Blow drying Ekkies


Oct 8, 2006
South Africa
Dory - Cockatiel
First you get a ekkie soaked, showers work best...

Then, after a shower, you introduce him to a blow dryer...starting from the back first...

Let him lay low a bit...

Start slow on the wing..

a bit more...

And a bit more...

Then finally the head, who said you cant scratch an ekkies head:D

And Ta-Da, clean, shiny and ready to just laze around:D

No more trouble cleaning a ekkie!!!
Excellent pics Wilma!Kodie is such a nice and well behaved birdy!

Bravo to you on that!

p.s. Did you manage to smuggle my ekkies?:eek:
When is the package with my ekkies arriving? :confused:

:D :D :D :D :D
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Thanks, most of the time his good. And i tried 'the grab and stick in a bag' trick, but couldnt get it over myself to stick them in there!:eek: We do ship if you really want one:p, or you could just get one there, hm, less trouble!:D:D
As soon as I will move to my one place I will be getting one for sure!:)

Here we don't have breeders of any kind of larger parrots at all!:( They all come from other E.U countries... How much does an ekkie cost?Almost the same with a grey or an amazon?

i tried 'the grab and stick in a bag' trick, but couldnt get it over myself to stick them in there

Anyway thanks for trying ...... :18::18:you are a good friend....:D
Wow, thats amazing, Bucc & Kito would have my arm off if I even pointed one at them.

What a good boy Kodie is, such a polite little soul. :D
Kodie looks like he's enjoying himself!!! Pepsi loves the blow dryer after a nice shower. She will get upset if she don't get it. Popsicle had a panic attack when I so much as picked up the hair dryer. I got two completly different birds.
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Pikkie and the tiels tolerate the blow dryer, where Squeaky just freaks out totally!:eek: Kodie loves it, but he usually gets blown if its windy or no sun. He's a good boy though, tolerates alot his mommy wants him to do.:D
Wilma, WOW those are excellent pics! I don't know if my guys would tolerate a blow dryer or not ... think I'll leave that up to the expert (you! LOL). :D
Jemma had her hair dryer out yesterday evening, and you could see what Bucc was thinking, head feathers came up, and then the face feathers, he just stood glaring at her all the time she was using it. He was one end of the room and Jemma was the other. :D
Lol, my birds go insane when they see hairdryers. The umbrella I used to have loved it.. was so funny when I did her 'hair' it would stick up so high from the dryer..
Really great pictures, that Kodie sure is a ham!
Eh.. Blow drying a Madison must be a little different than blow drying an Ekkie..
I'm not sure, but I don't think she likes the hair dryer.


A face only a mother could love.. :03:
Sarah, didja have all ten fingers after that picture was taken, because if you say "no" I wouldn't be at all surprised!
Yes, I still have all nine fingers still.. hey wait. I'm supposed to have ten??? Hah She was threatening the hair dryer, not me so no worries. She's usually pretty good about that...she knows not to bite me hard because.. I bite back! :propeller

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