green cheek conure

  1. M

    Green cheek licking the bottom of her water bowl

    Hi all. New to the forum. My three year old green cheek conure started licking the bottom of her water bowl today. She got bored of it after a few minutes and moved on to her other toys. She’s not messing with any other metal in her cage and she’s a generally weird bird. Any reason for concern?

  3. E

    I need help with my Green Cheek Conure

    hello , i hope all of you doing great i have a 3 week old baby named Green Cheek Conure. He is sleeping almost all of time and bieng lazy eating well, and i don't notice anything strange about his po*p. Any idea what could be the problem? I don't have a nearby restaurant near to me , so im in...
  4. EllieTheConure

    Bird safe cleaners?

    So far I've been using vinegar to clean up poops and stuff but I wanted to know if there is a cleaning brand out there specifically for birds. Essentially bird safe Lysol (because Lysol is not safe)
  5. EllieTheConure

    should i get Ellie's band removed?

    Ellie is starting to get a little bothered by her ID band on her foot. i'd personally like to keep it on her in the case that she flies away, but I also want her to be comfortable and not irritated.
  6. EllieTheConure

    Confusing birdie

    I've had Ellie for three weeks now and she's five, almost six months old. She does this thing whenever I set her on her playset she calls out for me so I walk over to her and she straight up nips at me? it's never a bite bite but it's a firm nibble. I always make sure to read her body language...
  7. F

    Green Cheek Conure has bump on her eyelid

    Hello Parrot Family, I have a yellow-sided green cheek conure, female, 2 yrs old. And I recently noticed that she has this bump swell on her right lower eyelid (pics attached). It will swell up at times and then go back down after a while. I took her to the avian vet but they said it didn't...
  8. 2023-04-07 11.48.06.jpg

    2023-04-07 11.48.06.jpg

    She snuggles up on my shoulder while I work on my laptop
  9. Asa the GCC on her Back

    Asa the GCC on her Back

    We had to learn this trick so I could put a cream on her foot after she got a small burn. But she loves it now!
  10. E

    What is this?

    Since I’ve gotten my sun conure he has always done the behavior in the video. I’ve always equated it to excitement or contentment but now as my pineapple has gotten more comfortable she started doing it. What is it called and why do they do it? Everytime I look it up I just get the head bobbing...
  11. M

    My crazy GCCs won't settle down

    I've recently adopted two green cheek conures (supposedly male and female). One is 10 years old, and the other is about 7. They've been absolutely screaming their heads off from day one, and we've had them for a month now. They have toys (Which they never really use), and spend most of the time...
  12. F

    Old GCC Jealous of New Bird

    I got a second green cheek conure a couple of months ago and the dynamics have shifted between my old GCC and me. Below is what’s going on: My old bird is a 16 year old GCC (M) that was rehomed to me a year ago. My new GCC (M) is only about 5 months old. I’ve had him for about a couple of...
  13. Keb&Penny

    Hi! A big hello from me and my little Penny!

    Hi, I’m Johnny. I recently got a little green cheek conure named Penny (she has 3 months). I’m really happy to join this community and get answer from real people instead of normal internet. I want to thanks everyone in advance for your time and help!
  14. E

    help me please!!

    we used to hold my conure, hartley, a lot and then we got a dog so we don’t hold him as much anymore. my older brother was good with him and held him more than anyone else. hartley had a strong bond with him. however, last year, my brother left for uni and for the first while no one held hartley...
  15. Genieb03

    Cage Aggression Advice?

    I have two conures, a black capped named George (5M) and a green cheeked named Nova (2F). Genders are presumed. The Problem: -Nova is very aggressive. They live in a 7’ tall x 4’ wide x 2’ deep homemade cage. All materials are bird safe and have had zero issues with safety (aside from a light...
  16. TeekoGreenCheek

    Teeko Loves The Legend Of Zelda.

    so, funny story. i decided to clean the room and decided to listen to some Zelda music. and i started the playlist about in 10 mins i turn around to look at Teeko on his cage and he is just bobbing his head back and forth and up and down, with the music. he has never danced before this so its a...
  17. W

    Incredibly Aggressive GC Conure

    My family have had our GCC for around 3 years and he’s always been bitey, I’ve tried training him out of it over the years but nothing has ever stuck. I live with my parents and can’t be sure they’re actually doing what I’ve asked when it comes to the bird and his training, which frustrates me...
  18. M

    How do I stop my young conure from biting?

    Hello guys! I’m new to owning a conure, I’ve owned birds basically my whole life (cockatiels, lovebirds, budgies) so I have a little bit of understanding with these guys. I just got a 3 month old Green Cheek from a bird store about 3 days ago. He seems pretty good with hands and fingers being...
  19. unburiedpup

    What kind of toys should I get?

    I cleaned and organized Aristotle’s cage today since I had no school, but I was wondering; what kinda of toys should I get for him? After all, his cage is mainly perches. (Also, I am going to buy him a bigger cage, but for now he is still using the cage that his previous owner gave to me.)...
  20. unburiedpup

    I got a Green Cheek Conure from my friend and I need help.

    Hi, so I should’ve made this account when I first got him, but last Monday, I was given a Green Cheek Conure by my friend because she wasn’t able to care for him anymore. I named him Aristotle because her family would only call him “bird”. I am trying to ween him off of a seed only diet to a...
  21. M


    My family and I came home from a 4-day vacation last night to find our green cheek of 9 years, Rikki, dead at the bottom of her cage. I called out her name as I entered the house, hoping to hear an ecstatic shriek in response, and instead heard nothing. I went over and she was dead at the bottom...
  22. Yeetsa

    never drawn a bird before, how's this look?

    attempted a drawing of my green cheek. opinion? if mods need proof that I made this, I can provide it. don't know how strict the policies on art are here lol
  23. Yeetsa

    another thread about green cheek biting

    hello, so update for you all! cypress has been doing better! marginally. progress is progress though, and I'm quite proud of him for it. unfortunately, we've run into another problem- we do our training sessions with him on top of his cage, but whenever my hand touches the top when he's not in...
  24. love this funky little guy

    love this funky little guy

    day 6 of having cypress, i think this is pretty good
  25. Yeetsa

    New Bird Owner Looking For Advice

    Hello! My name is Aspen, and 4 days ago I purchased my very first bird, a cinnamon GCC named Cypress, whom I love very much already. However, due to my inexperience, I feel as though my bird has developed behavioral issues that need to be corrected. So, in this post, I will outline everything I...
  26. bonitabird59

    Really nippy baby GCC

    Hi everyone! I recently adopted a baby GCC conure male named Jello. (previously I introduced him on here as Ziggy, but his name has since changed). He's a super sweet guy just trying to figure out how the world works, and he's so cuddly. But he bites... hard. He starts out by slowly pinching me...
  27. bethellerby

    Friendly Conure Loves Biting Hands

    I am a zookeeper that works with quite a few birds including ex-pets. My particular question is in regards to an ex-pet green-cheeked Conure called Eric. For more context he lives alone with a group of Amazons. Eric is my best little buddy at work and he truly loves me. He flies the length of...
  28. C

    Green Cheek Conure Is Suddenly Aggressive

    Hello, first time posting here. My mother and I have a 8-year old green cheek conure (9 in November) that we've had since he was a baby. While he can sometimes be a bit bitey, the last week or so he's been increasingly aggressive. He'll bite both of us out of nowhere, and a few times he's drawn...
  29. K

    Please help - Green cheek is acting strange.

    One of my green cheeks is acting off, as written. He has been shaking his head repeatedly, clicking and moving his tongue, and it sounds like he is trying to get something out of his throat or mouth with a suction sound or puff sound. This has been going on for about 30 minutes now. Still...
  30. oliver_is_the_best_birb

    Help with harness training!

    My bird had a bad experience with the harness and I really want him to get used to it. He runs away from even the sight of it! I have it dangling on a perch by his cage but it doesn't seem to be working. Help!
  31. oliver_is_the_best_birb

    Should I get an air purifier?

    I have a limit of 98$ to spend on bird things (Yes, I have to make myself a limit) in this month. So, I can either spend it all now on a new air purifier or borrow one from a friend, and still have money for toys. Now, I know that sounds dumb because I can just take it from my friend, but...
  32. D

    Need advice for conure

    Hiya, I bought a green cheek conure , I’ve been looking into it for a while and own other breeds of birds, the conure was suppose to be hand rared, so I’ve been trying to get her to step up, but she stays in one place and refuses to move , she won’t take food from hands, and has started biting...
  33. 20211013_235439.jpg


    When mom catches you getting mango-faced. "Whatcha doin'?"
  34. chloe.millar

    Re-homing my green cheek conure :(

    Hi there! My name is Chloe, and I got Bree (my GGC) when I was 14. I did extensive research and felt extremely prepared to take care of her, and I was. Unfortunately due to mental health issues at that time, I was hospitalized, and when I got back my mother had gotten rid of her. Fast forward...
  35. G

    Possibly sick or injured conure?

    Hello! I have a green cheek conure that is about 9 years old and has been perfectly healthy for a long time. Earlier today I took him out of his cage and noticed a small bald spot under his beak with dried blood. I can't tell if the area is swollen or inflamed but I have noticed that he keeps...
  36. B

    Stye or Injury or Infection?

    Hello all, It looks like my green cheek has a stye. It's not inflamed or red or anything, but I came home from work today and noticed swelling near the top of his eye. It's very slight, but I know it wasn't like that earlier this morning. Has anyone seen this before? Can conures get styes...
  37. K

    Flying cross country with green cheek conure

    Hello, all! I'm going to talk to my vet about this, of course, but was also hoping to hear a collection of personal experiences to draw from. I am going to visit my partner for over a week in a few months (hopefully!!), and I have a young, high needs green cheek. It is not an option to leave...
  38. R

    How quickly does kidney damage happen for birds with poor diets?

    Hello, I am in a very tough spot right now after realizing I made a huge mistake with my green cheek conure. She is very sick and I want to get some advice. I thought my bird Cosmo was eating a healthy diet, but I guess I was not paying enough attention to what she ate out of what I gave her...
  39. T

    Exclamation Bird has piece of bell toy wedged onto beak, help!

    My two year old Green Cheek Conure somehow got the piece from the middle of her bell toy wedged onto the bottom part of her beak. It has a slit on the side where it slides onto the metal ring, and that slit is jammed onto the side of her beak (Like a piercing..) I tried to wiggle it off a little...
  40. C

    Conure Questions

    Hey! So I’m planning on getting my first green cheek conure (first ever bird) in around July time but want to have all of my research done well in advance. I have a few questions if anyone can help with them! 1. My bird will be kept solely in my room (in a cage when im not there or when im...