Cannot talk about it yet, but I need to, soon.

Oh I am so sorry this happened! :( But please don't beat yourself up! You didn't know. He is not suffering now and its going to be ok. :) Lesson learned.
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Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. As "bird people", most of whom are way more experienced than I am in the world of aviculture, your opinions, and sentiments are very positive for me.......I really appreciate all of your encouragement.
I am not able to forgive myself for the carelessness that caused the death of my sweet baby bird. A beautiful innocent animal lost his life as a result of my (well meaning) negligence) As soon as I am able, I think I would like to tell the story of the terrible mistake I made.
But until I can, I wanted to thank you all, because you know what it means to have your heart captured by one of these amazing creatures.
I am so sorry for your loss, I will be thinking of you and I know it's hard.

When I was little I saw that my guinea pigs were grazing in the sun, so I moved their cage next to the house in the shade. We then went house shopping and it was over 100 that day and well, since I was about 5 years old, I didn't know that the sun would move to where they were in the shade in the morning and I killed my precious little piggies. I am now 27 and I still am mad at myself thinking that I did the right thing and wow....I messed up bad.

I understand and I know it hurts, many hugs to you.

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your baby! I was careless as well when Cracker escaped his cage and I should of restrained the dogs before going towards his cage and he jumped towards me and the dog we just rescued at that time took off and got ahold of him before I could and he died in my arms. I blamed myself for a very very long time and I cried out my eyes out. Things like that happen so quick you could hardly do anything to prevent it. Don't be too hard on yourself!!!
I am so sorry for your lost. Please, do not beat yourself up over it. It is fine to know and determine what to do so it will never happen again. I believe many of us on the forum desire for people to be successful with their bird (because of our love for birds). A lot of us know what it is like to lose a fid. :(
I completely agree with Abigail.
My daughter had a budgie, blueberry. We kept him flighted. One day while we were gone shopping he got out through a bathroom window we would crack open. The window swung out from the bottom, and we didn't know it wasn't latched, it looked closed from below, where we were. When we got home he wasn't there, and it was the only thing we could think of. It was terrible.
A couple months later I got a new bird, a cockatiel we name peetree.
I had him 6 years.
One day I put him out on the grass in his cage. I didn't realize my 2 year old went to give him a cracker. Instead of putting it through the bars she opened the door.
He flew away.
I will never have another flighted bird.
No one could ever change my mind, because I never want to ever go running after my bird, hearing it scream in fear, as it flies farther away. Never to be found again.
It still utterly breaks my heart and I can't forgive myself for not trying harder to find him.
My life has never been the same without him.
But now I know. Flighted may have good things, but the one bad thing that can happen.... Nothing can change it when it does.
You'd think I would have learned with my first bird.
But I thought it was cruel to have a bird and to cut its flight feathers.
So I kept peetree on. And for 6 years everything was fine.
Until that day. When a 2 year old made a simple mistake out of kindness.
So... You may feel guilty, but at least your not dumb like I was. You were innocent, and it seems you learned.... Quicker then I did.
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I feel very bad for you. I am sorry to hear about his death. Since you loved him so much, it will take a very long time of grieving I'm sure. Hopefully in a few weeks, you will be able to move forward and be a loving parent to another bird. Goodness knows, there are a lot of birds that need a good home. I'm sure you will never let the same mistake occur again.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the pain is terrible. It was a tragic accident but still an accident. A lot of us live with dogs and birds and understand that you had the best intentions. Please try to forgive yourself and focus on the joy you shared with Bacci.
First, I'm sorry for your loss. But secondly, thanks for the reminder. I have two dogs and a bird and try as I may I do lower my guard from time to time. My horrible lesson came from getting wings clipped.

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