Behavior question...


Mar 31, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Gcc- Conlan... Sun Conure- Mouse...Jenday- Kellan... RLA- Happy...B&G Macaw- Rhage
My GCC is confusing me. If I leave the room he screams and calls out until I either come back or a length of time passes and he realizes I'm not there. Yet in the same note when I'm in the room he watches me and still tries to bite and show aggression. He's just now letting me, every so often, run my finger over his beak and lightly run his head just above the nose, through the bars. Now if I stick my hands in the cage it's instant bite. And most of the time he will still try to bite me through the bars.

I've had him a little over a week and he's about 5 months old. On one hand he seems to love the head rub and he even relaxes and closes his eyes a bit. I'm just confused as to way he tried to call me but then gets upset when I'm close. Any ideas?
Sounds like he just hasn't had basic step up training... sometimes they don't train them at all. Just put them in a cage on display.

The calling your describing sounds like flock calling to me...

Try basic step up and touch training.
My 8 yr old DYHA is doing the same thing. I have had him just one week but he has been handled by his previous owner for years.

With an 8 yo bird, especially an amazon, go back to square one.

By now, that bird is probably cage bound and territorial, so it may be necessary to stick train until he is safely in another room away from the cage so that you can work with him.
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He definitely wasn't handled much. He bitten me a few times. I'm working on clicker training. We're still on the 'hear the click, get the treat' learning stage.
He definitely wasn't handled much. He bitten me a few times. I'm working on clicker training. We're still on the 'hear the click, get the treat' learning stage.

That's a huge problem with amazons. People usually don't handle them enough. And they often end up cage bound. Once that happens, you're starting over from square one, and you usually have territorial aggression to deal with as an added plus...

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