coming soon.


New member
May 17, 2009
:rainbow1:hi guys new to all this will be getting a Senegal in about fortnight looking forward to the new arrival so any advice would be welcomed.
Hello Dempsey....I am a newbie too.

Good luck with finding a Senegal parrot! I love my Senegal...he is lots of fun and a great companion. He loves to shred paper all day long and destroy popsicle sticks. I give him sheets from an old phone book to shred and there is always a mound under his perch. He is my official Document Destruction Bird...hehe! :D

Let us know when you get your Senegal and share some photos too!

Here are some links that have info about Senegal parrots...maybe they will be of some help to you.

The Senegal Parrot

Senegal FAQ Page

All About Senegal Parrots
Dempsey, welcome to the Forums, where are you from? I didn't know people still used the term "fortnight" anymore (a time period of about 2 weeks), wonderful introduction if I may say so myself.

I love all the newbies around here ... seems as though the forum is coming back to life ... I have an initiation that I think we should impose on all newbies ... 100 posts in your first "fortnight" otherwise you are gonna get a 'swirly' (just like back in high school) ... ;)

Any other Admins, Mods want to back me on this one?? C'mon, I know you do!!
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spoke to the breeder today wants me to phone him back in a week, im getting excited now,but he wont let him go till hes sure hes ready to come home with me, ill keep you posted thanks for your reply and the links ill have a look at them now.
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lol yer 2 weeks = fortnight an irishman in cardiif wales next to england not in it:D.swirly????.
Dempsey, welcome to the Forums, where are you from? I didn't know people still used the term "fortnight" anymore (a time period of about 2 weeks), wonderful introduction if I may say so myself.

I love all the newbies around here ... seems as though the forum is coming back to life ... I have an initiation that I think we should impose on all newbies ... 100 posts in your first "fortnight" otherwise you are gonna get a 'swirly' (just like back in high school) ... ;)

Any other Admins, Mods want to back me on this one?? C'mon, I know you do!!

haha, 100 posts in the first 2 weeks? I'm going for it! I'll be away this weekend though :p

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