Just for fun- Which personality type are you?


New member
Apr 12, 2016
Northern Illinois, USA
Bo - DYH ~ Gus - CAG ~ Twitch - Linnie ~ Apple - Pineapple GCC ~ Goliath - Quaker ~ Squish - Peach face Lovebird
INTJ, and I have been every time I've ever done the test, from the first time I took the long version in a psychology class in high school. So I guess I'm one of the 0.8% of women Architects with you April. :D


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
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Most interesting that we have 3 female INTJ's. All owning (or more accurately, owned by) an amazon as well:p


Mar 22, 2017
I've taken a few lengthier versions of this test and always got INTJ. This time I got ISTJ, maybe my personality is slightly changing as I get older. I don't know if it's for the worst or better.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
OMG, what if we took the test as if our bird(s) were doing it?????

Okay, be right back...

The Rbird is... ESTP.


Bold – People with the Entrepreneur personality type are full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for Entrepreneurs than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.
Rational and Practical – Entrepreneurs love knowledge and philosophy, but not for their own sake. What’s fun for Entrepreneur personalities is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so they can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses for Entrepreneurs’ time.
Original – Combining their boldness and practicality, Entrepreneurs love to experiment with new ideas and solutions. They put things together in ways no one else would think to.
Perceptive – This originality is helped by Entrepreneurs’ ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to Entrepreneurs, and they use these observations to help create connections with others.
Direct – This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – Entrepreneurs prefer to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are.
Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make a natural group leader in Entrepreneurs. This isn’t something that they actively seek – people with this personality type just have a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities.
Entrepreneur Weaknesses


Insensitive – Feelings and emotions come second to facts and “reality” for Entrepreneurs. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and Entrepreneurs’ blunt honesty doesn’t help here. These personalities often have a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing their own feelings as well.
Impatient – Entrepreneurs move at their own pace to keep themselves excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for Entrepreneurs.
Risk-prone – This impatience can lead Entrepreneurs to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. Entrepreneur personalities sometimes intentionally combat boredom with extra risk.
Unstructured – Entrepreneurs see an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected social fallout.
May Miss the Bigger Picture – Living in the moment can cause Entrepreneurs to miss the forest for the trees. People with this personality type love to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.
Defiant – Entrepreneurs won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while they are lectured at – this isn’t how Entrepreneurs live their lives. They are action-oriented and hands-on. Environments like school and much entry-level work can be so tedious that they’re intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from Entrepreneurs to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions.



Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
don't know what it means but



Mar 22, 2017
Peanut got the same lol. “The Entrepreneur” (ESTP-A)

I was thinking she was more of an introvert because she is not much of a people bird, but after answering the questions according to her behavior it seems she's the exact opposite.


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Mar 20, 2017
Everett, WA
Bumble - Pacific (or Celestial) Parrotlet hatched 02/19/17
I have also taken this and other like personality profile tests. As with prior testing: ESTJ-A, executive

Haven't a clue how this will develop regarding whether there is a group /classification of personalities, but I likely just defined one of the outlier personalities.

The first extrovert to chime in! Based on what I'm seeing thus far and experience in general with other bird owners, I do think you may be an outlier personality type being an extrovert.

As a note, I see 3 ISFP types as of this comment... perhaps the start of a pattern of personality types most likely to gravitate towards parrot ownership?

It is not a surprise to me AT ALL that our dear Mr. Boats is an extrovert AND an outlier! [emoji16]

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Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Mar 20, 2017
Everett, WA
Bumble - Pacific (or Celestial) Parrotlet hatched 02/19/17
Oh Gail! Hahaha! That is spot on for Rickeybird!!

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2017
Iowa, USA
2 cockatiels
I got "The Advocate" INFJ-A

Apparently less than 1% of the population is like this. They mentioned Martin Luther King as one, Mother Theresa as another. I will say the results ring pretty true to me. Basically that I'm an introvert, but I like to help others with problems using compassion and empathy but also logic. I have a great deal of passion for my hobbies and consider myself a good listener and problem solver.


Well-known member
May 31, 2017
Yoda, Green Cheek Conure - Trigger, Congo African Grey
That's so funny! I took it and also got Advocate:

Advocate Personality (INFJ, -A/-T)

The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As members of the Diplomat Role group, Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

Reading about it, it actually describes me very well. I had a bit of a hard time withit though, because I feel like there are TWO me's. I'm myself when I am home, but I am a totally different (more extroverted) person at work because I have to be.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
That's so funny! I took it and also got Advocate:
Advocate Personality (INFJ, -A/-T)

The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As members of the Diplomat Role group, Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

Reading about it, it actually describes me very well. I had a bit of a hard time with it though, because I feel like there are TWO me's. I'm myself when I am home, but I am a totally different (more extroverted) person at work because I have to be.

And, that would not surprise me at all! Your personality adjusts with easy based on the needs of the moment, correct?


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
I have also taken this and other like personality profile tests. As with prior testing: ESTJ-A, executive

Haven't a clue how this will develop regarding whether there is a group /classification of personalities, but I likely just defined one of the outlier personalities.

The first extrovert to chime in! Based on what I'm seeing thus far and experience in general with other bird owners, I do think you may be an outlier personality type being an extrovert.

As a note, I see 3 ISFP types as of this comment... perhaps the start of a pattern of personality types most likely to gravitate towards parrot ownership?

It is not a surprise to me AT ALL that our dear Mr. Boats is an extrovert AND an outlier! [emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And, it does not surprise me that you would have seen that so early-on!


Oct 22, 2015
Northern l.p. Michigan
Buzz - CAG,
Ziggy - Nanday/Sun Conure,
Jasper - Goffin
Loki - Starling
Gloria - Foster CAG
I also am Advocate INFJ-A. Although on two categories it was nearly 50/50. I hadn’t ever considered myself advocate, however it was amazingly accurate. I am a librarian, a township clerk and Monday in my “spare” time I start at a rescue.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
Maybe Advocates aren't so rare after all-- that's how I was identified too (INFJ-T). Maybe there's some kind of connection between the Advocate personality and being owned by parrots? :D I think the description was fairly accurate, though I seriously doubt if I could be equated with the likes of Martin Luther King or Mother Theresa.


New member
Mar 26, 2018
Pita (Goffins Cockatoo) Misha, Cass and Sammy,Crowley and Ruby(Budgies),Tango the Mango(Sun Conure)
I haven't taken any kind of test but I'm a very shy person, however regular customers say they think I'm very out going when they see me at work. I kind of have to be like that because I need good customer service skills in my job.


New member
Mar 29, 2018
UK, North West, Lancashire
Sherbert (Male Cockateil, Grey with Emerald/Olive),
Moth (Female Budgerigar, Pied),
Melia (Female Budgerigar, Dilute)
I've taken a few personality tests over the years, I always turn out an INFJ.
Seeing that a few of us here happen to be INFJs, I think their may be some sort of correlation between being parrot parents and personality type.


Well-known member
May 31, 2017
Yoda, Green Cheek Conure - Trigger, Congo African Grey
I have to agree about the correlation. Parrots are like humans in so many ways, so I personally find interactions with my Yoda to be as satisfying (or more so!) than with humans. The Advocate in me LOVES to take care of him and make him happy and healthy. Like when I took him to the Avian vet for his one year checkup and the guy raved about how healthy and sweet my little Yoda is. He said "You're doing all the right things and it's obvious you are taking really good care of him". I was overwhelmed with pride. :)

It's funny how I am really proud of myself when I succeed at things, but oddly enough I am MORE proud when others succeed because of me.

I think that's the Advocate trait, and what makes us so drawn to being "Parronts" and not just a "Bird-owner". "Bird-owners" like their birds and feed them and care for them like fish. "Parronts" love their birds like children, and therefore we're the kinda folks who frequent forums like this to compare notes with other Parronts. :)


Active member
Mar 9, 2013
Rockhampton, Qld, Australia
Bundiibird - Alex - hatched 31/08/09
& Millie - BFA - hatched 29/10/14 & Willow - CAG - hatched 30/10/19
I got "The Advocate" INFJ-A as well. Rings fairly true with how if see myself. It’s funny tha5 others with same see yourself as two me’s. It’s how see myself too. Home me and work me.


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Virginia, U.S.
Kakariki (Kirby) Cockatiel (Shiro) Jenday Conure (Jojo)
I'm obsessed with the Myers Briggs test!!! I find it fascinating. I am an infp (mediator) and it is extremely accurate for me!

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