Does anyone else smother their bird(s) with kiss?


May 13, 2014
Blue Headed Pionus 3yo (Jewel), Green Cheek Conure 3yo (Charlie), Congo African Grey 5yo (Baby Girl), White Capped Pionus 1yo (Leo), Blue Fronted Amazon 4yo (Zora)
She even kisses back sometimes!


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Macaws and conures will try and slip you the tongue almost every time...
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Ha!! That is funny, Jewel does the same thing! :)
Leo kisses us back all the time.
In fact if he's on my shoulder he'll try to keep turning my face to him for a kiss
I used to think that Taylor wished I wouldn't kiss her so much! I couldn't help it!

Jewel is beautiful!
YES YES YES [I love it ] :) Right about the Macaws [little tongue on the cheek :) .
THAT is a well loved bird:D So nice to see them being loved on by the whole family!

As for Sir Kiwi- [See profile picture].

Kisses aren't an option around here. Kiwi is a ravenous kiss fiend, and he demands them ALL THE TIME (creepy bird tongue included). He wants to kiss you right on the lips too. He's recently began to let me kiss the top of his head and his back:)
Absolutely! I can't help myself, and now that Jack has learned to imitate my kissing noise perfectly, he's going to get many more!
Avery's FAVOURITE thing in the world is to be kissed by me, hahahaha! It's hilarious. She LOVES it. I pick her up, smother her in kisses, and she chirps, whistles, and she does this hilarious nose-breathing thing every time I kiss her. I actually took her to the vet when I first had her because I was worried, and the vet laughed at me because she only did it during smooching time and was clearly very pleased with the attention and love.

It's also hilarious because if I kiss my boyfriend on the cheek or kiss Shiko on the head, she makes kissing noises at me demanding some for her too, haha! :)
I know it's very tempting to want to kiss our birds however I must warn you that this is a very dangerous practice. We carry bacteria in and around our mouth that can be very dangerous for our birds.
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I love Jewel's "musk" she gives off and I kiss her on the head or neck constantly. About the time I start thinking I'm over doing on it on the kisses, she snuggles right into my neck or chest. She makes me want a whole huge flock of birds! And then I remember that I have 3 children, a husband, and 3 dogs in my small house already, so I just keep dreaming of my new (built) house with it's "designated bird space"... I may be obsessed. Which is why I am on this forum. I love sharing this stuff with people who understand me. :) Thanks guy & gals!
My Pionus is a typical male Pi, and doesn't crave the physical closeness, although he 'tolerates' hubby cuddling him. I have the Pois for kissing and cuddling :). I love to kiss the back of their neck cause they feel so soft lol.
She even kisses back sometimes!

Always.... There is a true bond and love with the birds. All mine kiss and like kisses back. My Grey will not go to bed without a good nite kiss.

My Zon has this rope perch above her cage and she will climb down with this " oooo Oooo Ooooo" and lean over and give a kiss, then back up to her rope she goes saying Nite nite.

My senni will climb up when it's her turn and actually roll over on my shoulder looking up and says " hi" and then gives me a kiss. Hardest one to put to bed though.

Then First thing in morning they want their kiss....else they'll all climb down and you see them one behind the other come marching into the kitchen....Ya gotta love um. !!

I just love the heck out of my birds.
I love Jewel's "musk" she gives off and I kiss her on the head or neck constantly. About the time I start thinking I'm over doing on it on the kisses, she snuggles right into my neck or chest. She makes me want a whole huge flock of birds! And then I remember that I have 3 children, a husband, and 3 dogs in my small house already, so I just keep dreaming of my new (built) house with it's "designated bird space"... I may be obsessed. Which is why I am on this forum. I love sharing this stuff with people who understand me. :) Thanks guy & gals!

The Musk as you mentioned, Yeah it's addictive. My Zon has that flowery scent, my Grey is kind of like a nutty scent, my senni...well a bird scent. LOL.
Cosmo used to grab a hold of your lip when he gave you a kiss. Now I got him to just move his beak and make kiss sounds. Less painful that way. :)
Kyo likes kisses, but unfortunately she likes to latch onto my lip a little too hard and give me a feeding response if I try :S not very fun! I know she means well but does it ever hurt.

Hubby kisses her through the cage bars and she's all tongue :p it's so cute.

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