Amos the Senegal.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Northwest USA.
:yellow2:I wanted to ask other owners of Senegals what there thoughts were on training a bird to do tricks. I think I have the trust down with Amos, and I watched a video of a trainer showing off his Senegal playing dead, lying on his back and all sorts of things. The only problem with Amos is that he spent a year in the pet store, and I am deworming him in Febuary, but I want him to start doing something to keep him occupied and to keep our bond strong. But spending the year in a cage makes him just happy as can be to hang out on top of his cage or play pen. He now knows how to fly to my laundry basket and hang out there and I get worried when he is on the carpet and he looks to me to save him from the carpet and the new puppy that usually isn't allowed in his room, by a door, but they have met. It went well and I think the dog has no inclination to hurt Amos but I am keeping them seperated when I am not there to observe.

Back to my point though, what should I start out with to train Amos to do some tricks and eventually lie on his back. I read that Senegals sometimes like to lie on their backs and I want to see him do it sometime. I am also getting him so more stands and toys in Febuary, and he knows the Cheerios I give him are a reward. I know popcorn is better but the grocery stores here don't sell unsalted, unbuttered microwavable popcorn and cooking popcorn is beyond me.

Any suggestions, as I want to spend more time with him doing something that would challenge him.


I have a rescue senegal, but he already was laying on his back and things like that. I have never tried to train him so, I guess I am no help. Why are you deworming him? Has he been tested and proven to have worms? Good luck with your training!!!!:green1:
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Becuase antoinette discovered by the vet that every year he should be dewormed so I am taking him to the vet just to make sure he doesn't have them and to take medicine if he does. The place where he is from the birds seemed unhappy and Amos just seemed like he wanted to leave the most so we picked him.
Please go back and read through that whole deworming thread. There will be more answers to this tomorrow.
More than likely he is just fine.
I agree with you on the de worming thing Riley's mom. Antionette lives in South Africa and the vets may treat any de worming issues there differently. As far as training goes it is pretty easy to do. Just have to have the right treat to make them want to do what you are showing them. For Rosie it is a bit of swiss cheese. Keep up the good work with Amos.
well i can't see why not with tricks, but keep the sessions short?? if i repeat the things i want nut to do, like turn on the spot/ step up/ step down, to many times i get a nip (hardly any pressure) her way of saying i am bored?? lol or the iggy from her and she will refuse treat for a little bit, she is treated each time she does what i asked

so far she will happily fly from one end of the room onto my shoulder when called, instead of flying on top of the door frame or my head (though if she is upset/annoyed for some reason, she's back onto door frame, oh an near her bed time!)we still have probs gettin her to step off my partner (her fav perch) but she will step down for him now onto her cage or table, but his got to lower his shoulders for her to step off, funny to watch but not doin his back any good:eek:

also nut will lay on her back in my palms for a short time, but if i put her onto a surface on her back, she does not like it, she'll flip onto her feet an fly off, perch an fluff up in annoyance :62:

on the whole for a rather aggressive little nut bird, she is now hardly biting, just warning nips or beak around fingers to let us know, its not what she wants to do, i think though no expert, and although she really isn't into doin tricks, the short training sessions have calmed her an she is more trusting of us, she is still feather chewing/plucking, :(
but not as intensely from when we 1st got her, so fingers cross she is coming to a stop on that!

if amos and the puppy get on, i would keep supervising there time together, an as you teach the puppy to lay down, sit roll over etc treat puppy and if amos is on your shoulder watching, he will catch on what you want him to do even faster, i'd bet!
i am still caught out at how intelligant nut is, an with that intelliagance how sneaky she can be as well :)

i am not to bothered with getting her to do tricks, as she is flighted i wanted to make sure she understands the come on, (means fly to me) incase she ever got out! step up and step down, she seems to do when she is in the mood lol

p.s. i thought dairy was bad for parrots?? or is it just specific products??:confused:

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