Glad to be here!


New member
Jun 20, 2015
York, PA
Lovebirds and cockatiels
Hello and good day everyone. I just love our feathered friends! Over the years I have been owned by cockatiels (my absolute favorites), lovebirds, parakeets, finches, macaws, cockatoos, just to name a few (along with dogs, ducks, chickens, and quail). :) Just now really getting into breeding my lovebirds and may have questions on the exact colors of the parents (I have 3 pairs and every single one is a different color; lucky me!). Nice to meet you!
Hello there and welcome to the forum. Looking forward to photos and hearing more about your birds.
Hello and welcome! I'd also love to see pictures of your feathered family:) I'm so glad you joined us!

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