Found A Severely Abused Burmese Python Today

No, it doesn't sound like she committed the abuse. I have to agree, if you can't feed pinky mice, I don't see you being able to stab and shoot something. I hope whoever posted that ad did so from his/her home computer. Keep us updated.
I completely agree! Having her on my FB i went from hating to absalutely admire her and wish i could keep so many dogs lol! I am really hoping they catch the person trying to get someone in trouble who is trying to do so much good in the world!
What they did was so evil all by itself, but then to make it worse blaming someone else with a public ad? I wish I could dole out some justice here myself!
OMG that poor snake, if only he/she could talk

Thank God, you found the animal, had it seen to, imagine how many more hours the poor snake would have suffered.

I pray whoever did that, is caught and suffers a very cruel punishment
:-( glad i found this thread. Thats so incredibly sad, i cried! I donated to cover the rest of the bill. I wish there were more people like you. Thank you icy!
Wow... I just spent the last 30 minutes reading this entire thread and all I have to say is... wow.

We lost our corn snake on Sunday and I've been pretty bummed out. It was suddenly and unexpected (yet she'd been sick for a while, just never told it could cost her her life) and then to read the title of the thread alone was almost enough to put me in tears. Then to read all the developments.. Thank you Icy for doing what you did and are continuing to do. I'm literally in tears thinking how I'm devastated over the death of a sick corn snake that I had 8 months and then there's people out there who could have a snake long enough to allow it to grow to 7ft (which is at least a couple of years!) and then abuse it and abandon it.

Again, thank you for doing your best to give this snake the best chance you could.
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Since it was brought back to the top I thought I would update:

Thanks to everyone's help, we have raised 100% of Brunner's vet bills! We were prepared to have to cover these costs(well, not prepared per say, but we were willing to do so) the fact that we have raised them just allows us to be able to do even more rescues so thank you all once again.

We are still looking for the people responsible, we are not giving up! We have been fortunate enough to get quite a bit of media coverage and it seems like everyone I speak with has heard Brunner's story so hopefully someone will know something and come forward with some information. We are still working with the police and the SPCA to do anything we can to find these people.

Since Brunner's rescue I've gotten pretty active in the rescue scene, I will be fostering a Red Tailed Boa from Kentucky soon and it seems like I have already found her a home! I am also currently helping to get some kittens and a few dogs out of a bad situation so hopefully that all pans out the way it should. I went a bit nuts with this snake rescue, nuts in a good way though, I honestly don't even know where I got all of the energy from but I went absolutely crazy that entire weeks and was amazed with everything we accomplished. It kind of inspired me and I'm going to continue to do everything I can in the future to prevent things like this from happening.
Saving animals' lives, or making their lives better, is what has inspired me for my whole life. Nothing compares to knowing you've done that! Welcome to the club!
Well, helping troubled teenagers is pretty good, too:)

I so wish I was allowed to do volunteer work, but I'm not allowed. I would like to go to animal shelters or help tutor kids who need help or do an adult literacy program. As long as it didn't require regular hours and I could show up when I wasn't feeling too bad. I feel like I'm not giving anything back to society anymore.
Being disabled, and "retired", myself, I know what you mean. I often feel the same way. But, we did our 'thing' and we cannot anymore. It's time to take care of yourself, Roxy. Think of all the kids you have helped. I'm somewhat content knowing that I did what I could, when I could. You should consider that, as well.
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Hopefully that will make one of their buddies rat them out. That's a lot of money to most people. You've done such a great job with this, Icy.
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There's a lot of hypocrisy in Organizations that deal with Animals. Did you know that PETA inhumanely euthenizes animals in their care rather than find them homes? The Humane Society, often has conflicting policies because each region is allowed to determine what policies are best in their area.
There's a lot of hypocrisy in Organizations that deal with Animals. Did you know that PETA inhumanely euthenizes animals in their care rather than find them homes? The Humane Society, often has conflicting policies because each region is allowed to determine what policies are best in their area.

Don't even get me started on PETA..... LOL

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