Parrot lovers, we need your opinion!

Operation Parrot

New member
Dec 7, 2023
Hello fellow parrot enthusiasts,

We are a group of Science Communication & Society students at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Currently, we are creating a communication product to recruit parrot owners for a unique research project: The Bird Singalong Project. In this project, parrot owners can help discover whether their feathery friend can notice differences in pitch between notes, and in this way can participate in real scientific research!

To help us learn how we can attract more parrot enthusiasts to join The Bird Singalong Project, we made a short survey of approximately 3 to 5 minutes: We would be extremely thankful if you could help us out by taking a few minutes of your time to fill in our survey!

More information about the Bird Singalong Project can be found here.

We look forward to hearing your insights!
Interesting. I'm a bit too busy to help out but i did the survey.
I hope it goes well.
I think my birds can notice the difference in pitches between notes.
Signed up! Most curious about this project :D .
Nice it would be great if you kept us posted on it.
Science doesn't do enough of these kind of studies because there is no money to he made in it but the knowledge gained can sometimes be priceless
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Interesting. I'm a bit too busy to help out but i did the survey.
I hope it goes well.
I think my birds can notice the difference in pitches between notes.
Thank you so much for filling in the survey, it really helps us out! Also interesting to hear that your birds may have relative pitch as well :)

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