
  1. Fauna

    Bird and i keep scaring each other 😅

    Ive been doing my best to teach her the biting pressure stuffs, but its kinda going in circles cause when she seems interested in exploring my fingers i either flinch over nothin, or flinch cause of biting, which in turn scares her and makes her even more cautious. Its hard to do the shunning...
  2. SammyAndyAlex

    10 y/o Jardine's being a handful

    My oldest, Sammy (age 10, black wing jardine's parrot) is and has always been a handful. Now, I know that all parrots must be watched and that they are all very demanding. All parrots scream and are loud. All parrots bite. But he is on another level than I have ever experienced. -He is very...
  3. Squawk_SA

    My Pineapple Conure won't stop biting me when I pick him up.

    I got my Pineapple Conure back in March of 2024 and he was never an aggressive bird. In the last month or so my conure has started to develop a habit for biting hands when trying to pick him up whether its out of his cage or off of my shoulder. Any other time he doesn't bite. I received him with...
  4. S

    Rock and a hard place

    A month ago, one of my coworkers asked if I would take in her Green Cheek Conure since I was moving to dayshift and she is on nights. For the last month, I have stalked posts on here (we have managed to get him to eat SLIGHTLY better-- she had him eating a Walmart seed mix for cockatiels, we...
  5. A

    Flying and attacking

    I have a conure, he is very young, I’ve had him less than a year. I know conures are bitey and nibbly by nature, and his normal bites are pretty hard, but I’m used to them and I’m okay with them. He respects me, and you could say I’m his favourite. The issue is my mom. He bites her really really...
  6. AvianAdrian

    Confusing behaviour around biting

    Hey guys! May be a long post but please read the full post before responding. So the problem: My conure, since coming home, has had problems with my roommates. It's almost always hands but he occasionally bites faces. This is a behaviour he rarely displays towards me, but I've explicitly...
  7. C

    Need help please

    Hello I’m really hoping for some advice for our newest family member who is a lovely little male galah. He is a rescue and we’ve had him for around 2 months. Our vet aged him at around 2. He was found and handed in to a fauna rescue group who let us adopt him and from the start he seemed to...
  8. H

    Is my new bird already bonded to me or does he hate me?

    We just brought home a ~14YO male Senegal from a home that wasn't spending much time with him. He seems to be settling in well so far - no plucking, he's vocalizing to us a lot, and he has willingly stepped up off of his cage a few times despite some territorial strutting. What I'm finding...
  9. A

    Change in sun conure behavior

    Our family’s sun conure is 1 year and will turn 2 years old in October 2023. He was really my dads bird. My dad took the time to train him to step up, turn around, fly over. We all fed our bird and played with him. Cuddle with our bird on our neck, give him kisses, scratch our fingers on his...
  10. S

    I dont know what to do anymore, my parrot has random moments when he is aggressive.

    Hello, Let me start by saying this, I wanted a pet, needed something to give me a bit of purpose and take care of. A few years ago I developed allergies to cats and dogs and this has really brought me down. So I decided to get a parrot, did some research, looked for what would be suitable for...
  11. psitticine

    Mood Swings

    Hi all! Questions about my Quaker's behavior as of late: Usually she is very friendly and sweet, playful, mostly chill with being touched. In the past few days she's been, well... bitchy. She wants to fly to my shoulder and hang out but not be touched. She's happy to step up to my finger most...
  12. M

    How do I stop my young conure from biting?

    Hello guys! I’m new to owning a conure, I’ve owned birds basically my whole life (cockatiels, lovebirds, budgies) so I have a little bit of understanding with these guys. I just got a 3 month old Green Cheek from a bird store about 3 days ago. He seems pretty good with hands and fingers being...
  13. D

    2 Months Old IRN Likes to Chew my Hand

    Hello all, I got myself a IRN last friday. We are together for six days know. He or she is not afraid of me or other people, the bird is very calm, relax i think. When i get home from and enter the room it looks excited, runs in cage and wants to come out. I am freely handling it and feed it...
  14. Strangebird

    Step-up fail, biting boy

    I need some advice on teaching my Alexandrine to step up. He's 4 months old and I brought him home 1 month ago, his gender is unknown (I just use he/him for him, becuse why not). He was raised by his parents so he was wild and fearful when arrived. By now, he's a lovely, active, playful...
  15. S

    New Conure bites

    Hi all, I have a Pineapple conure and I’ve been training with it for a few days. I think I’ve gone wrong somewhere with the training. It happily comes to my hand but now bites if I don’t give it a treat. How can I undo this behaviour?
  16. fury

    Jenday suddenly bites, shows aggression. How to stop this?

    I made a post here a while ago explaining that my (supposedly female, I haven't sexed her but I'm just guessing) Jenday was being aggressive towards some of my family members, and that it was likely hormonal behavior ... I thought it would end, but has almost gotten worse ... My Jenday conure...
  17. C

    Sun conure screaming/biting when playing instruments. Seeking advice

    Hey everybody! Brand new to this website. My girlfriend and I just adopted a rescue sun conure from the SPCA and we adore her. She is extremely cuddly (especially with me) and loud (to be expected from a sunny). We've had her for about 3 weeks, and one issue I have noticed with her is that she...
  18. psitticine

    Quaker biting

    Hi guys, I made a similar post before but there have been slight changes since then so I have new questions! If you commented on the original post, welcome back to the saga! My adorable Quaker, Rainy (unsexed, 7mo) started biting excessively a few weeks ago. A lot of the time she starts as soon...
  19. quackerz

    Conure overly clingy and biting issue

    Hello, I guess this thread is a follow up to my last post. My GCC is usually just nippy which doesn't scratch skin or draw blood. But recently he would be mad at me and bite my VERY hard after I leave him in the cage for even just a couple hours. This aggressiveness can last up to 3 days during...
  20. C

    Bonding and bad habits

    Hey there! I have a 2 year old cockatiel named yoshi, yoshi is a he and quite the stubborn personality. Id like a guide on how to better bond with him, he wont step up, but he will fly over onto my hand, and usually ends up on my shoulder, yoshi no matter wheter his cage or my hand or shoulder...
  21. psitticine

    Quaker Mode

    Hi everybody! This is my first post :) I have a four month old Quaker named Rainy. I think s(he) is a female. She's a crossover breed, and the breeder told me they usually end up being female. I'm in the early stages of taming/training, and have never had a quaker before. I knew she would be a...
  22. BB03

    African grey aggression when training

    Hello, I have recently adopted a 3yo African grey called George from a friend who no longer had time for him. We get along well and George will allow me to put my hand in his cage to change things and will happily let me touch his beak, feet and belly when I put my fingers through the cage and...
  23. Quetki

    how can I stop biting?

    How can I stop my Conure from biting? He gets jealous of every object I hold. I can't wipe up his poop without him come running and biting to the point of bleeding. He does the same when I hold remotes, phones, bottles, etc. I've been told so many different things. Ignore the behavior or say...
  24. S

    How to deal with sudden jealousy in Quaker Parrot?

    My partner and I have had our Quaker parrot Milo for 8 months, and he has just turned two. We decided to get a rehomed green cheek conure and bring her home to meet him. His attitude has completely changed towards me though, he has become jealous and aggressive. He doesn't seem to want to let...
  25. P

    Parrot Offering Head Seemingly for Pet Before Lunging/Biting

    Hi all, Despite what the title reads, this hasn't happened to me. Bobby, the parrot I've received two nights ago though has an extensively aggressive history of attacking people. One of the common behaviours he would do would involve lowering his head towards the bars, seemingly in the...
  26. S

    I need some advice on how to handle my male parrot’s new behavior

    I have two green cheek conures— Louie and Mango. I’m pretty sure Louie is male and Mango is female. Louie has always been a biter, drawing blood on multiple occasions, and his favorite places to bite are my lips, nose, ears, and fingers; however, he is not always like this. He enjoys cuddling...
  27. EngineerGaming

    Quaker parrot keeps biting

    I have a male Quaker parrot and his name is Scout, whenever he’s on my shoulder he always bites my ears and my neck and no it’s not him nibbling me, if he were then it wouldn’t be hurting, he full on bites me and a quaker parrots bite hurts. I saw a video that suggested I’d pinch his beak, but...
  28. B

    Taming rossela parrot again

    Hello everyone, So, in 2017 I've got a rossela parrot. He was previously taken care of by a human breeder(since he was born) so he wasnt scared of humans. He lived with me and my dad. He was a very well behaved parrot. He wouldnt bite you very often, he would always fly over to your finger...
  29. fury

    Sudden aggression/behavioral changes in Jenday conure

    Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol) I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
  30. Yeetsa

    another thread about green cheek biting

    hello, so update for you all! cypress has been doing better! marginally. progress is progress though, and I'm quite proud of him for it. unfortunately, we've run into another problem- we do our training sessions with him on top of his cage, but whenever my hand touches the top when he's not in...
  31. dancing_conure

    Cinnamon Conure doesn't want to go back into her cage!

    Hey guys :) Papaya, my cinnamon green cheek conure doesn't like going back into her cage after she is let out. I have tried so many different methods such as coaxing her onto a stick, turning off the light and shining a torch inside the cage, and putting her favourite treats inside but she just...
  32. ifnlovebirds

    pls help!! baby Eclectus extremely fearful of hands!!

    hello, I adopted my 12 week-old baby male Eclectus two weeks ago. Before his arrival, the breeder contacted me 2 days prior to his adoption date with concerns about his behavior. She said that ever since his brother got adopted, his behavior has become aggressive. I believed this story because I...
  33. bethellerby

    Friendly Conure Loves Biting Hands

    I am a zookeeper that works with quite a few birds including ex-pets. My particular question is in regards to an ex-pet green-cheeked Conure called Eric. For more context he lives alone with a group of Amazons. Eric is my best little buddy at work and he truly loves me. He flies the length of...
  34. pingu

    How to teach baby parrot that biting hurts

    Hello, Our newest flock member is Io (that's an uppercase i, not an L), a 3 month old Galah. She is very sweet and loving, but doesn't seem to understand that she is hurting me when she bites me... I have tried looking online but all advice I find has to do with parrots biting because they're...
  35. ChloeBallerina

    My budgie bites and doesn’t seem to want to be with me

    I have had my budgie for like 3 - 4 months and i worked with him to be comfortable with me and my hand. He was stepping up and accepting millet from my hand. I wanted to start target training him and teaching him tricks. But in the past 2 weeks he has gone backwards and has started biting my...
  36. C

    Green Cheek Conure Is Suddenly Aggressive

    Hello, first time posting here. My mother and I have a 8-year old green cheek conure (9 in November) that we've had since he was a baby. While he can sometimes be a bit bitey, the last week or so he's been increasingly aggressive. He'll bite both of us out of nowhere, and a few times he's drawn...
  37. A

    Pineapple conure biting during play unsure if it is aggressive

    Hi! I'm very sorry if I do anything wrong here as this is my first time on this site. I have a pineapple conure named April, I just got her hand raised about a month ago. She is usually very cuddly and sweet, however has been biting lately. This brings me to my question. I play a game with her...
  38. junipersr

    My bird is biting me, hard

    I'm a first time bird owner and I got my lovebird, Percy, a few months ago. He came from a previous owner who couldn't give him enough attention, we think he's around 10 months old now. Now I say he, but he hasn't been sexed and I'm starting to think he's far more likely to be a female. I've...
  39. sundae


    I have a problem with my newest parrot- a quaker. He is a 2yo male. He likes to hang out with people, will sing, and fly to you to check out what are you doing. The thing is- whenever there's a piece of skin in his reach, he will start preening and then biting really hard out of nowhere. He...
  40. OinkyThePiggy

    Change in Behavior of my 5yo GCC

    Monkey is about 5 years old and I've had him for the last 3. My husband and I take him out, he hangs out with us and everything. He's been particularly attached to me. That said, when I wasn't home he would be sweet with my husband. Let him hold him, would fall asleep in his hand, would let him...