Am I doing the right thing? I almost feel bad


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Northern Maine
Chubby - Pineapple GCC // Furbie - Rest In Peace my little baby <3
I knew when I took in two rescued Green Cheeks and a rescued Umbrella cockatoo that I would eventually have to part with them, I just didn't count on getting this attached.

The two conures had been pet-store birds, they are not hand tame at all and were extremely malnourished when I first got them. They still aren't hand tame, and are actually pretty wild, but at least they are healthy now and then have a good sized cage and toys.

The Cockatoo I haven't had for long, but she came from a horrible situation as well where she was kept in a dog crate with no perches or toys and fed on a seed only diet.

I am bringing all three of them to a parrot sanctuary where they can live out their lives. It's beautiful and all the birds who cannot be housed with other birds have their own outdoor flight aviary. I think this will be best for the conures since they love to fly, and seeing as how they aren't tame they wouldn't do well as pets.

I'm sure the cockatoo will enjoy it as well, as she will see lots of people and other birds, and will be able to spread her wings.

However, I start to feel bad when I think about it. I think about how these poor birds have already been bounced around from home to home and now they are being moved again (for the last time though). Then I wonder if they will think I've abandoned them.

Do you guys think I'm doing the right thing? If the conures weren't completely wild I would keep them, but I know they aren't happy like this. I wouldn't be able to keep the cockatoo though, as I live in an apartment (my neighbors have been very patient and supportive, lol)


New member
May 12, 2012
You are doing a wonderful selfless thing! By finding them a place where they can fly and be safe....and you saved them and cared for them. You should be really proud of yourself.


May 19, 2011
South-central PA
From little to big - currently 6 Linnies; 2 Budgies; 1 BHP; 2 CAGs; 2 Zons; 1 GWM. Formerly in the flock: 1 LSC2 [fostered/rehomed] RIP: 1 budgie 1 WCP & 1 sweet Pan Am
I recently read somewhere (wish I had the link) that parrots average 5 homes in their lifetime. I also read that they are adaptive to new situations (because in the wild, if their mate dies, they either adapt to a new mate or can no longer fulfill one of their basic "duties" of procreation.

In any event, I'll bet the conures love their new home, since they will be able to fly. They've got each other & once they settle in, will probably love the place. I don't know how long the cockatoo has lived with you, but if it is a short time, a change shouldn't be so difficult for the too, either, having not completely settled in.

And since the birds are going to a place they will be able to live out their lives, you KNOW this is their last move.


New member
May 20, 2012
Pepper, Sun Conure/
Echo, Green Cheek Conure/
Penelope Peanut, Maroon Bellied Conure
Of course you feel bad - you're going to miss your buddies. But you know you're doing the right thing because you're putting the birds' welfare first and foremost (even though it's making your heart ache). All animals should have such a loving and compassionate caretaker!


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
A permanent rescue facility is definitely the way to go... rather than these poor birds going from home to home...

It's a hard decision, because we DO become attached....


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Remington~ GW Macaw
Ollie/Olivia~ CAG
You are doing the right thing~ if you can't keep them let them go to a place where they can live out their lives

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