Green Cheeked Conure Exhaling Oddly


New member
Nov 19, 2019
My GCC is about 6 months old and has recently started exhaling kind of oddly. He will exhale similarly to a very small cough or as if he has something in his throat. Is this normal? This is my first bird and I just want to make sure everything is okay. Thanks!:gcc:
Is there a possibility you could take a video so we have a better idea of what you're talking about?
Chances are there is something wrong. Anything from a cold to a sinus infection or something stuck in his nose. I'd recommend taking him to an Avian vet asap.
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear that you might have an ill parrot.
For sure I would take your bird to an avain specialist, not just a vet who sees birds and Exotica. It's worth driving an hour or two if one is not near you.

You can but a kitchen digital gram scale for around 20. It's a good idea to track weights a d keep them in a notebook. Weight can vary day to day by a couple of grams, so you are tracking trends. I weigh everybody once a week or every two weeks. But while you might have a sick bird you should weigh every day or every other day. But still start with a visit to the vet.

I'm going to link a sick bird general article then q behavior article I like.
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Welcome to you and your young GCC. I too suggest a visit with certified avian veterinarian. Breathing may vary depending on activity, but is mostly an automatic function. A video would be helpful to our understanding, but is concerning. Please keep us advised!!

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