all safe?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
so I just want to make 100% sure this is all safe before I make Lincoln's chop. I never really work with flowers/herbs and it's hard finding a good list to go off of.
Everything with a V is what I have and intend to put in. Toppers are put on upon serving though and I'm not sure if I should put the milk thistle under toppers or just mix it into the main batch.

[v] Squash
[v] brocolli
[v] dandelion greens
[ ] red bell pepper
[ ] orange bell pepper
[v] green bell pepper
[v] habenaro peppers
[v] chille pepper
[v] Red Lentils
[v] Green lentils
[v] green beans
[v] yam

[v] sage
[v] thyme
[v] oregano
[ ] rosemary
[v] cayenne pepper
[v] Ceylon cinnamon

[v] oats
[v] chia
[v] flax
[v] pumpkin seeds

herbs and flowers and stuff:
[v] Milk thistle
[v] bee pollen
[v] rose hips
[v] hibiscus
[ ] chickweed
[v] parsley
[ ] bottlebrush
[ ] tulips
[ ] honeysuckle
[v] mint
[v] lemongrass
[v] lime leaves

I also want to ask about the rosehips/hibiscus. I couldn't find them fresh but I found them in a tea form. it's just them but is it safe to use in a tea form?

Glad you decided not go with tulips - not good food.
(Yes, we did eat those bulbs during WWII, but people were starving to death and there were a lot less pesticides etc in those days)

Some rosehips are very hairy (around the seeds inside) not toxic but can be very irritating (that is why lots of people flame them first - an open flame burns off the tiny hairs).
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removed tulips from the list. Anything unchecked in the last section I couldnt find at all this time around.
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Everything looks great. Tulips are a hard NO. Anything from a bulb is pretty much off limits.

Chickweed can be a main ingredient green. Safe! You can get this out of your yard in the spring and fall, so long as your yard is untreated.

Honeysuckle is good - Parker rejected this though. But it’s high sugar so moderation please!

Bottlebrush is safe. People often use it as foraging branch in the cage if you’re lucky enough to live in a warmer climate where it will grow.
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Does the tea stuff sound okay? I know teas are usually a no because of caffeine but box says "naturally caffeine free" and stuff so ? I don't drink tea so all of this is such new ground to me xD
Yes, herbal tea should be ok. It’s the regular teas (black, green, oolong, earl grey, etc) made from tea leaves that are going to have caffeine in it.
Everything looks good to me minus the tulips, which you already removed...

***As for the "tea", that isn't really "tea", lol...There's no actual "tea" in that, it's simply dried leaves from the two herbs that you brew, that's why it's "naturally caffeine free"...Most "herbal" teas aren't actually "tea" at all, unless they have some actual tea-leaves added in to the dried herbs. So any herbal-tea that contains no actual "tea" leaves is fine, because it's simply dried leaves from different herbs that you're brewing/drinking.

Just stay away from anything in the Marigold family, they're all pretty toxic.
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Food has been made and is so far a hit. Apollo might have even eaten some (hard to tell if he ate it or just walked through it and dragged it around...)
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yes I have a food processor and a mother to help me out xD
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Apollo was indeed eating the chop! Walked in on him eating more of it. This is the first time I've gotten him to eat something that wasn't the mix he was weaned onto.

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