Bird insurance?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2022
Hello, šŸ‘‹ I wanted to know if anyone knows the possibility of insurance for birds? I have a male cockatiel named Kiko and I live in Ontario, Canada. Vet visits can be super expensive at times, especially if your bird requires testing/medicine. I have contacted some different clinics and it costs over $200 to just look at them, and it costs almost $400 per x-rays. Kiko goes to the vet for annual check-ups, which costs around $100 and he has gone once when he wasnā€™t feeling too well and we also had to purchase medicine for him from the clinic like a year ago. We donā€™t have a problem with paying for it because we obviously canā€™t let his health get worse, however, we are considering pet insurance. Unfortunately, I cannot find any info on this on the internet because pretty much all insurances cover for only dogs and cats.

Thanks to anyone who responds šŸ¦¢ šŸ’•
My experience while researching has been that pet insurance for exotics is expensive and extremely limited in what it actually covers. It might look great at first glance but if you add up the monthly costs + the copays you have to pay anyway + take into consideration the various conditions that aren't even covered at all, what you end up with is a sour deal.

Mind you, it's been a few years so there may be more choices than there once were which may have improved the actual quality of the options as well, BUT I wouldn't count on it. Maybe someone who actually went through with the purchase of pet insurance will chime in and debunk my experience.

The classic advice I've seen repeated and which was given to me was: whatever you're considering paying monthly for pet insurance, put it in a savings account that you won't touch except for vet care.
Yeah I really don't think there is, I don't live in Canada, but I'm pretty sure very few, if any, companies would underwrite a bird. It's a loosing proposition for them so they wouldn't offer it. Furthermore they would have to an entire department just for birds filled with AVNs and statistcians and such to evaluate the claims.

It's just to costly to the companies in overhead, ....even if they never even had to pay out.

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