
  1. sundae

    Mate for quaker parrot

    Hi! It's my first quaker, so I just want to be sure. I got a male quaker (3 yo) some time ago and we're well bonded now. He is a rescue who sat in a cage alone for 2 years straight in his breeders house. He doesn't even consider other bird species and doesn't want have anything to do with...
  2. jcharbula


    Hello everyone! I'm so glad I found this forum. I have one timneh Grey his name is Smokey. I have had him since he was a baby and he is now almost 5 years old! Wow I can't believe it's been that long already. He is my baby and we love each other very much. I'm looking to learn all I can about my...
  3. H

    DNA sexing wrong?

    My 4 month old Pineapple GCC has been acting strange lately. She grabs my finger with her beak and puts either one or both of her feet on it, and fluffs up a bit and wags her tail. Does this mean she is trying to mate with me? The breeder DNA sex'd her female, but I'm not convinced she isnt a...
  4. T

    Baby-Making Considerations for Oblivious Owner

    Hi guys! I'm in need of some help. I've had my female 14 y/o Congo for 13 years, but I think she could be happier if she were not in an indoor cage and got more attention (I live in a coop so she lives with my parents). Someone coming over to do house repairs saw her and said he has been...
  5. B

    conure hit puberty and now aggressive year roun

    PLEASE, CAN ANYBODY HELP! I am having a real problem with my 5 year old Nanday conure Beaubeau. About a year ago he suddenly became very attached to my Jack Russell Terrier, Sassy. At the same time, he started attacking my other dog, and since she passed away in June he has been attacking my...
  6. W

    Please help me

    hi everyone, I would really, really appreciate some advice as I have no idea what else I can do to resolve my problem. (please bear with me as the names of my birds might confuse you with their sex). -First I bought Mr White (blue fischer :whiteblue: who is a MALE) and Mr. Blonde...
  7. O

    Senegal as a companion for Meyer's?

    Hi everyone! I have a Meyer's parrot, a female who is 4 years old. She has recently started to behave as if she wants to mate with me: she makes little noises, stands with her back towards me and lifts up her behind a little. It has first happened about a moth ago, exactly at the same time as...
  8. S

    Kakariki's Gf died and now he's screaming for a mate..

    TLDR: Male kak's girlfriend died. He cries for a mate. I can't bring one because history'd repeat, but his heart is breaking,and so is mine. What should I do? This will be a strong rant. First of all someone up there decided to take my pretty girl away,who loved the boy more than I could ever...
  9. Boyd75

    To mate, or not to mate?

    My Quaker, Roman, Is coming into sexual maturity I suppose. He's Humping huts and hands. Im curious about getting him a mate. He's very tame, to me lol He'll nip other people and laugh. My questions. . Would adding a mate to the equation jeopardize his relationship with me, introduce...
  10. veimar

    I'm not sure what to do...

    I just want to hear about female lovebird owners. How do you keep your bird happy without a mate? I have an adorable and affectionate rare color lovie, and as she is maturing (she is around 10-12 mo old) I noticed she is getting more and more frustrated. One of my budgies was trying to mate with...
  11. R

    Should I get a 2nd Kakariki??

    I have a male kakariki. He's over a year old. He had a rough summer cause he was sick and stuff and ever since then he's just not the same. He's had some various issues but my vet has found that nothing is ever detrimental. He's had anemia and a bad molt that he had pain and stuff but he's just...
  12. P

    my male and female Eclectus fight

    Hi, I have a male and a female Eclectus. They are maybe 15-20 years old. I did not have them when they were younger. They have been leaving in the same room but different cages for more than 10 years. Every time I let them together, they fight with each other. So I have to separate them. The...