Birdie Coffee Table!!!


New member
Sep 30, 2013
But it's how I feel. It's comparative deprivation, not absolute deprivation :D (I bought my galah a new stand yesterday, but it's just ordinary. It doesn't have trees and STUFF. :()


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
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  • #42
Even more awsum! I love the technique used to build the net! No bulky knots, not too hard to copy!

Can't take credit for the cargo net. I got that from Pacific Fiber and Rope Co. many years ago, when I used to make playstands for people. It was "leftover material" in a box in the garage, just going to waste. Frankly, I forgot I had it. I'm glad I finally have a chance to put it to good use...

Cargo nets are wonderful things. My birds get very, very active on them. It gives them a tremendous amount of perch space in a relatively small area, and they can run around vertically as well as horizonally, hang from it, etc...

I can't say enough good things about introducing a cargo net to the mix...

I don't have a single playstand that doesn't have at least one.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
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  • #43
But it's how I feel. It's comparative deprivation, not absolute deprivation :D (I bought my galah a new stand yesterday, but it's just ordinary. It doesn't have trees and STUFF. :()

My main stand is "just" PVC with a couple of cargo nets. (I've done a tutorial on that one as well.)

These things are pretty easy to make.

And if your fid is happy, then it works. So, don't feel bad.

And BTW only two of mine want anything what so ever to do with the grapewood thus far. They seem to prefer the PVC, and cargo nets, I think because it's taller, and it's what they are used to...
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
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  • #44
Amazing stand, Mark! I didn't truly realize how big it was until I saw all of your birds on it! I'm sure you'd make quite the haul selling those!

The top is two foot wide, by four foot long. It's six feet tall at the top of the PVC perch. The PVC perch is four feet off the table. Each one of those grapevine perches is two feet tall. And the upper level perches with the cargo net just pop out... so if I decide to change it around, and use just the wood perches, I can do that.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
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  • #45
We have had one territorial issue already. I build this thing for Lila and Tusk, since Tusk has taken an increasing interest in Sally's table... and there have been one or two arguments...

Well, now Sally is trying to claim and defend both stands... She spent all afternoon on it, and has claimed the T perch in the window, and the food bowl that goes with it...

We worked out our territorial issues already. Now we have established spots on the new playstand...

The birds themselves work it out, all I have to do is be a hockey referee...
Two minute minor penalty for roughing...
Five for fighting...
Thus far we've only had a roughing call. (That was on Sally.)

Now she's back on her own play tree...
But she has a spot on a lower perch in the window on the new playstand. Tusk and Lila have laid claim to the upper part in the window.

Boundary setting. They do it with each other... and they seem to respect each other's boundaries.


New member
Feb 11, 2015
-Female Sun Conure
-White Bellied Caique
-Female Blue Crowned Pinous
Wow, just wow. So awesome! I'd love to build something like this someday ^^


New member
Dec 4, 2016
Alexandrine (Bella) RB2 (Unammed)
Pics not showing anymore ;(
Any chance that someone has saved pics of the finished table stand and could post it?

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