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Welcome Danamarie, sorry to hear about the loss but congrats on the new fid in your life. Its always a good idea to get to an avian vet or a vet experienced with parrots after bringing home a new bird even if he was 'vet-checked' or even under the care of a vet at the breeder or store.

The weight issue is certainly one a vet could address, particularly whether his current condition is underweight.

That being said, if he was not on the best diet where you got him from it can take some time to gain it back. Also consider that he is young and growing, it may take him time to fill out.

I know this was all fairly vague; only a vet who has checked him out could give any good specifics.

As far as foods to "fatten" him up a bit there are some. First off though is a good base diet, which I suspect you already are familiar with since you've had birds: a quality pelleted food is a staple which should be supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies. Beyond that boiled eggs or chicken (baked, boiled, or cooked in minimal oil) are good nutrient dense and healthy supplements to help him put on weight.
Hello, My name is Cecilia aka Cici. I have been rescueing animals for about 5 years now. I've had some teils, and love birds in the past, my mother ended up keeping when i moved out, she said she didn't want a quite house... LOL. Well I just got a HUGE flight cage and i'd love to have some feather friends in my home to sing with me!!! If anyone has any birds they can no longer care for or would like to give to a forever home I'm your girl! I am a stay at home mother so i spend my entire day with my 2 yr old son and my furry friends! If you have any donations different size cages from BIG to small let me know. I get birds to foster from time and again, but i'm looking for a bird to be part of the family. My husband is getting me 2 Aviaries, one inside and one suncatcher!!!! I cant wait! I just need birds to give am amazing home to! I live in Brevard county florida! Look forward to meeting new people who share the same passion that I do! Take Care and God Bless! :grey:
Hi, I'm Nancy1. I don't feel alone anymore, I mean about having so many birds and still wanting more. I have 4 right now. My Jenday Conure, Tango, a Creamino Lutino Lovebird, bella, and two Pacific Parrotlets named Kiwi and Peewee. I will be receiving a new arrival in a few weeks. A young lady I know with a Green Cheek Conure named Butters has to take a second job and would prefer giving him to me than any of the people she talked to when she was going to sell him because of a biting problem that started when she got a boyfriend. I told her what to do to fix the problem. Now her problem is lack of time and she knows if he is with me he will be well cared for. That will bring the total to 5 . They are all tamed and Tango and Bella are Potty trained. Bella does a couple of tricks and Tango is learning to talk.
I just joined today. Hope this is the correct way to introduce myself. Iam 56 young female living in Va. After being away from my Africian grey for 3 yrs, I did and do see him from time to time, he will be living with me now. He really has bonded with my son, who just cant give him enough time anymore. I always feed him and kept the cage clean when I was living there, but he bonded with my son. I really worry how he will react to his new home. Any suggestions on how to make this easier on him. Thanks so much:grey:
Hi, my name is Tracy. I live in illinois. My husband daughter and I house unwanted animals untill we can find them the perfect home but most the time I find that my home is the perfect home. At this time I have 6 cockatiels the oldest ones name is Baby, 1 dbl yellow headed parrot (Pauley)and one sick african grey, due to last owners neglect. Her name is Mystic, she is recovering and feeling much better now. They are the joy of my life! I also have three rescued dogs and 3 cats. I look forward to meeting many bird lovers and friends.
That's quite a collection you have going there, congrats! How old is baby by the way?
Hi! I'm new to the forum. I have kept birds for about 20 yrs.. I have bred parakeets, cockatiels, and blue crown conures. I also have a pair of congo african greys that have never produced for me. I have a pet timneh grey that is my baby of about 18 years. I also have a pet congo grey that was given to me when she needed a good home. I have also owned in the past Indian ringnecks and one crazy! rainbow lorikeet...what a crazy little monkey that bird was! I have a few breeder birds still but am planning on selling or giving most of them away as my current situation is shaky...unemployed at the time. Looking forward to doing some "bird talking"!
Green Cheek Conure

I tried to post a thread but it was not working. Anyway, hello. I have a 19 year old female green cheek conure named Kali. I inherited her a year ago because she could not get her "health certificate" to stay in the nursing home where I work. The couple who owned her had given her to a local vet because they could not care for her and the vet gave it to the nursing home. a day later she laid an egg, which I took from her. I being the animal rescue person I am, assummed responsibility for cleaning her cage and feeding her. The reason she could not get her health certificate was she was too underweight. The avain vet I took her too said she was a very sick bird. A month or so after being in the nursing home she came home to live with me and two cats. I gave her antibotics for a week, baytril suspension and she got somewhat better. She has her own room and a three cages but prefers to stay in her orginial small cage, her home. Now a year later she has laid three eggs and it took everything she has. she weighs 67 grams. she still has one of the three eggs and some rocks she is laying on for the last month. She is currently eating Laferer elemental formula, millet, forti-diet, sand and a few nips of vegetables here and there. Mostly she sits on the bottom of her cage and puts her beak under her wing. She does not get up on my finger much anymore. We recently went through another 10 days of baytril suspension antibotic. I am catering to her wants and needs. This little bird came into my life and stole my heart. My cats are jealous and would probably maybe hurt her if they could. Any suggestions on how to make my bird gain weight would be welcome. with praise, gratitude and love Kalyani
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Welcome Kalyani,

19 years old is quite old for a GCC, they're not generally as long lived as some other parrots. I've heard of them living close to 30 years, but this seems to be quite rare. In any case a retirement home has an ironic appropriateness for a 19 y.o. GCC. With proper care she may have several good years left and hopefully some here can contribute some advice to help that - though you should also be prepared for the other likely outcome.

That being said, lets talk about getting on some healthy weight.

I'm not familiar with Lafeber foods - I've used their treats (I think they make Nutri-berries) but I've never seen any of their products that would be a primary food. This is most likely just my ignorance, but do check with someone versed in bird food as to whether that is appropriate. If it is a seed based food it will not likely have many important nutrients that are often easier to find in pelleted foods.

A quality pelleted food and plenty of fresh fruits and veggies should be the staple diet of a conure. To get her to put on some healthy weight you can suppliment with chicken (boiled or cooked in minimal oil) and boiled eggs. Both of these are very nutrient dense and balanced foods. Millet is a great treat, and has plenty of fats, but it lacks other important nutrients - so again, while it is a good treat for occasional use, it is not a good way to 'fatten up' a thinning bird.

I also see on the food list "sand." Is this a grit substance for birds, or just plain sand? If it is the latter I'd be curious why that is offered and skeptical whether it is a good idea. If it is the former then it should be in pretty limited quantities. Parrots need very little grit and many, if given the opportunity, will overdo it. It should not be part of their regular intake.
What a great site :)

I am new to the bird thing, but have wanted one for a long time. For Mother's Day I brought home a tiny baby Love Bird from a pet store. Now you'd think, having dogs and knowing what awful places those little pet shops can be with their puppy mill dogs etc, I would have thought twice, but nope, DUH! Anyways...I brought the little guy home, he was a little thin and very scraggly looking, but otherwise healthy, clear eyes, nose and vent, he ate like a champ and wasn't tame so I was working on that with him and we were getting there. One Tuesday I woke him up as usual and he just fell over and died right there...damn, I loved that little bird. I was heart broken.


Just came across this. Same thing happened to my Lovebird. Maybe there is some illness we don't know about in Lovebirds?
That being said, lets talk about getting on some healthy weight.

A quality pelleted food and plenty of fresh fruits and veggies should be the staple diet of a conure. To get her to put on some healthy weight you can suppliment with chicken (boiled or cooked in minimal oil) and boiled eggs. Both of these are very nutrient dense and balanced foods. Millet is a great treat, and has plenty of fats, but it lacks other important nutrients - so again, while it is a good treat for occasional use, it is not a good way to 'fatten up' a thinning bird.

Kalyani, please see my reply to the visitor message that you left for me, but I also want to add this one in too ...

Anther great way for our fids to put on 'healthy weight' is with WHOLE WHEAT PASTA .. (I am not talking the regular $1 box of pasta - it has to say "whole wheat" on it) for the record, for those of us HUMAN's looking to put on healthy weight ... same thing whole grain breads and pastas are a great way to do it ...

cook the pasta just like you would, cut a bit up in birdie sizes (some different lenghts to make it interesting) and sever with just a touch (1/2 tsp.) of cooked sauce ... this should go without saying, but I am going to say it anyway ... please make sure sauce and pasta are cool before serving ... no need for crop burn in an ageed gcc ...
Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum and to the world of parrots as well. I live in Montreal. I recently bought a moustache parrot. I am an animal lover. I have a dog, a cat and three ferrets. My parrot's name is Camille and she is 6 months old.
Although I am enjoying her a lot, I must say she is agressive when I try to pet her. She will stand on my shoulder and step on my fingers with no hesitation but petting her, that's another thing!!! I have already had two bleeding fingers.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I hope to meet new friends and to learn about parrots.
Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum and to the world of parrots as well. I live in Montreal. I recently bought a moustache parrot. I am an animal lover. I have a dog, a cat and three ferrets. My parrot's name is Camille and she is 6 months old.
Although I am enjoying her a lot, I must say she is agressive when I try to pet her. She will stand on my shoulder and step on my fingers with no hesitation but petting her, that's another thing!!! I have already had two bleeding fingers.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I hope to meet new friends and to learn about parrots.

Welcome to the site, hopefully you are able to stay warm up there in Canada!
I am a new member and live in NY. I recently lost my Eclectus Cleopatra and I am currently looking to adopt a Senegal Parrot. I have two Anatolian Shepherd Dogs and have had cockatiels for approx. 26 years. Still very sad about my Cleopatra. Looking forward to participating in the list.
Sorry about you loss.
Where in NY are you? I'm on Long Island.
Glad to see another NY'er here!
Hello gbrodt......How sad you lost your Eclectus that must have been hard for you!

I hope you find a Senegal to adopt...there seems to be a lot of them for rehoming on the Craigslist in my area lately. I would love to adopt another Senegal but for now I will have to be satisfied with my "one and only" Senegal which I adopted off of Craigslist.

They are such wonderful parrots...a nice combination of fun and silly. I am lucky that my Parsley is a real talker....he knows over 20 different words and phrases and keeps repeating them all day long....he never shuts :D

An Electus is on my Dream Bird list to have one day...they are such beautiful birds!
Hi I am new to this forum and I currently have in my possession, what I assume is a yellow headed amazon parrot. She is 15 years old and really needs some training. If anyone can help me on this I would sure appreciate it. I have 2 cockatiels also. But those I have had since they were young. I don't know how to get this parrot to eat correctly and not be so shy.
folks, hello. Just adopted my dad's double yellow amazon we got when I was a kid. She seems to remember me and has stopped all the bad habits she had in a very short time, but she doesn't talk like she used to. Dad says it's because I gave he mirrors. I think she wants to breed. Com:greenyellow:ments?

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