Flare and cracker wars.....


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
I was offering my birds melba toast today, and I broke a piece off for Flare,who was in our bedroom perched on her favourite wicker basket.
I have no idea what planet she on, but it was like I was offering to chop her head off.
she came at me with an open beak,feathers flared, ready to fight....what the heck is going on?? it's a cracker you dope!

She bit me three times on my finger, and I did not pull back, it hurt but it was just a warning....whoa! now it's my turn! I promptly grabbed the sides of her beaks and gave her a face to face NO...well, then she came down after me....
as she did that, she was on Safari's cage, and Safari took over.
Safari gave her a quick nip on the foot to stop her. awww, my hero:p

Well, that did not change her mind one bit and came after me anyways. She climbed on my wrist and dug in with a pinch....ok, out with the guns now, I wrapped my hands around her, put her on her back, and told her "to be nice to mommy', then I kissed her on the beak about 5 times....well, then the cuddles came in floods, she couldn't be nicer.... cuddling, rubbing her head up against my face, and then came in for another kiss.....and scritches...."now that's more like it" I said.

After a moment of loving, I put her in her cage, now she's sulking in the corner, and seems mad as he** at me.

I think I've made a crucial error letting her be with my flock, rather than just spending time with myself and my daughter Sarah. Don't get me wrong, we spend hours with Flare, but it's around my other birds as well, I think it's making a difference with her, so for now, we will bring her out into the rest of the house for some quality time until a true bond is formed.....stupid crackers, lol.
Crazy bird! They can be little devil sometimes when they don't know what your giving them. LoL... and yes please do spend some one on one time to form the bond. ;)

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