Canary Winged Parakeet


New member
Nov 1, 2017
I just got my first bird baby yesterday and I need a little advice if that’s ok!! She is a 3 month old Canary Winged Parakeet that was not hand raised so I’m wondering how I can approach her in the best manner to get her to trust me enough to let me touch her and such!! I’ve done a lot of research online but I’m wondering if real bird people will have some tricks??


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OF COURSE IT'S OK!!!!! That's why we are here!

First talk to her, talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. Also Treat, treat, treat, treat, treat, treat, treat.

With a change of location and new home it's ok to give out treats like it's christmas, or say halloween.

In about 2 minutes someone is going to post the how to bond with your bird tread and the how to train those then post back.
Also that is one pretty bird! And note; that huge roll of duct tape in the bottom left corner....keep that Next thing you know she has a boyfriend and
I had one for 6 years. These little guys LOVE people, just give him time.
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Thank you so much I’m so excited!!! Anyone have any good ideas on a name? I’m drawing a blank so far

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well this little goober here was raised by his parents so it's well within the realm of possibility to have them love you


It's far easier than some people would lead you to believe. You need 3 tools at your disposal. Talking, Treats, Patience. for me when I was practicing taming down I literally replaced the food bowl with my hand, putting his food on my palm and just sat reading a book (if you have a cage with a feeder door it makes life so much easier) It took me roughly a week to tame him down which surprised me just doing that for about an hour each day. I also got him used to taking treats through the bars and stepping up onto a perch in the cage. I let him out a couple times that week and just let him do his own thing without really paying him any attention which helped him know I wasn't after him. When it was time to go back in I just used one of the perches in the cage for him to step up and slowly took him back to the cage, he would fly off multiple times at first but in the end got good at it. Day 7 he was sat on his cage and just fluttered over and that was it for taming. I was chosen and he wanted nothing more than to be with me after that
Ours was named Max. He was fiesty, fearless and fun. Stubborn but loved to get his head scratched. At one point in US. History, they were the most imported parrot, and were called pocket parrots. Not great talkers, but they learn tricks easily. Brotogeris is is one of the few parrot species that actually seeks out human company in the wild.
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That’s all so good to know!! Now my only other question is good treat choice? I’ve tried some dried fruits so far and she hasn’t seemed interested but maybe that’s just because she doesn’t trust me yet

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Hi, I have two 4 yo white winged parakeets, very similar to canary wing. Actually my two were identified as canary wing but are white wings. If your bird has any white under wing, it may be a white wing. Great birds, very curious and sweet. Mine are a bit shy and bonded to each other but want to be with me when ever out of the cage. I do let them fly in the house, but I started in a very small room until they learned about walls. Then put tape on windows and mirrors until they learned to avoid them. Now they have full range of house when not caged. One bosses the other a bit, so the less bossy one is sometimes nervous and nippy. He has gone from biting me when nervous the first year to just bumping me with his beak instead of biting.

My best advice, go slow, and like others said, talk and treats. Sunflower seeds work very well as well as small pieces of apple or grapes. Let the bird come to you, remember you have 20 years to create your relationship. If your bird doesn't want to come to you, don't try to handle right away, lay your hand near the bird as you talk but no further than the bird is comfortable with. Play with paper quietly near by, a lot of birds find it irresistible and will come to investigate. I found that when I offer my back of hand pinky side first, my guys step up better than a finger. Also, my guys seem to like, if have to hold them, that I reach for and cup them with both hands rather than one, not sure why but birds have their own ideas.

My guys also say a few words, make some special sounds, and do all kinds of tricks and games. They get so happy when I say it is time for School! They love me to hand them small toys and they throw them back to me. One holds a bottle cap and begs for treats to be placed into cap. The other goes up and down a ladder on command. That took me about 10 minutes to teach. They learn very fast and love the attention. They like to hold small wooden blocks and nuts to chew.

I have read that a full pellet diet is not good for the brotogeris, mine won't eat them anyway. However I make a very fine vegetable, fruit, pellet, seed, and nut chop that I freeze and they love it. Of course I feed it before seeds or nuts and fruit. Some love pieces of veggies and fruit. Mine are picky, veggies hidden in chop or bird bread, apples and grapes only.

There is a yahoo group for Brotogeris (species for canary winged and others) that can offer a lot of species specific info. You can PM me if you want more info. good luck!

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Mine has yellow under and on the bottom edge of her wing!! I have one food dish with fresh veggies and one with pellets as well as another with some grit and seed mixed!! She loves to hang upside down from the top of her cage and she makes the cutest noises!!! I just love her to death already so hopefully with time, space, treats and patience she’ll learn to love me too lol

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Try small slices of pine nuts as your training treat. It should ony be used when training and teaching. My Max used to love being covered by my hand and would snuggle his way under it . Loved water too, spray or sink or shower, didnt matter. Dont let their small size fool you - they are all parrot. Oh, and Max had a TEMPER ! If he didt get his way, he would run back and forth in his cage, making a high pitched ReeeReeeReee sound. Like a few minutes worth. More pics!
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Awww what a cutie!!! I will get some pine nuts and see how it goes!! Thank you all soooo much I’ve learned much more from you all then from the internet!!!

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1. Is this a good size cage for her and if so is there like a rule to how many toys I should have? I went a little nuts because I read how active they are and how much they like to play but I also want to make sure I didn’t put too much in there too!!

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No such thing as a too large cage, you get the largest oe you can afford and fit. Just be careful of the bar spacing, for a small bird like the Brotogeris' , no more then 1/2" between bars. With toys, you'll experiment with different types - some all wood, some with plastic bits, some with paper, and you will look to see which ones she plays with. I would try cockateil size toys, too big and she'll ignore them.
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Should I be trying to take her out of her cage against her will or just wait a while? I’ve been reading around and I’ve heard about birds becoming cage bound or not wanting to leave their cage which I don’t want at all!!! I’m at a tough part of the relationship I guess because I don’t want to push her too hard but yet I want her to get to know me better!! I’ve been taking to her a lot and trying to give her treats but she won’t take them from me yet!! I’ve just been holding them out to her for a while then placing them in her dish when she won’t take them hoping she will see that they are coming from me. The woman that sold her to me told me that I should just grab her out of the cage and start petting her and holding her for a few minutes at a time until she gets used to me but I’m worried that will make her hate me!!! Everyone says patience but should I still be taking her out of her cage?

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Yeah, no grabbing or toweling to get her out. Parrots are all about trust. So you want to sit next to the cage and read aloud to her, doesn;t matter what, in a nice soft voice. And you want to put your hand just inside the cage, with her favorite treat in your palm. Patience and then some more .
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Ok I’m glad to know that I should not force her out thank you!! I just want to make sure I’m doing everything in my power to help our relationship grow!! At least she isn’t freaking out every time I come near her anymore and she is actually talking and making noises now and she was totally silent before!!

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She came out on her own for the first time today!!

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