Buying a pair or single ?


New member
Feb 3, 2010

I was wondering if i should buy a pair of parrots or is a single parrot more desirable ?

I remember reading somewhere that single parrot are more co-operative and easier to train then pairs.. is it true ?

Hi Samad
Tough question, many many different opinions.
I single parrot would be much more co-operative, as you would not be "sharing" him
I have only one bird, an African Grey Mishka, now just over two years old.
I have had wonderful results, training her and teaching her to talk.
I know if I had another bird present, the results would be very different.
They require so much time and attention.
Below is a link, which should assist you with your decision.
New Parrot Handbook, The - Google Books
Keep us posted as to which path you choose.
Whatever your decision, we will always be here to offer advise and tips.
Good luck
Take care
Some people can do a good job with multiple parrots but I bet they have help. My one TAG takes a great deal of time and gives me a great deal of joy. Good luck.
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I was planning to buy a single parrot but was wondering if its bad for them to be single throughout.. and they need a companion of their own species... ?

I'm new to parrots but from what I've read, having a second parrot and delay or even hinder the bonding process since the parrots may bond with each other instead of you.
I think if one wants a truly bonded relationship with a parrot you need lots of time to promote this. That means one on one time for the most part. Evaluate the time you have to spend with the parrot. You will need 2X that for two parrots to be bonded to you and not eachother.
Samad, your Question is A Truly hard one to answer .
Not all Parrots will get along together .
I did a lot of studying before i got my first bird.
i Volunteered for a breeder and a vet before i got my first horse as well as now still work with Robin my African grays breeder.
If you buy a pair of birds M/F Chances are they will want to breed same speicies ..
If you buy M ? and F ?
they may or may not get along.
I got lucky.
id start with 1 bird get that bird aquanted with you and then if you feel you want to try 2 Since Birds are a lot of work then think about a new bird maybe a rescue ?
if you went out today buy 2 birds and Got them from same breeder you might be 100% ok.
Like i said its a Very Very Hard Question and id say it depends on how much time you have for both birds as well as how well the birds will adapt to each other. Tammy
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I've finally bought a single Parrot, as i didnt think i'd have enough time for two of them. thanks for all your advice...

Now that I've got him . how do I handle him for the first time ? I bought him this morning and he doesnt seem to mind eating off my hand but whenever i put my hand closer to just touch him he opens his beak wide in a threatening manner. How long should I leave it before touching him ? I dont want him to bite me the first day... so how should I go about it all ? hes in his cage right now.... dont want him stay there all day.

Here is a trick you can try.
when i got Baby He Hated being held , He ate Jammies hands.
well Like i said im good friends with a breeder .
she said Tammy you need to Get that Birds trust.
So i asked how food ?
she said NO try this first .
get a pen Pull out the head and tail of it AND INK do not leave the ink Make it like a straw .
put the pen in his/her cage and watch the bird will play with it .
Now a pen is a toy right ?
when you go to handle your Bird the reputable Breeders teach them step Up. or as someone mentioned up up .
put the pen in one hand and offer it to the new bird .
also put your hand in and say Step up / UPUP or what ever your breeder you got the bird from has taught the Bird to do. This trick works on Young and old Parrots .
Now if this doesn't work The towel trick but give the bird time this is a new home new human pet and new cage as well as every smell color and so on .
Kinda like me taking you to Oregon and just saying OK your home go make me dinner ?
he / she is seeing so much its over whelming your new bird. Tammy
I hope this helps
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I hate to say this, but one thing to remember is that you will get bitten. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but all birds act out at some point. It is important that your fear of being bitten not be that apparent to the bird, because you jerking your hand away will make them mistrust it... who wants to sit on a perch that is that unreliable?

Did you hold the bird before you bought it? How did it act then?
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Thanks westwood. I'll try your method.

I've got bit twice now :) not too badly but then it was MY fault as it is...

I try to avoid jerking my hand away but its instictive. i guess i'll learn.

The person I bought it from hadn't taught him anything and didnt let me hold the bird as it was very stressed after being taken out of its cage . (it hasnt been handled before... )

I am improving with him gradually; he still doesnt let me touch him tho and he is rather afraid of me...

Anyother advice on taming him ???

Congrat's on your new bird !!!!!
What bird did you get, and how old?
Have you named him yet?
Besides a new environment, everything is new and strange to him.
The cage, toys and a new guardian.
It takes a while for a bird to gain trust, which is vitally important.
By sitting in his cage he feels protected and secure.
Make no sudden movements or noise, they scare easily.
Leave the cage door open, sit nearby at just talk to him.
The more you interact with the bird, he will become accustomed to you and your voice.
Keep doing this daily, birds thrive on routine.
Don't attempt to take him out, when he feels more secure and trustworthy, he should start coming out, in his own time.
Give him treats daily, through the bars at first.
Leave a treat by the door of the cage.
Hopefully he will be inquisitive, start moving towards the door and taking the treat.
This process could take days, even weeks, preserver and be very patient.
Enjoy your new bird, they are so precious
Let us know how he's progressing
Good luck
Take care
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I'm not sure which species he is but i'll put up his photo and hopefully one of you identify him. The seller said something about it being a "Pahadi Tota" (in hindi) translated as mountain parrot, so I guess it lives in higher altitiudes...

Beaky now goes upto his perch when i open the cage and just lets me brush my fingers lightly on his body so i guess he and i are doing quite well coz i only got him on friday

As antoinette said, let the bird come to you. Any animal would rather investigate you than the otherway round. Patience is the key!

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