
  1. Shaveyard

    Oddly coloured urates? Photo attached. Please be warned this contains pictures of poop šŸ‘€

    Hey guys! Apologies, I'm probably totally overthinking about this but it's 11pm right now and I'm worried about my lil dude. He's acting absolutely fine and I weigh and monitor his poop daily to make sure it looks healthy. He's also a consistent weight. I've noticed his last two poops have been...
  2. L

    Is this poop normal???

    Idk but my birds poop has this in it šŸ˜­
  3. PauliDeAlex

    My Parrot's Poop Seems A Bit OFF!

    Hi everyone, so I have this young parrot, 3 weeks till now, he has been happily living with me all this far, and my family and I take care of it very well. We give is a mush of water and mixed grains, like a paste(A bit watered down one of course, to ensure it isn't very thick). We give it a...
  4. M

    Why is she pooping like this?

    She has been pooping like this since yesterday. What can be the reason? Is it something serious? We don't have any vet anywhere near us bc i live in a village and the nearest vet is like 200kms away. Help me pls
  5. Z

    help! abnormal poop!

    my cockatiel has laid too eggs in the past few days and this is what one of her poops looks like? this is my first cockatiel and this is the first time sheā€™s laid eggs since weā€™ve had her (she is four years old but we got her in march). sheā€™s been around no males since/before we got her. i just...
  6. D

    Small particles in parrot poop

    Hi everybody! Iā€™m new here and want to ask a question for which me and my veterinarian cannot find an answer. This is how my lovebirds poop looks like, does anybody know what those small green particles are? It is not undigested food. Photos attached. Health story: -3 batches of eggs since...
  7. Rico_Tiel

    Morning Poops

    This is something I learned really fast after getting Rico (almost two years ago). I had budgies prior and they never ever made HUGE turds like Rico does. It was super funny and gross when I saw Ricoā€™s first morning poop. Itā€™s always so shocking to see these HUGE poops, even if theyā€™re old...
  8. BudgieBudgieBudgie

    Why is my new Budgie pooping like this?

    I got my budgie a new friend a week ago and she's been having soft stools/diarrhea since I got her. I figured it was stress but today when cleaning their water and food bowls, the new bird (which I assume is 3-4 months old) pooped grey on my arm. It was grey and white in the center, the grey was...
  9. S

    Worried about Gargantuan Poops

    Iā€™ve had my conure for maybe two months now. She is on a mix of 60% Zupreem fruit pellets, 40% sunburst seed mix, and she gets random fruits and vegetables everyday depending on what I am eating. Iā€™ve had a cockatiel before and their poops are definitely way easier to maintain than my conure...
  10. K

    Normal Poop or sick?

    Ok, so recently I have noticed a change in my Green Cheek Conure's poops. I'm unsure if this is bad or not as this is my first time dealing with an issue like this. I've been researching about bird poop in hopes to find out whether or not he is healthy or not as his poops have gone more watery...
  11. Jesse_EG

    Smelly Poops, Lots of tests, No Answers

    I'm curious to know if anyone else has had smelly poops that vets have had a hard time diagnosing and what they did to get back to normal. My African Grey (CAG) has been with us for about 6 years now and he is about 12. In June we had a full physical and wellness exam that he came out with...
  12. lunyluna

    Beware of Zupreem - Macaw in Crisis

    I've had my rescued Scarlet Macaw Luna for 3 1/2 years now, and throughout that time (and her year-long foster period beforehand) she has been on a Zupreem pellet diet. She started on the regular fruit blend for large birds, then I started mixing in the natural and veggie blends, and finally...
  13. maribo


    Hello, I noticed bird poop stuck on his but area. It had some poop stuck on his feathers. This the first time that it has happened. I cleaned it off with warm water and a cloth. He is sleeping right now, he doesnā€™t seem to be active. He is pooping, he pooped on my hand and on the floor. I did...
  14. Si429

    Red-Lored Amazon Food AMOUNT: How much?

    Hello! I have a red-lored amazon that has come into my life recently and I am doing a lot of work to build a good relationship with him/her. It's lived a solo life for 20 years with no human contact eating sunflower seeds and some odd moon-shaped pellets that he/she tosses in their water bowl...
  15. S

    GCC poop is a weird color and looks weird

    I got a green cheek conure 2 days ago and named him melon (he's around 2 months old), he has been active, although not much but I am guessing it's because he's still getting used to the place. I have a few questions about gcc poops 1. Do they poop a lot? Melon keeps pooping a lot, less than 5...
  16. A

    New Friend

    Hi there everyone! This seems to be a normal question on here I've noticed. I just got this boy yesterday and he has been eating a lot of fruit and his seed mix. Can someone tell me if these poops look regular to you or if I should bring him to the vet? I am going to bring him for a baseline...
  17. 2

    Celebrex side effects in Birds? Black stool/poop

    Before I start I have already talked to the emergency vet who stated to just not give my bird any of the medicine and call my normal vet on Monday to talk about it. Good Morning everyone, I have started giving liquid celebrex to my cockatiel per my vet due to anti-ganglioside antibodies...
  18. pmaddie21

    Need help with my bird's poop!

    Hi ! I'm new here and i don't know if i'm doing it right but i need some help !! I have a sun conure mango he's about 5-6 months old and he was sick couple days ago. He threw up like 4 times at home so I took him to the emergency but they kicked us out because they don't have an avian vet or...
  19. jBurn801

    White poop please help.

    I noticed this morning that one of my budgies is pooping white and he's pooping more often than usual. I cleaned the cage and I've been watching him all day. He's been acting normal (singing, preening, eating, drinking, and playing). I've been observing his poop color throughout the day and...

    Something wrong with poop + Attention seeking

    Hey everyone, I noticed something a little different about Kiwi's poop today, SLIGHTLY URGENT PART: it was a normal color but their were no urates (the water around the poop learned that from google lol). My first thought was maybe he's dehydrated but that doesn't really make sense since he's...
  21. Tiel

    Feces test and viral/bacterial infection

    Hey Parrot Mom/Dad community! After having a talk with my avian vet I decided to deliver a feces sample to his lab, but I have a general question that I forgot to ask my vet: Can feces determine infections such as chlamydia? Or do you specifically require a blood sample for that? I really doubt...
  22. Tiel

    URGENT help needed

    Dear Parrot community, I'm currently caught up in a terrible and desperate situation: My regular avian vet (lives in Switzerland) has been infected with Covid19, therefore his entire praxis is currently completely unavailable. The next vet that is not even an avian vet, but rather someone that's...
  23. C

    Poop n cleanliness issues

    My conure's poop is kinda thick since he has changed into a fruit mix pellet diet. So when my conure poops so part of the poop sticks to d bottom of d cage , which later on makes my conure's back wings dirty a bit. What can I do ? I clean my cage every week. My conure's actions seems to be...
  24. T

    Budgie sick or just tired? First budgie

    Tweety :yellow2: is 3-4 years old. She has always been VERY relaxed and chill often sleeping most of the day and playing more around night time. She'll sing sometimes and loves being scratched. She also molts very often, maybe every 3 months? I should have kept a log but never did. My concern...
  25. Jayson_Black

    How young to start Shallow Bathing Baby Eclectus?

    Hi all. Day 23 with our baby Eclectus. All seems well, except there is a small amount of dry poop building up around the baby's butt. It's not too bad, but I am concerned if I don't act now it may become a problem in the future. The other day I tried using damp paper towel at 40c (104F) but...
  26. jousze

    Did you potty train your parrot?

    Heyy! Just a funny post and also a serious question. First the question: Did you potty train your parrot? How? With this I mean, does he fly somewhere to poop when he needs? Or at least does he move from your shoulder to not poop on you? I say this cause Mambo has been 1% potty trained...
  27. dhraiden

    šŸ’© šŸ±Deterring outside cats using yard as litterbox?

    Just curious if any active forum-goers have any experience with successfully keeping errant felines from pooping in their yard? My SO laid down prickly mats I purchased online (they're not injurious) to dissuade them from certain areas where vegetables and herbs and flowers are grown. But I...
  28. PipnMe

    DIY cage cleaner??

    Hi all! Does anyone make their own cage cleaner or "poop off" cleaners? If so would you mind sharing your recipes with me? I've read that some people use water, lemon juice, and baking soda, but I'm concerned that the combination of baking soda and lemon juice may damage my cage in the long...
  29. L

    My lovebird cheek pooping red?

    Hello, iā€™m new here and i have some lovebirds chick.. i feed my lovebirds chick the nytribird a21 formula starting 2 days ago, and they love it theyā€™re eating a lot more than the previous local formula i use.. but my problem is, this morning i notice my chickā€™s poop is a reddish brown color? Is...
  30. PipnMe

    HELP PLEASE! desperate bird Mom!!!

    Hi all! Iā€™m having a bit of trouble with my GCC. He/she is 1 year old. He is a good little bird, sweet and loving, but HE WONT POOP IN HIS CAGE! Iā€™ve done everything. I bought him a day time cage because I thought maybe he didnā€™t like pooping where he slept, that didnā€™t work, I stoped letting...
  31. J

    Is showing his vent bad?

    We have a blue fronted Amazon named Skipper. :green: He is around 28ish. We have had him 1 year. He is fairly aggressive to most people, including myself but loves my husband. We are working on it, but its a process. Yesterday my husband mentioned 'Skipper' was making cooing sounds and...
  32. A

    Young, hurt lovebird(pictures of hurt bird) Need help.

    A young lovebird(hatched 5december) got attacked by the cat at school, he is over the shock(I belive, the attack happend 6hours ago) and eats a little(given him fruit smoothie without stuff added in). He also ate a small piece of apple He won't eat from a bowl(if I'm holding seeds he eats them...
  33. K

    help! my bird poo looks weird

    Hello, I am new to this parrot forum community but I am in urgent need of some help understanding my bird's poo. So, I've had him for a year I got him when he was 8 months old. He's been very playful and seems like a normal bird! He loves eating next to me (I have a small plate for my bird, Kiki...
  34. K

    HELP! My bird's poo looks weird

    Hello, I am new to this parrot forum community but I am in urgent need of some help understanding my bird's poo. So, I've had him for a year I got him when he was 8 months old. He's been very playful and seems like a normal bird! He loves eating next to me (I have a small plate for my bird, Kiki...
  35. A

    Yellow poop , what's causing it ??

    Hi all , I just noticed that my amazon Fid is pooping yellow , it was the first time it happened , I will attach a picture , if anyone knows what is the cause please share some advice , I am organizing to see the vet asap but there is only one vet in Trinidad trained to see exotic birds so I...
  36. S

    poop problem?? maybe food?? help training

    so today i came for advice n training my half moon conure ... im a 1st time parrot owner ... my conure is bearly being okay with getting out the cage ... she is getting louder:52: but shes adorable i need a way to figure out how to trust the step up command any ideas i try and giver her treats...
  37. M

    Parrot took huge watery poop this morning

    This morning, I woke up to my African Grey sleeping in her box (she loves boxes, but has never slept in one all night like this), she got out of the box after a while and ate and drank as usual. Then she went to the top of her cage and took the biggest poop I've ever seen her do and it was quite...
  38. K

    My conure poops whenever I enter the room?

    Why on earth does my Lilly poop every time I enter the room and say hi, or when I go over to talk to her. Literally every time. Is this a social thing? LOL :p She's beautiful, look at her. She's a poop machine.
  39. I

    Too many peas ?

    Here's what I hope is a quick and hopefully simple question. So I started giving Kermit frozen peas in her food this week. What I feed is what I have available, but this week's was a bit of strawberry and blueberries, broccoli, and a frozen mix of peas and carrots (no salt). I think she...
  40. N

    Cleaning poop off of wood perches?

    Doing my weekly cleaning of Linus's cage, I found a spot with overlapping perches and I hadn't noticed he has been pooping all over the lower perches. How can I clean this so that it is all removed and sanitary?
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