Kiwi says thanks!


New member
Jun 11, 2007
South Carolina
one Male red-sided Eclectus
four parakeets
seven cockatiels
two cats
two chinchillas maybe it sounds more like **squawk**! I just thought Kiwi and I should say thanks to all of you for your help. He is such a good little boy now and very happy.


Thanks again! :35::35:
Wow great pictures!:)

I love ekies!Wilma knows that, I almost got her go smuggle for me!:D

Kiwi is totally adorable!
He is beautiful and very welcome. We only offered suggestions you and Kiwi did the hard work. But I'm so glad it paid off.

Oh yes, you've gotta watch Kiwi, pheobus will be over there trying to smuggle him out.
Sorry Phoeb, didn't mean to blow your cover. :03: :D
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Thanks you guys! We have this great bird shop in town and the shirt came from's really an advertisement for the shop..on the back it says "get stuff."
I should try and get a pic of Kiwi letting me hold him on his back. Occasionally he'll try to nip at my hand but I just say 'no' and he instantly stops. They're so smart!!

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