics, inverts, birds etc... who are NOT easy care pets and have very specific dietary and environmental needs but because xyzcrazyanimalhoarder on youtube has 20 reptiles they're showing off and who's videos show a seemingly simple care routine for, other people figure it would be easy and inexpensive to have 20 reptiles too. Plus, some of the enclosure sizes are akin to stuffing a macaw in a canary cage. Lastly, I wonder how are you suppose to even enjoy your animals when you spend all your waking time just caring for them? What's the point of even having them?

Ok now, rant over:p

Exactly my point and most the enclosures are improper and animals house together that sure not be and then even if you have the money the attention required needed for each of these animals won't be meet.

As a breeder, zoo keeper, trainer, or foster it different, as it your job and you have likely other sources of income as well. Even with breeders the good ones I know and work with, they have other staff as well to help out and vet on call even that come over as well. These YouTubers buy animals just for bragging rights and to do a video of a rare animals. What worst is they claim to rescue the animal, but then find the listing of same rare animal on craigslist, or local breeder that was sold to them and they try to pull it off as a rescue. Then they buy animals at Expos when they have no clue care requirements before hand, all the time and lie as well. But caught one as another YouTuber had uploaded the Expo video where they when as a group and can see same animal at Expo, so she bought it at the Expo. The other major issues is one like T## has animals that die left and right and she just replaces them, in the hopes people won't notice, or she will claim they were re-homed. It been proven she likely killed over 50 plus animals in her care

The issue is they are buying animals as designer, or collectible items and for videos and have very little, or no knowledge about the animal they are purchasing before hand and rely on quick info and then others will follow her unrealistic lifestyle. I notice it is a tend that getting worst as now a few of them that are guilty of this?
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New member
Jan 30, 2019
Michigan... Thinking of moving to the state of New
N/A but hopes I get chosen oh please oh please
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I'm glad someone else is upset about these people too! I actually only recently stumbled upon these people a few months ago while I was researching setting up my aquarium. I was looking at professional fish/shrimp breeder channels for advise and somehow these people popped up too and I was curious about the "feeding my 50 pets" too. To be clear, I really appreciate the fact there are experienced pet owners as well as professional breeders who are willing to share their knowledge online with those seeking information. And I don't think someone, who say raises parakeets as their job or source of side income and therefore has 20 parakeets for sale currently under their care are the issue. It's the people who have 75 various animals that are ALL personal pets. Personally, even if relatively well cared for, I'd classify this as some kind of animal hoarding disorder. And I don't believe for a second that some of those animals at least aren't living in subpar conditions compared to what could be provided by a diligent pet owner who has less animals to care for and therefore more time, money and space for them. At first I was kind of impressed at how well taken care of these peoples 50 animals appeared. Then I watched a few more videos from different people etc... and kind of realized a few problems existed with these people with extreme amounts of pets.

Firstly, it is not immediately apparent these people literally make the income they use to buy food and keep a roof over their head off making these videos and have no outside job. When your career is effectively being a zookeeper of course it's 'easy' to care for a bajillion animals. That's literally all you have to do all day long! I'd love to have more pets but I know very well I don't have TIME for more pets, much less a bottomless bank account and mini mansion to house them in but no everyone realizes these limitations nor realizes the care parameters some seemingly easy animals require that take up time and effort daily. Nor does the average person have the money to fund the ongoing expenses of having excessive amounts of animals. Imagine if you had an illness come through and now have 20 sick pets in need of immediate vet care??? I just spent close to $100 (including a new heater) because my new fishes heater went out and he developed a nasty fungal infection. That was $100 on a fish I paid like $5 for and above and beyond the couplel hundred I spent setting up this tiny little tank in the first place. How many people would be willing to do that? I'm guessing not many. Vets, especially specialist vets for exotics are EXPENSIVE and yet I watched numerous videos from these people with a bajillion pets and never heard a one talk about the cost of specialist vet expenses and/or healthcare for their many, many exotic animals. It is likely the average person would just let a fish, reptile and probably even smaller birds die.

Some of these people also appear to buy animals on a 'whim' at pet shows etc... and brag about it like that is an acceptable/ok thing for the average person to do. While they may be able to afford several hundred dollar setups at the drop of the hat and have enough experience/general knowledge of species specific care to do so, the average viewer DOES NOT. I feel especially bad for smaller animals like reptiles, aquatics, inverts, birds etc... who are NOT easy care pets and have very specific dietary and environmental needs but because xyzcrazyanimalhoarder on youtube has 20 reptiles they're showing off and who's videos show a seemingly simple care routine for, other people figure it would be easy and inexpensive to have 20 reptiles too. Plus, some of the enclosure sizes are akin to stuffing a macaw in a canary cage. Lastly, I wonder how are you suppose to even enjoy your animals when you spend all your waking time just caring for them? What's the point of even having them?

Ok now, rant over:p

It's almost like competition. Like they can do whatever and get all these pets, and viewers are thinking wow they really care for these animals. But they don't it's just about how many they have. I can be honest there are some good pet owners on YouTube but the majority is just for the money and views.


Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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  • #18
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

Shockingly it the breeders that usually do the best videos on YouTube. As some that are very experienced and once in a while you get maybe one regular person that care for animals properly. Shame those guys never really get well known and the fame as these people with no little to no knowledge. It usually mainly the females PetTubers, "Sorry in advance", but unfortunately is true as camera like them and they attract viewers, where a male PetTuber won't be able to. I even seen one smoke weed with friend in the same room where her animals where house in and no air purifier at all in the apartment. " Yes same one that did the "Feed my over 50 animals", which is now renamed to "Feeding All My Pets in One Video". Then you have the person that does "Feeding All My Pets, Over 70 Animals | Daily Feeding Routine". She the one that usually put out most misinformation, but yet has over 2.4 million views on that video alone? It all about looks and production quality and click-bait. People see the shocking titles and then of course curiosity kills the cat.

I won't even care if it was just one person, but it become rampant and the norm now? Like "KiwiBird" stated "was researching setting up my aquarium. I was looking at professional fish/shrimp breeder channels for advise and somehow these people popped up too and I was curious about the "feeding my 50 pets" too." This is what YouTube pushes so come up and what younger inexperienced people see first and learn from?
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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2011
Blue & Gold Macaw (Titan) & Yellow Naped Amazon (Kelly)
Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I have a **** ton of animals and do just fine but Iā€™m also not big on taking video of my animals. If someone asks for a photo of one of my animals Iā€™ll get one for them no issue. I rarely invite someone in to see them but mostly because I have no idea what crap youā€™ll expose my animals to not because Iā€™m hiding anything. If I trust the quality/health of your pet care Iā€™ll allow people to come see my animals but otherwise I donā€™t like people near animals I spend all my spare time/investment on. Iā€™m all for people owning as many animals as they can house/feed/care/vet properly.

I honestly donā€™t think youā€™ll ever get the wrong info off the web but most enthusiasts (even just owners) end up with the right info eventually. Usually they wander there on accident. The real issue is not being able to suck it up and realize when you are doing something wrong in the care. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people not willing to take info in and realize why what they are doing isnā€™t optimal.


Jan 10, 2019
2 umbrella Cockatoos One male named Cooper and female named Baby 1 Little Corella male named Frankie and have 5 Cockatiels three named Male named Pepper, Fiesco for the female and female named Wylie.
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Re: A topic about the "Pettubers" is a spiraling mess of insanity it become.

I have a **** ton of animals and do just fine but Iā€™m also not big on taking video of my animals. If someone asks for a photo of one of my animals Iā€™ll get one for them no issue. I rarely invite someone in to see them but mostly because I have no idea what crap youā€™ll expose my animals to not because Iā€™m hiding anything. If I trust the quality/health of your pet care Iā€™ll allow people to come see my animals but otherwise I donā€™t like people near animals I spend all my spare time/investment on. Iā€™m all for people owning as many animals as they can house/feed/care/vet properly.

I honestly donā€™t think youā€™ll ever get the wrong info off the web but most enthusiasts (even just owners) end up with the right info eventually. Usually they wander there on accident. The real issue is not being able to suck it up and realize when you are doing something wrong in the care. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people not willing to take info in and realize why what they are doing isnā€™t optimal.

We are talking about a whole another topic, doesn't apply to all people. Your not doing it for views as you stated you don't do videos, or put out misinformation. With power come great responsibility and when you have over 1.6 million followers, then you set a example and have the responsibility not to set a bad one.

You currently have big name PetTubers as refer to by other as well, that is notorious for putting out misinformation as fact and had over 50 animals die recently that didn't live close to life expectancy and other have explain what she was doing wrong and why she doesn't listen gets defensive and animal dies shortly afterwards as a result and she go as far as replace the animal to hide the fact, or claim it been re-homed, it been proven by several people including her friends what really happen with proof? Unfortunately it not just this one particular person, but is becoming the norm.

Anyone looking for information on how to raise a certain animal will get her, or other big PetTubers videos first in search results as other stated earlier and is what the young, or inexperienced are watching and then follow the misinformation, or worst try to live a unrealized lifestyle. It is becoming a huge problem.
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