My Red Belly, Duncan


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Conures, 2 Red bellied parrots lovebirds.
I took him out on my lanai this morning and boy is he loving it out there! He looks so happy! Btw: the Dowel perch is only temporary until I get some wood branches in there. He does have a comfy perch but I'm going to add another.


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Wow, Duncan is a beauty! It looks like he's enjoying the scenery.
Oh wow, Duncan is so pretty! He's a handsome young man. I love the yellowish on his sides. Some RB have more or less of it.
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Oh he's in absolute heaven out there! I believe I even heard him talking but I couldn't make out what he was saying since I was in the kitchen.
What a handsome little guy, he looks so happy that he found a great home!

For me, I like to keep a dowel in there in case the birbs want a smoother texture to stand on :)
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I think I'm going to keep the top dowel and the one by his food dishes. I'll fill the middle in with comfy perches and branches.

He does seem happy, talking and whistling outside all day, I peeked in on him and he said to me "Hello" another time he was saying " pretty bird" I wonder how big his vocabulary is? Hopefully he doesn't say anything naughty lol
What a gorgeous boy. :)
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This morning while outside he has some seedless grapes, apple slices, peppers and a spinach & kale mix. I seen him munching on the grapes, I'll have to see if he likes any of the other things on his plate.
So glad to hear that his appetite is open for fresh foods and how well he's settling in :D !
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This bird is extremely talented! Obviously he was loved and played with in his previous home, sad they had to give him up :( Today I was humming a tune and he started dancing and at the end he did a little encoure with his wings held high and tapping his beak to his perch lol He amazes me every day with what he says and does. Today I even caught him meowing like a cat!

I noticed though he is cage aggressive, I have male green cheek who is the same way so that won't deter me. I'm going respect his boundaries and not push contact. In the evening when I bring him in for the night I open his cage but so far he hasn't came outside on his own. Hopefully he will once he settles in a bit and becomes more comfortable. He seems to be warming up a little more, being silly and dancing. I believe this bird or these types of parrots are extremely intelligent. He reminds of a mini African grey.
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Another Duncan photo..


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RavensGryf- I was wondering what I should do with Duncan as far as coming out of the cage? He is territorial about his cage and he has nipped me before trying to get him out, twice getting out of his travel carrier when I brought him home and a few times when he was in his temporary cage. I noticed that when I let him come out on his own he has no problem and will step up with ease.

Should I leave him be in his permenant cage and wait for him to come out? I open the door nightly to see if he'll come out but he seems content just to be in his cage, if so, that's okay with me if he would prefer it that way. I'm just wondering what I ought to do?
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Ok! Good news! Duncan came out on his own tonight and is sitting with me right now while I write this post! :)
I think that because he's new, you're not quite seeing the "real" Duncan yet. That's great that he came out tonight. Robin goes in and out of his cage, but I do find him inside a lot.

For now, just let him come out when he wants to. Eventually though, you'll need to get him out at times. Find out what his favorite treats are, and see if you can entice him to step up from inside the cage by offering a treat. Another thing that might prove handy is a stick to step up on. Especially when he's hormonal (and since you say he's cage territorial) it's a good idea for him to be stick trained to save your fingers when you might need to take him out at a certain time (to go to the vet, to give meds, etc). My Pois aren't cage territorial, but my Pionus is really bad.
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I was wondering how I was going to get him out for vet visits and outings- I just ordered him a pak-o-bird carrier and was hoping to take him places since he isn't loud. I'll get him a stick this weekend and see if he has a favorite nut that he might like.

And boy do they have sharp beaks! He could well sever my finger off if he really wanted to! :eek:
Those pak-o-bird carriers are nice. I think it will help to get him used to new things now that everything in his life is new. He might be more easily accepting now, rather than later on when he is more set in his ways in a familiar environment.

They can be pretty hard biters ;). Notice the larger beak in relation to body size as compared to your similar sized conures!

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