feather sheath


New member
Apr 8, 2016
7y/o eclectus Wrangler
Wrangler is getting new feathers---FINALLY...and has one large one poking through that is very uncomfortable for him midway on his back. It looks like its a significant sized feather, possibly part of the wing? (He wont hold still long enough for me to look). If i accidentally shift it while Handling him, or toweling him after his shower he lets me know. The feather tip has been poking out for several days now but he hasnt preened the casing off. Im concerned the feather may die. I'd prefer he take care of it himself but at what point--how many days--should I intervene and help remove the casing?
Wrangler is getting new feathers---FINALLY...and has one large one poking through that is very uncomfortable for him midway on his back. It looks like its a significant sized feather, possibly part of the wing? (He wont hold still long enough for me to look). If i accidentally shift it while Handling him, or toweling him after his shower he lets me know. The feather tip has been poking out for several days now but he hasnt preened the casing off. Im concerned the feather may die. I'd prefer he take care of it himself but at what point--how many days--should I intervene and help remove the casing?

It is important to understand that the sheathing begins soft and with time it becomes hard and will begin to break apart. Very likely that it is still soft and therefore not ready for either your Parrot or you to play with it!

It is likely a Wing feather! Do Not Worry About the Feather. Your Parrot will care for it. Now, when your Parrot gets a (or many) feathers where they are not able to work it, then it will be your turn!

In the Amazon Forum at or near the top is a Sticky (highlighted in light blue) The Thread is huge and is Titled: I Love Amazons - ... One of the many Segments has a Title something like helping with Bonding, I will get the title and place it as part of this Post as an FYI.

FYI: 15. Developing Strong Bonds - Pin Feathers Page 6
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Following as it looks like Bumble is in the very beginning of her first molt.

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I have added the Segment in the I Love Amazons - ... Thread to covers feather sheaths. Hope it helps you!

FYI: 15. Developing Strong Bonds - Pin Feathers Page 6
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Thanks for that useful info Mr Boat :) I had done a good bit of reading about feathers before posting and none of the articles made mention of it starting soft and becoming brittle. I'll try and be patient and let him decide when its time. Im just anxious for him to improve his condition. His current feathers are beyond ratty because they have not had the protection of contours and he overpreens, not having as many feathers to work on. There are a few on his back that are half feathers...one side is chewed off, the other side is fine. Im guessing it wil be close to another year before he is in good feather, assuming he doesnt pluck his contours out again. He needs to moult out about 1/2 of his wing feathers and all of his tail nubs.

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