Conure help: Watery poop


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Sep 6, 2015
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My conure has recently been having very inconsistent stool over the past week. Sometimes it is watery, on a few occasions hes had bubbly poo. It varies in color from medium green to a little darker shade of green. Never black or red. Hes been acting normal as can be and is still playing, preening, eating and drinking. We have an appointment in a few days but i cannot stop worrying about him.
Welcome to the forums. :)

Can you give us a little more information, particularly about his diet? Depending on how much fruit and/or veggies high in water content he consumes, his diet will be more watery than other times.

Is he ONLY passing very watery stools? Do they have an odor?
Thanks! His diet is mainly pellets and organic food that his vet recommended (which he does not eat at all). I also add in a few seeds just as a treat in his food. Normally he gets fruits on a daily basis but i stopped for the past 2 days just to check out his poop, which still had been watery. I gave him some apple pieces today though. His poop does not smell at all. Also it is very inconsistent, some times its watery, other times it is thicker but loose.
Have you been taking him in the shower or giving him spray baths lately? sometimes while the birds are having a shower they can swallow largish amounts of water and when they poo it out the poo is watery because of the influx of water beforehand. Otherwise he may have another health problem but a vet would be the best person to ask about that. :D
I would recommend taking a log of his droppings. When do the watery poop show up. What has he eaten/drank in the few hours prior.

I find that after I give Skittles fruit, he has watery droppings. Usually, they are clear. Other times the are the same color as the fruit he had eaten.

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