Acrylic Macaw Carrier


New member
Jun 25, 2011
Colorado Springs, CO
B&G, Senegal
Hi guys, has anyone ever seen or used this product:
Bird carriers | Bird Carrier | Pet Bird Carrier | Bird Supplies

I am wanting a clear carrier thinking it may reduce stress for our vet visits. This one is pretty big and the company will do custom work for ~$100 more. But I don't know anything about them, was hoping someone has used/seen this product. One side opens and that is how to get the birds in and out. I am thinking of asking if them have both sides open, so one side to put them in and one side to take them out. With the long tail feathers I would think it would be much easier this way.


I have one that i use for my cockatoo and amazon both love it and will jump into it faster than a normal carrier
I wish we had carriers like that here in the UK !! I would defo buy one if they sold them here :)
I use to have one for my cockatiel. The problem I ran into was when it was sunny out and I was driving with the air conditioner my bird began to distress because the inside of the carrier heated up so quickly. I had to pull over and dump bottled water over my cockatiel because the carrier overheated. Even though I took precautions for this not to happen. For the rest of the ride I left the door open position to a vent. I sold the acrylic carrier after that.

If you take the precautions of the propensity of the carrier to overheat I think they are a good way to transport birds. However for nervous ones it can be quite scary for them. I will use a traditional carrier for my RFM baby.

I have a clear carrier and I will say the only issue is when the birds are in the sunshine they get really hot. Take some kind of a cover to block out the sunshine.
Hmm, I was thinking of buying one. My Nanday loves to ride in the car and she loves to be able to look around. I never heard before of the overheating issue, but that's a concern.

My Blue Crown was always afraid of trucks and other things she could see and was best off in a conventional small cat carrier, I think.

Not sure on the Amazon yet. He wasn't really afraid of the car when I brought him home I think so much as wondering, who is this person, and why does she have me? On the way to the vet he was having fun, but the Nanday was there, too, in a different carrier though.
I moved from a dog carrier that was quite "enclosed" to a steel carrier that is much more "airy" and less closed off.

My birds seem to be much LESS stressed with the dog carrier which is more enclosed. I believe that since they have such good eye sight, its stressful if they are in a car and they can see EVERYTHING. They do have 270 degrees of vision if I remember correctly. My two caiques used to play in the dog crate, but are much more cautious while in the wired cage. If I put a blanket over most of the new cage, though, they start playing again.

Along with more stress (in my opinion), lack of air ventilation, and the chances of the birds over heating in it, I think you would be better not investing in it. Plus, the price is a tad high.
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Thanks everyone for the input. I think I will continue looking for something. I don't want to make him even more stressed or too hot.

This posts made me think of a joke I received by email... It was a picture of a public toilet with one-way glass - you could see out, but no-one could see in... To the person in the toilet, it just looked like there was no privacy at all...

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