Fill in your locations, people!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
I notice that a lot of folks do not put their location in their profiles. It can help if you need advice, or help, or just want to meet up up to bs a bit about birds. If you live in Chad, the advice might be different then if you live in Ohio. So take a few min to put that location in, don't worry, we are not out to steal your parrots!
There is no question that a very general location is better than nothing. Eastern Europe is a lot more information than nothing and can really help if there is a health problem. The available Vet care is very different in different parts of the USA, let alone in Central Africa. In the USA, anything from a Certified Avian Vet minutes away to 48 hours away. There are traveling Vets in other areas.

We live in a very dangerous World and the Web is a very dangerous place. So, it is understandable to limit the information provided. However, at the same time, if you are living your life on FaceBook or any of the like social groups out there. You are far more exposed than here.
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There is no question that a very general location is better than nothing. Eastern Europe is a lot more information than nothing and can really help if there is a health problem. The available Vet care is very different in different parts of the USA, let alone in Central Africa. In the USA, anything from a Certified Avian Vet minutes away to 48 hours away. There a traveling Vets in other areas.

We live in a very dangerous World and the Web is a very dangerous place. So, it is understandable to limit the information provided. However, at the same time, if you are living your life on FaceBook or any of the like social groups out there. You are far more exposed than here.

Great points! Some members live their lives very publicly, others far more reserved. Nice we have participants from all over the globe!! Will update my location to be a bit more specific.
Ohio, north of Columbus.
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Hey I think it's great that we are a global parrot lovers community. For those folks who live in Asia or Africa or other places, don't be shy, we can tell by your English its not your native language, but giving your location let's everyone get a better sense of who you are. Nobody on here is going to turn you in to the parrot police or the Jenday jihad or the Chinese bird population patrol. Relax, you're among friends who love parrots, like you do.
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... Blackbeard... know him well. Or at least the guy who portrays him, Ben Cherry. You should make it to Hampton VA for the Blackbeard festival.
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At least you can't hear my lawn guyland accent on here.
Scott I spilt my tea over your location - very thorough indeed!
Good topic! Thank you!

I love it when people put at least a general location. It's not as if you're listing your home address :).

Orange County, CA
Im from Ireland home of Grace O Malley the famous Pirate Queen :)
To chip in on this it would help greatly that you state what parrot you own and their name. Quite often members announce it in their welcome and then it's lost unless it's mentioned in their thread. Please don't leave us guessing and put us out of our misery by updating your page. TIA.
To chip in on this it would help greatly that you state what parrot you own and their name. Quite often members announce it in their welcome and then it's lost unless it's mentioned in their thread. Please don't leave us guessing and put us out of our misery by updating your page. TIA.

Yes that too! List your parrots. I agree.

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