COVID-19 Virus

Re: Wuhan virus

Laurasea- this was what I was always taught as well--- even with non-influenza viruses (but especially with influenza)---In many cases, you are most contagious before you even know you are sick--- and that has been my experience as well (I am very anti-vomit, so in high school, I used to literally leave the house as soon as my sisters showed symptoms of stomach issues (and stay gone) but more than once, I got sick anyway--despite packing and leaving the second there was a doubt in my mind lol)..I also used a TON of Lysol, but again, got sick anyway (despite no contact after symptoms).

I Also have frequently ended up coming down with boyfriends' colds within a short time (1 day--not even a full 24 hours--- is not long enough for a cold to incubate, indicating that he was contagious before he showed symptoms). This means in all of the aforementioned cases, I was infected before they showed symptoms, and probably spreading the same viruses myself (in an effort to avoid---due to that tricky incubation thing).

Side note: The norovirus continues to be contagious for up to 14 days after a person's symptoms are totally resolved and all symptoms are gone (yuck).

People should have to disclose positives!!!! That is crazy--- or at the very least, post publicly that they are refusing to disclose (so people can make their own judgement).
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Re: Wuhan virus

Thanks for your link too, Noodles. A more realistic and truthful article, than the spin being out on this outbreak.

My take so far, it's slightly more contagious than our avarage influenza, and slightly more deadly. But the population in the center of the outbreak doesn't have access to the same healthcare. So if the same outbreak happened here, it might well have a much lower fatality rate.
Re: Wuhan virus

Honestly though--- given its viral family, I think the bigger concern is mutation and unfamiliarity (and in that respect, I do not think the hype is overblown). Think about how some viruses have long-term consequences (we can't even guess whether this one has any, as it is so new)...PLUS, the more bodies it enters/passes through, the more likely it is to mutate into something newer than this current new form (and MERS/SARS=not anything to mess with)..crossing human to animal lines + this level of contagion and a potentially LONG incubation period makes this the perfect storm for a mutation situation (if left unchecked)...especially because it is happening during "flu season" which means that if it became wide-spread, many people would ignore it under the assumption that it was seasonal influenza...thus perpetuating the cycle/spread.
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Re: Wuhan virus

Oh here----

[ame=""]Novel coronavirus not caused by a genetic mutation: Expert - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Wuhan virus

Honestly though--- given its viral family, I think the bigger concern is mutation and unfamiliarity (and in that respect, I do not think the hype is overblown). Think about how some viruses have long-term consequences (we can't even guess whether this one has any, as it is so new)...PLUS, the more bodies it enters/passes through, the more likely it is to mutate into something newer than this current new form (and MERS/SARS=not anything to mess with)..crossing human to animal lines + this level of contagion and a potentially LONG incubation period makes this the perfect storm for a mutation situation (if left unchecked)...especially because it is happening during "flu season" which means that if it became wide-spread, many people would ignore it under the assumption that it was seasonal influenza...thus perpetuating the cycle/spread.

Very true. And the end of SARS a quarter of a millions people lost their lives. Plus co-infection with other influenza, and the whole rapid mutation of influenza viruses is crazy. Global pandemic of something nasty has happened in the past and likely in the future.

But hopefully it will be like West Nile, bad when it was new to many population of birds, animals, and people, but now rarely. WNV is still around, but 99% of the population never know they've had it, as we adapt, and thankful the wild bird population has as well.
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Re: Wuhan virus

Noodles , do you have a link to that? I can't watch videos :(
But this was release today, a lot more worrying, 20% of infected severely ill , life threatening?!?

"WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the "continued increase in cases and the evidence of human-to-human transmission outside of China are, of course, most deeply disturbing." The illness produces a range of symptoms with about 20% of the patients becoming severely ill, including pneumonia and respiratory failure, he said."
Re: Wuhan virus

The link is here : {}
Take off the brackets ^^^

That is concerning...ugh 20%..I hope it isn't like the Spanish Flu of 1918 or whatever that was....
Re: Wuhan virus

My husband and I are stocking up on some emergency supplies... just in case. MRE's and freeze dried food, first aid kit, bird food, wet wipes. Not going too crazy but better safe than sorry.

Thing is... there are 5 cases in the US and one of them happens to be in MY COUNTY here in Illinois. The news showed the hospital where the patient is quarantined, it's only a few miles from my home. :(

The very first case in the US was in Everett, WA. Check my profile-that’s where I live. They had/have the patient quarantined in the hospital about 7 miles from me.

All that said, I don’t feel too worried. This isn’t the first coronavirus scare we’ve had. Remember SARS? Not really? That’s my point. So far all of these “worldwide epidemic panic wear a mask stock up on rations” diseases haven’t amounted to much. It seems likely to me that this one will be the same.

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Re: Wuhan virus

'Boats, the 410 snake gun is a pump action , pistol handled shotgun and is loaded with 1 birdshot, then a deer slug, then another birdshot and a final deer slug.

If I haven't made my point by then , it's time for the Henry.

I should have known that your choice would have been in the direction of a pump action. :D Love the load sequence!!!

Ok I have two forums in Tapatalk. This one, and WA Guns (a Washington state gun group). I haven’t been to that one in ages-there’s a little too much toxic masculinity there for me. When I saw this post for a minute I thought I’d opened the wrong forum! [emoji23][emoji23]

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Re: Wuhan virus

Hmmm, "toxic masculinity" that must be what Mrs. Boats is "not" thinking when she 'cold foot's' me out the bed and states: Make That Go Away!!!

We, us males maybe considered 'toxic' by New World Speak, but we still have a propose in this World... Commonly to protect it.

I still recall, after all these many years being 'face spat' and being called a 'Baby Killer' by some college girl as her back-up boys groveled in the background.

I Know that would never be you or any of the Ladies on this forum and was a humor based, miss-statement on your part.

There are stupid males in this World that are weak and commonly beat women... That in my viewpoint is toxic.

And, when I return to bed, I'm greeted with a kiss and a thank you dearhreart...
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Re: Wuhan virus

Hmmm, "toxic masculinity" that must be what Mrs. Boats is "not" thinking when she 'cold foot's' me out the bed and states: Make That Go Away!!!

We, us males maybe considered 'toxic' by New World Speak, but we still have a propose in this World... Commonly to protect it.

I still recall, after all these many years being 'face spat' and being called a 'Baby Killer' by some college girl as her back-up boys groveled in the background.

I Know that would never be you or any of the Ladies on this forum and was a miss-statement on your part.

There are stupid males in this World that are weak and commonly beat women... That in my viewpoint is toxic.

And, when I return to bed, I'm greeted with a kiss and a thank you dearhreart...

Beautifully said!! Thank you!
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  • #72
Re: Wuhan virus

Squeekmouse, there are still N95s available out your way? My brother lives right around near you and I worry he isn't taking this seriously enough. Also, we still have N95's at our local Lowes. We could send you some if you want.
Re: Wuhan virus

Very true. And the end of SARS a quarter of a millions people lost their lives. Plus co-infection with other influenza, and the whole rapid mutation of influenza viruses is crazy. Global pandemic of something nasty has happened in the past and likely in the future.

I agree it is possible.

"The 2002/03 SARS outbreak (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) started in Beijing and killed 774 people out of a total 8,096 infected."
Re: Wuhan virus

As with every big public interest story, like the bushfires here in Australia, the interweb has gone into overdrive with false reports about corona virus. Whether it’s particular interest groups wishing to push their own agenda or internet trolls simply wanting to spread panic or a little of both, crazy rumours like this these are at best unhelpful and at worst downright dangerous. Corona virus is a very serious problem to be sure and has been officially declared a worldwide health emergency by the WHO overnight. But I’m pretty sure you can’t catch it by drinking peach iced tea, and there is no such thing as the Parramatta Bureau of Diseasology so you’re safe to ignore any warnings from them!
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  • #76
Re: Wuhan virus

It is going person to person in Chicago now. 2nd case confirmed there. Oh, please everyone do be safe!!
Re: Wuhan virus

SO, my question is....since they knew his wife had it and he was in close-proximity, why were they still letting him run all over the place willy-nilly?!?! Did they have him on a lock-down at all (knowing his exposure level to her?)
If not, I have no faith in this virus' resolution...That is stupid if they let him do whatever he wanted while living in the same house as someone with a potentially deadly (and unknown) virus...

He should have been in the house too---not gallivanting all over creation with an unknown asymptomatic period of contagion!!
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  • #78
Re: Wuhan virus

They are tracking down some 22 people who he exposed. Thankfully he says he did not attend any public gatherings or use public transportation. Still INCREDIBLY worried about my brother though. Also Ting my sister in law in Shanghai, but my brother is my brother. My best friend since before I was even born.

Just placed a Chewy order to be delivered at a friend's house for us... 250 lbs of budgie food, 70 lbs of macaw food, 25 lbs of cockatiel food(only one of our tiels eats this. Alex has 6 months worth of Harrison's in the freezer and Rin eats the budgie food currently), 25 lbs of spray millet. Should hold our feathered fatties for a while. We still need to get several hundred pounds of chicken, rabbit, and donkey food. Also need to get a load of firewood. A few other things, but we have most of our supplies already, and isolation is in our favor. Really freaking us out is that multiple local school districts are closed this week due to "illness". Just the regular old flu, but it sure is freaky with the Wuhan virus news.
Re: Wuhan virus

Bug N Flock,
Did you know that the hundred plus other " possible" cases in the us, the states don't have to release info if they test positive?! Because if public fear, patient privacy, and economic impact! With Superbowl in Florida, I'm sure if we had any cases it would not be released!!!
From CDC "Dr. Messonnier: As you know, we are incredibly sensitive about releasing names of states in this kind of context. So that would really be up to a state health department whether they want to make that release."

I went to grocery store earlier tonight, coughing was heard from several people, so I left. I'm sure is just regular colds, or influenza, but I don't want it!

But I agree, I thought common sense with all faimly members of confirmed cases would at least be under inhome quarantined. They also won't release info on how sick they are, like sniffle, or bad flu, or respiratory distress.
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Re: Wuhan virus

Compilation of current information with links for additional reading if desired. Provided to flight crews of a global airline currently serving the affected region.

CDC and WHO Information
The latest update from the CDC has been released and can be found at CDC Media Update. The highlights of the transcript include the following:

The novel "new" coronavirus appears to be kin to the bat coronavirus. The current strain appears to die within 2-12 hours outside the host. Currently, the belief is this strain is closer to the SARS virus as opposed to the MERS virus. Likewise, the CDC does not believe asymptomatic patients are contagious, contrary to the Chinese health administration statements. The latest situation report can be found at WHO Coronavirus Update. The CDC currently believes the human to human transmission is from:

  • the air, by coughing and sneezing
  • close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands
  • rarely, fecal contamination
Signs and symptoms of this illness include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. This novel coronavirus has the potential to cause severe disease and death. Available information suggests that older adults and people with underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems may be at increased risk of severe disease.

Travelers can do the following to protect themselves and others:
CDC recommends avoiding nonessential travel to China. If you must travel:

  • Avoid contact with sick people.
  • Discuss travel to China with your healthcare provider. Older adults and travelers with underlying health issues may be at risk for more severe disease.
  • Avoid animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals (such as uncooked meat).
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
If you were in China in the last 14 days and feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, you should:

  • Seek medical care right away. Before you go to a doctor's office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
  • Avoid contact with others.
  • Not travel while sick.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Per World Health Organization:

  • Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections;
  • Conduct frequent handwashing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment;
  • Avoid close contact with live or dead farm or wild animals;
  • Travelers with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands).
There is a wealth of updated information on the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) websites.

I followed one if Scots links to QA, in which it said states had the right not release info, this was CDC link.
"Dr. Messonnier: As you know, we are incredibly sensitive about releasing names of states in this kind of context. So that would really be up to a state health department whether they want to make that release"
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