Green Cheek Conure or Indian Ringneck.


New member
Nov 23, 2023
Hello everyone, newbie to the Forum☺️🦜
I am currently thinking of extending my little flock. I have had birds for many year's. Mainly Budgie's, Cockateil's and Kakariki's.

Currently I have a female Cockateil and male Kakariki. Both get on very well. They are not massively bonded to each other, but do like each others company.

The last few months I have been thinking of adding another bird to the flock, and I am very much interested in either GCC or IR. I currently have a hybrid work situation of office and home. When I am at home the birds come out all day, and I want to interact with them as much as possible. But they also need to able to be on their own when I am in the office. So a bird with massive separation anxiety would not be ideal.

I would love to get a slightly bigger bird, but not too big so that my other 2 would be intimated.

I live in a flat, but a very big one, and the living room has pretty much become the bird room😅

Any advice experience you have would be greatly appreciated.

Which type bird do you prefer and why/which do you think might fit better to my flock/home situation. Has anyone got Cockateil's with IR and or GCC.

I would like to bond with the new bird, and have a happy flock. Things like talking ability don't matter to me.

Thank you so much🤍


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Since you already have a mixed flock, you should know that additions to the flock always affect the flock dynamics, both with the newcomer and the existing birds and with you and your family. Those dynamics can go one of serval different ways, and not all are positive. THink really hard on this. First bit of advice - only get an additional parrot if YOU want one, not because you think your bird(s) need a new buddy or friend.

Second bit of advice - GCC's and IRN's are very different in their personality types. I know - dangerous to use generalities when it comes to trying to pidgeonhole a parrot species temperament. Each bird is its own individual and may not conform to the commonly held beliefs. GCC's are usually devoted to their "person", like to be on the shoulder or in contact with them anytime they are out of cage. They can be nippy (but trainable to not be that way). IRN's can be tough to completely tame, especially when hands are involved. They can go rather quickly back to an almost 'wild' state if they are not interacted with on a daily basis. For me the IRN natural contact call is a bit too high pitched, and they can really use it a LOT when they are in a new situation.
Hello everyone, newbie to the Forum☺️🦜
I am currently thinking of extending my little flock. I have had birds for many year's. Mainly Budgie's, Cockateil's and Kakariki's.

Currently I have a female Cockateil and male Kakariki. Both get on very well. They are not massively bonded to each other, but do like each others company.

The last few months I have been thinking of adding another bird to the flock, and I am very much interested in either GCC or IR. I currently have a hybrid work situation of office and home. When I am at home the birds come out all day, and I want to interact with them as much as possible. But they also need to able to be on their own when I am in the office. So a bird with massive separation anxiety would not be ideal.

I would love to get a slightly bigger bird, but not too big so that my other 2 would be intimated.

I live in a flat, but a very big one, and the living room has pretty much become the bird room😅

Any advice experience you have would be greatly appreciated.

Which type bird do you prefer and why/which do you think might fit better to my flock/home situation. Has anyone got Cockateil's with IR and or GCC.

I would like to bond with the new bird, and have a happy flock. Things like talking ability don't matter to me.

Thank you so much🤍
I'd love to see a better photo of your Kakariki. He's gorgeous and we don't see them much here in the US.
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I'd love to see a better photo of your Kakariki. He's gorgeous and we don't see them much here in the US.
Hi, ofc. I have tried to attach some extra pics of him. Hope it works. Kakariki's are absolutely amazing little birds. They don't seem to be talked about enough and have only recently gotten a bit more known in the UK. The ones I have had have always been very friendly, not aggressive at all.


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Hi, ofc. I have tried to attach some extra pics of him. Hope it works. Kakariki's are absolutely amazing little birds. They don't seem to be talked about enough and have only recently gotten a bit more known in the UK. The ones I have had have always been very friendly, not aggressive at all.
Is his beak white?
Hi, ofc. I have tried to attach some extra pics of him. Hope it works. Kakariki's are absolutely amazing little birds. They don't seem to be talked about enough and have only recently gotten a bit more known in the UK. The ones I have had have always been very friendly, not aggressive at all.
Oh one of the few parrots native to NZ. Beautiful bird
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Since you already have a mixed flock, you should know that additions to the flock always affect the flock dynamics, both with the newcomer and the existing birds and with you and your family. Those dynamics can go one of serval different ways, and not all are positive. THink really hard on this. First bit of advice - only get an additional parrot if YOU want one, not because you think your bird(s) need a new buddy or friend.

Second bit of advice - GCC's and IRN's are very different in their personality types. I know - dangerous to use generalities when it comes to trying to pidgeonhole a parrot species temperament. Each bird is its own individual and may not conform to the commonly held beliefs. GCC's are usually devoted to their "person", like to be on the shoulder or in contact with them anytime they are out of cage. They can be nippy (but trainable to not be that way). IRN's can be tough to completely tame, especially when hands are involved. They can go rather quickly back to an almost 'wild' state if they are not interacted with on a daily basis. For me the IRN natural contact call is a bit too high pitched, and they can really use it a LOT when they are in a new situation.
Hi, thank you ever so much for your detailed message and advice, really appreciated!

Since my 2 other's aren't massively bonded, I was hoping I could introduce another bird to the flock. Both are very friendly. It's just myself at home, no kids etc. So all my attention goes towards my birds. But since I have to go into the office a couple of day's a week, I wanted to at least have 2 so they have each other for company.

And I did not want to get another Kakariki or Cockateil since I am worried about breeding/territorial behaviour etc.

I have been thinking about getting another bird for the past few months, and definitely want it for myself. But I don't want my other 2 to be unhappy which is why I thought I ask around for some advice😊

Both GCC and IR have qualities which I very much like and think would fit with my living situation. I know of breeders in my area who sometimes also have hand fed ones, so I would enquire about that/be added to a waiting list. Especially for the IR as you say, I have heard they can be difficult to tame.

Reading your advice, makes a GCC maybe sound a bit more suited to me. But I will give it time to think it all through. Thank you so much again.
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Hi, thank you ever so much for your detailed message and advice, really appreciated!

Since my 2 other's aren't massively bonded, I was hoping I could introduce another bird to the flock. Both are very friendly. It's just myself at home, no kids etc. So all my attention goes towards my birds. But since I have to go into the office a couple of day's a week, I wanted to at least have 2 so they have each other for company.

And I did not want to get another Kakariki or Cockateil since I am worried about breeding/territorial behaviour etc.

I have been thinking about getting another bird for the past few months, and definitely want it for myself. But I don't want my other 2 to be unhappy which is why I thought I ask around for some advice😊

Both GCC and IR have qualities which I very much like and think would fit with my living situation. I know of breeders in my area who sometimes also have hand fed ones, so I would enquire about that/be added to a waiting list. Especially for the IR as you say, I have heard they can be difficult to tame.

Reading your advice, makes a GCC maybe sound a bit more suited to me. But I will give it time to think it all through. Thank you so much again.
Bear in mind that adding another bird to your flock can go 2 ways ...

The first and obviously the one you hope for is they all get along and become friends...

Second is they don't get along and you have to keep them separated...

I have 4 budgies( all males) and 2 gcc( one male , one female)
I added the gcc one at a time female was last...
The male gcc gets along with the budgies fine
The female from the start attacked the male and bites toes of any and all that she gets close to ...

So now I have to give them separate time out of the cages or I have to separate them from fighting....

Food for thought
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Bear in mind that adding another bird to your flock can go 2 ways ...

The first and obviously the one you hope for is they all get along and become friends...

Second is they don't get along and you have to keep them separated...

I have 4 budgies( all males) and 2 gcc( one male , one female)
I added the gcc one at a time female was last...
The male gcc gets along with the budgies fine
The female from the start attacked the male and bites toes of any and all that she gets close to ...

So now I have to give them separate time out of the cages or I have to separate them from fighting....

Food for thought

Bear in mind that adding another bird to your flock can go 2 ways ...

The first and obviously the one you hope for is they all get along and become friends...

Second is they don't get along and you have to keep them separated...

I have 4 budgies( all males) and 2 gcc( one male , one female)
I added the gcc one at a time female was last...
The male gcc gets along with the budgies fine
The female from the start attacked the male and bites toes of any and all that she gets close to ...

So now I have to give them separate time out of the cages or I have to separate them from fighting....

Food for thought

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, really appreciate it!

That is certainly one of the reasons why I have not yet gotten another bird. I do not want my 2 others to be bullied or attacked.

And I know that they might not get on. They will of course not be inside the same cage. All 3 would have their own flight cage, but if they can tolerate each other out and about that would be the best scenario.

With this new bird I am looking into getting a semi tame/hand reared one.

My current 2 birds come from a pet shop (specialising in birds). It's a really good one. I am very careful where I get my birds from. But both are rather hands off. Even with lots of training. And I am fine with that, that's just their personality.

One of my first own birds was a hand reared budgie, and he was honestly like a dog. I had him for 9 years and such a close bond with him. So this new bird is almost more for myself then my 2 other's.
Even if we have to have separate outside time, I would be ok with it. I know that even if he is hand reared there is still a chance he might not want to be with me, but chances sure are higher. From my own experience anyways.

But the happiness of my 2 current birdies is the most important to me, hence I have not yet gotten another one😊
Thank you again for your message, I really appreciate every input/advice on this🤍
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, really appreciate it!

That is certainly one of the reasons why I have not yet gotten another bird. I do not want my 2 others to be bullied or attacked.

And I know that they might not get on. They will of course not be inside the same cage. All 3 would have their own flight cage, but if they can tolerate each other out and about that would be the best scenario.

With this new bird I am looking into getting a semi tame/hand reared one.

My current 2 birds come from a pet shop (specialising in birds). It's a really good one. I am very careful where I get my birds from. But both are rather hands off. Even with lots of training. And I am fine with that, that's just their personality.

One of my first own birds was a hand reared budgie, and he was honestly like a dog. I had him for 9 years and such a close bond with him. So this new bird is almost more for myself then my 2 other's.
Even if we have to have separate outside time, I would be ok with it. I know that even if he is hand reared there is still a chance he might not want to be with me, but chances sure are higher. From my own experience anyways.

But the happiness of my 2 current birdies is the most important to me, hence I have not yet gotten another one😊
Thank you again for your message, I really appreciate every input/advice on this🤍
If you make the decision to get another bird , you would want to quarantine the new bird for about a month... preferably in a different room...
a little background... I got the male first ..from a pet store...he was as tame as could be and he immediately bonded to me..but he's very nippy.

I got the female because i understood that females are not as nippy... its true, at least for my 2 GCC...

about the female, I got her from a private breeder who hand raised her from age 4 weeks... it took a while before she trusted me completely but now she's a very sweet and friendly girl . Only problem is she is VERY territorial towards the other birds
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If you make the decision to get another bird , you would want to quarantine the new bird for about a month... preferably in a different room...
a little background... I got the male first ..from a pet store...he was as tame as could be and he immediately bonded to me..but he's very nippy.

I got the female because i understood that females are not as nippy... its true, at least for my 2 GCC...

about the female, I got her from a private breeder who hand raised her from age 4 weeks... it took a while before she trusted me completely but now she's a very sweet and friendly girl . Only problem is she is VERY territorial towards the other birds
Thank you. I have always quarantined my birds before putting them in the same room together👍 so would do the same in this instance😊

You are absolutely right, every bird is still so individual. Even though I had some of the same species they have always been different from each other. But from my experience at least, if they are handled by humans a bit more whilst growing up, it does usually make training and bonding a bit easier.

After having looked into things more, I think I would definitely rather get a GCC instead of IRN. The more I read about them, GCC generally speaking seem to be a bit easier to train/bond with.
Thank you. I have always quarantined my birds before putting them in the same room together👍 so would do the same in this instance😊

You are absolutely right, every bird is still so individual. Even though I had some of the same species they have always been different from each other. But from my experience at least, if they are handled by humans a bit more whilst growing up, it does usually make training and bonding a bit easier.

After having looked into things more, I think I would definitely rather get a GCC instead of IRN. The more I read about them, GCC generally speaking seem to be a bit easier to train/bond with.
The breeder I got the female from had a breeding pair of Indian ring neck parrots and when I went over to the cage to look at them he said .."be careful, they're difficult "
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The breeder I got the female from had a breeding pair of Indian ring neck parrots and when I went over to the cage to look at them he said .."be careful, they're difficult "
Yes, that is definitely what I have heard the more I informed myself about their species. I guess you can be lucky with any bird. But many have said that IRN can definitely quite easily go back to a semi wild state😅

I am also concerned that they are quite a bit larger than my Cockateil and Kakariki. And although I would like a larger bird for myself. It would not fit too well with the others. I still know that the beak of GCC is much bigger and stronger compared to my 2 birds, but the overall size is certainly not as big as an IRN...
Yes, that is definitely what I have heard the more I informed myself about their species. I guess you can be lucky with any bird. But many have said that IRN can definitely quite easily go back to a semi wild state😅

I am also concerned that they are quite a bit larger than my Cockateil and Kakariki. And although I would like a larger bird for myself. It would not fit too well with the others. I still know that the beak of GCC is much bigger and stronger compared to my 2 birds, but the overall size is certainly not as big as an IRN...
I don't have a lot of experience with cockatiels but the ones I'm familiar with are larger than either one of my 2 gcc.. my male does bite hard but the female bite is not as hard as the budgies bite ... as far as beak size ...I can't say

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