Bucc and Gwen


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
I was looking through the posts here when I came across Gwens Picture, Bucc was sitting with me, talking away about all the pics he was seeing, Saying "who's dat, whatch doin" Then it was Gwen's Picture "Oh he's a good boy, Bucc likes, Hellooooooo Birdie, Hellooooooooooo" lol, it was hilarious. Don't think he could understand why Gwen wouldn't speak to him. :04: I'm now gonna look round for all the other pics and see what he makes of them.
Oh that's funny! :D When Gwen see's other birds pictures, he doesn't really respond much, just kinda gives them the evil stare. I think he actually gets a bit jealous that I'm looking at birds other than him. ;)
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Bucc just can't seem to stop talking to all the pics, but gets really miffed when they don't talk back to him. lol

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