GCC Behaviour


New member
Mar 5, 2015
Melbourne, Australia
Medli, a yellow-sided green cheek conure
Hi there, I just made this account for the purposes of askin this question so apologies if I'm a bit clueless about what I'm doing.
I have a female green cheek conure, she'd be around four months old now, and just this morning (at around 4:30am) she has started repeatedly simultaneously twitching and chirping. She'll sort of bob a bit and give a mini flap, and chirp at the same time. The intervals arent always regular, but the longest she's stopped is about 30 seconds. I've tried feeding her (she just does it while eating) and cuddling her(she stops twitching but continues chirping). It's now 6am and I'm a little bit concerned; is this normal behaviour? Perhaps she has the hiccups? She's currently moulting as well, has been for a week or so now, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Any help would be much appreciated :)
Four months is pretty early for a moult.

Has she lost weight recently? Is she eating/drinking less than normal?

If she's continuously vocalizing without an apparent reason, it may be advisable to see a vet. Keep in mind birds do experience night-frights on occasion. A night-light can help.

That said, Conures are loud (but small) birds.

Was she weaned correctly? Albert had a period when he was about 3 months old where he would peep continuously until I gave him formula.

Has she seen an avian certified vet?
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Four months is pretty early for a moult.

Has she lost weight recently? Is she eating/drinking less than normal?

If she's continuously vocalizing without an apparent reason, it may be advisable to see a vet. Keep in mind birds do experience night-frights on occasion. A night-light can help.

That said, Conures are loud (but small) birds.

Was she weaned correctly? Albert had a period when he was about 3 months old where he would peep continuously until I gave him formula.

Has she seen an avian certified vet?

Well she has the white tips on her feathers so I'm fairly sure she's moulting, but she doesn't appear to have lost weight and seems to be eating and drinking fine.
I considered a night-fright being an explanation but even turning the light on didn't make her stop.
She had already been weaned when I bought her, and I trust the breeder I bought her from so that shouldn't be the issue.
What is a normal age for her to begin moulting? I'd have to check but she's likely closer to 5 months old now that I think about it, is that still too early?
If she's still chirping when I get home today, I'll probably see if I can get her to a vet.
I have a baby GCC too. He is 11 weeks old. He sometimes does similar things too. But he only twitches one wing mostly. I have thought about it and come to the conclusion he is just demonstrating baby behaviour. I could be wrong i guess. Maybe be its calling mum and dad or trying to attract attention to be fed. I have only just stopped hand feeding mine. Is the chirping somewhat mumbling? Mine does that when he wants to snuggle up.
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I have a baby GCC too. He is 11 weeks old. He sometimes does similar things too. But he only twitches one wing mostly. I have thought about it and come to the conclusion he is just demonstrating baby behaviour. I could be wrong i guess. Maybe be its calling mum and dad or trying to attract attention to be fed. I have only just stopped hand feeding mine. Is the chirping somewhat mumbling? Mine does that when he wants to snuggle up.

I've just returned home and she doesn't seem to be doing it any more, hopefully it is just some baby behaviour.
I wouldn't call it mumbling, but it certainly wasnt squawking either, it was basically just chirping haha
Kiwiberry does something similar I think.
Does it look like she's regurgitating food, but really isn't?
Kiwiberry does that and makes a sound that sort of sounds like she's drinking.
She does it when she wants to take a little water break or snuggle up too.

But is she acting normally otherwise?
What does she do before and after?
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Kiwiberry does something similar I think.
Does it look like she's regurgitating food, but really isn't?
Kiwiberry does that and makes a sound that sort of sounds like she's drinking.
She does it when she wants to take a little water break or snuggle up too.

But is she acting normally otherwise?
What does she do before and after?

Yeah it's sort of like that, and she seems to be behaving normally otherwise, so hopefully it's nothing to be concerned about.
Hi, I have a GGC as well.
When you're dealing with birds, you always want to look out for changes in activity, appetite, fluffed feathers for prolonged measures of time and any residue around the eyes or nostrils. These are sure signs of illness, in which case you should see a vet.

If she isn't displaying any of these symptoms, she might be regurgitating, or at least attempting to. Mine does this, although she never actually vomits, only bobs her head and neck quickly. This is a sign of affection and a sure bond. Has she bonded or shown a desire to cuddle with you yet?
My GCCs do something that sounds like this in the morning. I work 6 days a week so IM gone at 6am every morning. Its dark in my room still but I do uncover their cage for when light comes though the window. They grumble and reach out for my hand when I do this. Surely its too early lol. But I shut lights off before I go out of the room so they get a little more sleep.

Anyway... on Sunday mornings, once they see its daylight and they notice me waking up they do something similar to this behavior. Their cage is about 2 feet from my bed. They will both get on their lower perch, then get real low and flick their feathers while screeching at me (its like "screech screech screech"). Its very loud and persistent! Of course theyre doing this to get my attention and to be let out of the cage.

They also get low and flick their wings when theyre doing their *mating* behavior. They grumble while doing this as well as put their butt against me or each other. I discourage it when I see it though. I think this is supposed to be a female behavior, but not sure.

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