Patches! The Grand Eclectus

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Mr. Patches is back to he's loveable self after a few days. If anything, he's even more attached to me than before. His breakfast the day after his appointment was unbelievable. Acted like he hadn't seen food for a week! He sat on the counter and ate EVERYTHING! (except the carrots) He didn't stop for almost an hour. He usually power feeds in the morning, but not like that.

Waiting on the blood work... How she presents the info as a whole package with the exam will determine if I go back to her or look for another vet. I think she was quite thorough, but didn't offer much in the way of things I should do or change. Mostly that amounts to I'm doing things well since I got him. She wasn't sure about the breathing noise if it was something current or leftover from something well in the past, and didn't say if there is anything that can be done regarding the preen gland. Again, I hope we can have a good follow up conversation when we have the lab results.

The one thing that put up the red flag was a comment that didn't really sink in until we left. I was really excited that we found a new wing feather sticking out like a grey spear, and mentioned that my Amazon would have been begging for me to fix it for him, (help break the sheath up) but not so much with an Ekkie, since they typically don't care for that kind of handling. Then the comment... "Well, you've got him now, but Eclectus don't really make good pets." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Like I said, that bias didn't sink in until after we left. So... Just because they don't snuggle like a cockatoo or conure, they're not a good pet? Sorry, but he's PERFECT just the way he is! It's all about the personality, and Patches is exactly what I needed.

I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt for one comment during a stressful exam, but I hope the attitude is better with the follow up. If not, I'll be moving on.
Here’s hoping everything comes back great for you and patches!

I’d also say don’t worry about the vets comments on ekkies - it’s not an attitude that should cause you concern or make you consider going elsewhere. And she has a point, just not the point it sounds like she’s making. The concern rests with how sensitive they are, and prone to plucking they are. Not to mention we still don’t have the best grasp of their dietary requirements. Did you know there’s a belief their lifespan in captivity could double if only we can get the diet right?

If we can’t take proper care of an animal you have a valid point about suitability to the pet trade.

There are many people, myself included, of the mindset that many of the cockatoos currently in the pet trade really don’t make great pets because it’s so difficult to fulfill their psychological and emotional needs.

That and they have a history of turning on you in a second flat. One second your in, the next you’re the most vile person in the world. They are so maniacal.
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Here’s hoping everything comes back great for you and patches!

I’d also say don’t worry about the vets comments on ekkies - it’s not an attitude that should cause you concern or make you consider going elsewhere. And she has a point, just not the point it sounds like she’s making. The concern rests with how sensitive they are, and prone to plucking they are. Not to mention we still don’t have the best grasp of their dietary requirements. Did you know there’s a belief their lifespan in captivity could double if only we can get the diet right?

If we can’t take proper care of an animal you have a valid point about suitability to the pet trade.

There are many people, myself included, of the mindset that many of the cockatoos currently in the pet trade really don’t make great pets because it’s so difficult to fulfill their psychological and emotional needs.

That and they have a history of turning on you in a second flat. One second your in, the next you’re the most vile person in the world. They are so maniacal.
I'm absolutely planning to give the benefit of the doubt, it was just a vibe thing as I pay close attention to body language and voice inflection. It generally serves me well. I have to agree with your thoughts regarding cockatoos. I love them, but they're not right for me, and it wouldn't be fair to one. Guess what. Her personal bird is a cockatoo from what I understand lol!
It sounds like you have the right idea regarding your approach with this vet. Namely, wait to see how the appointment goes once she has all of the relevant info. If there are no suggestions regarding the yellow feathering, air sacs or preen gland, even after you question her, then yeah, finding another might be a good idea.

But if she answers all of your questions well and takes the time to explain everything as she goes along, she might be a keeper!

Is she a certified avian vet?
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Yes, I'm anxiously awaiting results so we can have the conversation with all the info and no stressed out screaming Patches in the middle of it.

She is not a CAV, just specializes in exotics. Where I live, the options are very limited within even 100 miles or so. She is however very highly regarded in the bird community I have spoken with. It was a CAV that saw him back in n 2011, and I have been recommended/pleaded to never take him back there. Certification doesn't always equate to ability. While there are fantastic people in the world with certification in whatever profession, there are also some posers who go to the class, or pay the fee, and have a document on the wall that makes for good advertising, but doesn't give them better abilities. I'll go with personal experiences/recommendations first, and hope this one works out well. If not, my search area has to widen significantly.

I'll keep you posted.
You are absolutely right about certification not necessarily equating to ability.I remember the first CAV that I took my 1st ekkie to told me that I was killing him by feeding him fruits and veggies. Literally killing him.

With fruits.

And veggies.

And mind you, he made this proclamation upon hearing of Bixby's diet. Not based upon any blood tests and such. He was just saying that fruits and veggies are bad for parrots, and that only Harrison's could keep them properly healthy.


I learned soon after that some vets push Harrison's for the financial gain. Now, this isn't to say that Harrison's isn't a good brand. For the most part, it is. Just not typically for eclectus parrots. (See:

Fortunately, I had educated myself enough about ekkies by that point to realize that he was talking utter nonsense. You know, despite being a certified avian vet and all. And immediately began searching for another CAV.

Thing is, though being a CAV doesn't guarantee a skilled specialist, it does increase the chances that you are getting one. But that said, a lack of certification doesn't necessarily mean that you are dealing with someone who is less than exceptional at what they do. It's just a matter of likelihoods and probabilities. You know?

I've dealt with an exceptional exotics vet before. Hopefully, you are dealing with one, too.

Oh! One other thing! Another hurdle for ekkie parronts is that a lot of really good and skilled vets simply don't know that much about ekkies. Quite a few just don't know about their specialized dietary requirements. So this is something to watch out for as well.
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Among other things, she really keyed in to the diet and asked a LOT of questions, ie. do you give him this? What about that? What do you give him to keep calcium up? And really, she seemed impressed that I was well researched and knew why each of them were so important. She thought I was doing things right so far. I would have never brought him home before I really got it about his dietary needs. As I said before, it was a huge learning curve for me. I was so afraid I would let him down and he would not get what he deserved. I'm so glad I spent the time. He's so worth it!

Side note:

He now periodically confuses my wife. He calls, "Mom" exactly in my son's voice. Even tricked me a few times :)
Glad Patches forgave you for the vet visit!

Bad vets typically don't like if you're educated in their field. It makes them nervous and can make them defensive.

If you have a good vet they will be glad or impressed with you bothering to educate yourself! I'm sure they see many people with pets that are probably beyond the humans actual care capabilities. So it's sometimes refreshing for them to not have to preach about certain things :D
You're giving this darling a wonderful new world. I am thrilled for both of you, as well as for the rest of us, who get to follow the beautiful story!
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You're giving this darling a wonderful new world. I am thrilled for both of you, as well as for the rest of us, who get to follow the beautiful story!
Thank you! That's so nice of you to say. I love being part of this group. I've learned so much here, and continue to do so every day! Honestly, without the info and support here, I would probably still be driving the hour each way every weekend to visit with Patches, and feeling like he's too far above my skill set to care for properly. It was killing me to leave him there every time. In spite of all he's been through, he reached out and grabbed my heart right from the beginning. He's just an amazing soul. It's so great that there are people here who understand that connection. Most of the general population just don't, so again, thank you!
That picture says it all!

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You're giving this darling a wonderful new world. I am thrilled for both of you, as well as for the rest of us, who get to follow the beautiful story!
Thank you! That's so nice of you to say. I love being part of this group. I've learned so much here, and continue to do so every day! Honestly, without the info and support here, I would probably still be driving the hour each way every weekend to visit with Patches, and feeling like he's too far above my skill set to care for properly. It was killing me to leave him there every time. In spite of all he's been through, he reached out and grabbed my heart right from the beginning. He's just an amazing soul. It's so great that there are people here who understand that connection. Most of the general population just don't, so again, thank you!

Sorry...I can't help it,but I have to keep saying...I just love those Ekkie faces :p

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  • #34
Finally the news. Blood work is back. I missed the call from the vet so I got the basic info via voicemail. Mostly, everything is great. No indication of liver issues. Yay!

Now the bad part (possibly)... She said his cholesterol is VERY high. Diet would be the first suspect, but she thought it was unlikely given what I'm feeding him. The other possibility is thyroid. Whether it's just a cholesterol problem, or thyroid causing the cholesterol problem, either one can be a cause for the yellow feathers, and the feathering/plucking issues in general. Looks like I need to go back for another blood draw to test thyroid levels and take it from there.

If there's an upside here, I'm hoping that this could be the root of his feather issues, and treating it will help him with it. Maybe wishful thinking, but maybe this has been going on for a long time and treatment can help my boy get back to "normal" eventually.

I left the vet a message with my questions, and am waiting for the call back to see what answers and thoughts she has. She did leave me her personal cell number as the best way to reach her. I'm thinking she may work out after all. Much better vibe so far.
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The look on that face......that is one determined bird. He wont give up if you wont. Good work.
I'm so glad it isn't his liver!

It may very well be diet, though, as you haven't had him very long and it would take time to see the benefits of the better foods that you are giving him.

Looking forward to hearing what she has to say about the rest of your questions.

You're doing a great job as his parront, btw.
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  • #37
The look on that face......that is one determined bird. He wont give up if you wont. Good work.
Yup, very determined! I've come to believe it's an Ekkie thing in general. In this case, it was determination to be on that chair. I took him out for some actual sunshine. He didn't want to sit with me, he didn't want to sit on the table. He took off "flying" 3 times trying to get to that chair. Didn't get far enough or high enough. After the 3rd attempt, I just picked him up and set him on it, and he sat happily soaking up the vitamin D for most of an hour. He's so happy out there!
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Thank you so much! I'm trying so hard to do everything he needs. After all he's been through, he deserves it. I greatly appreciate the compliment. Helps me know I'm on the right track. It's so easy to get lost in all of this stuff.

I can't believe it's been almost two months already (this Thursday) and how attached I have become to him in such a short time. That personality has sucked me in.

Still waiting on the call back, and curious about treatment if it turns out to be thyroid. I've read about increasing iodine levels, but didn't know if you start there, or go right to meds, or if there even are meds available for bird thyroid.
I'm so glad it isn't his liver!

It may very well be diet, though, as you haven't had him very long and it would take time to see the benefits of the better foods that you are giving him.

Looking forward to hearing what she has to say about the rest of your questions.

You're doing a great job as his parront, btw.
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I had a good talk with the vet this afternoon. Answered all my questions that she could, other than ones related to the possible thyroid issue. We need another blood draw for baseline thyroid levels for answers there. That may be the cause of his cholesterol levels, or he may just have high cholesterol like some people do. We talked at length about diet, and what he was eating before I got him. Possibly previous diet related, but not likely. His cholesterol was over 650, where "normal" should be no more than 320. I hope we can figure it out.

The yellow feathers absolutely can be caused by the cholesterol, or thyroid, and plucking can also be a symptom of thyroid issues.

For the preen gland, she says FREQUENT bathing should help a lot. He gets misted or showered pretty much every day at this point.

The air sack sounds generally from some previous infection or problem, and should resolve eventually, and blood work showed no indication of infection currently. Yellow feathers also can be due to infection, or things like that which change his body temperature while they're growing.

Otherwise, he's a pretty healthy guy. Now we wait for the next appointment to check thyroid levels and take it from there.

Oh, he weighed in at 401 grams, well within average for him. She was comfortable with that. Didn't feel over or under weight at the exam. Now I have something to compare with as we go forward.
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Yep, that vet sounds like a keeper!

I reckon at this point the important thing is getting that thyroid test out of the way. I don't know too much about thyroid treatment with birds, so I think I'll get into some research.

Awesome pic of you two!

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