A introduction


New member
Feb 24, 2018
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I have a budgie, he loves playing with bells and watching me on the computer while i'm drawing. Always making sure to stop in for cuddles every couple seconds he is adorable. His name is tinker.
Hi, i should have done this before but i must have forgotten.
So i have a budgie who i have named Gears but his name has become more
"Tink" short for "Tinkering" I don't know i just found it cute he likes discovering things. He is young the pet store said around 8-9 weeks old and he is adjusting good to his new home.

I on the other hand have had a interest in birds for a long time
it started with parrots, and then went to crows and other little birds
now i have a bird :04: well, we know where my interests lead me don't we?
Anyways i'm very happy with birds i always enjoyed there company even when they didn't live in my home with me.

Given i have Aspergers sometimes things are hard for me and birds
help me in a strange way, they just seem to understand in a way i feel is unique. I think there amazing creatures not much more to say about me
i do like other things but a lot of my topics are uninteresting to most.
Welcome! Totally agree about a bird’s ability to understand your needs!
Totally disagree with your likes and wants being uninteresting to most!
Welcome! Aren’t birds the best? I can’t live without mine :)

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Welcome to you and your flock!

We'll enjoy getting to know you all...
Welcome and be welcomed.
Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story. You'll find connecting with a bird is a magical experience!!

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