aggresive cockatiel


New member
Nov 17, 2012
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Fond du Lac, WI
Sammy, 8 year-old cockatiel.
Cricket, 1 year-old parakeet.
My cockatiel loves paper and whenever i take it away he gets really aggresive! anyone know why?
If someone took away your favorite thing, wouldn't you be upset, too? ;)

Is there anything else he loves, toy wise that you could try redirecting his attention to?
Why don't you just let him have the paper? It doesn't hurt anything for him to chew up some paper. Just keep the important paper away from him so he wouldn't go after them. If he's going after important papers, just tell him no, take it away and shake the paper a bit, he will back off. Otherwise, use something to distract him while your trying to remove the paper.
The problem is that i think he eats it so i don't let him have it.
he might get sick.

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