Big Scare


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
While my Mom was at the gym, my dad and I were siting on the couch watching a movie. My dad kept asking what that smell was and I had no clue. I thought maybe it was moms cooking :18: but then the smell got stronger and smelled of cabage :confused:
My mom was gone for two hours (maybe more) and during that time we mostly relaxed watching the bird and listen to all her whistles (including one that sounds like a fire alarm siren) all while watching the movie and still trying to figure out what the smell was. At a couple points my dad got up and walked around the house trying to find this cabage like smell. At first he blamed it on me :p Then of course he blamed poor Cricket (mom gave her wasabi peas, which she liked)... hmmmm can birds get gasy??? Anyways to make a long story short Dad didn't find the source of the smell.
Ok, Mom comes home walks in the door takes a whiff and automaticly say "Oh my God who left the stove on"..... some one must of hit or nudged the stove top dial (which is waist level) The thing is that "cabage" smell was the gas coming out of the stove.... I didn't hit me at first and then like a bat to the face I though Oh, no, the bird.... I was running around trying to figure out what to do. It was almost the tempture of freezing out side. I had no clue what to do. I ended up closing off the kitchen, then turning on the fans and opening up all the windows in the other rooms. She seemed fine last night and was whistling away at me this morning....
*sigh* what luck I am having
OMG that is scary! It's a good thing that Cricket is doing okay. I am sure if it would've had any harmful effects on her they would've been immediate, so you got lucky there.

And don't worry, bad luck is usually followed by good luck, so I'm sure you have a lot coming your way ;)
Ahhh thats scary!!! You have had some bad luck but like Nicole said it will be followed by good luck!!! :D

Do keep us posted when you can on how Cricket is doing!!!
:eek: :eek: OMG, what a time you've been having. We have that saying over here too. Bad luck is ALWAYS followed by good luck. This may be the time to start doing the Lottery. :D

PS when your very rich don't forget us your buddies. :D
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Thats funny that you all say that because before I posted I said to my self that I should have some good luck soon, bought a lotto ticket and... then... well I lost :(
I will have to try again

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