GW Entertainment Birdman-Style


New member
Jul 20, 2012
The brand spanking new yellow pages were delivered today, and we immediately made good use of them. :)

Mark, you're right, they make the PERFECT toy for a rambunctious GW. :D

[ame=""]Ripley - YouTube[/ame]
Hahhaa looks like someone's having fun!!

We got a new phone book yesterday and I thought about giving it to chili, but I haven't gotten around to it yet
Well that phone book won't be lasting long:D Looks like Ripley is having a great time though:)
WooHoo Ripley! Kill the evil phone book!

Such an excellent use for a book no one really uses for anything else.

Wendy, you have to post a new video when only the spine is left hanging there.
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Thank you ladies! :) Ripley is indeed having a blast.

Wendy, you have to post a new video when only the spine is left hanging there.

Here's a 'little' update.... :54:

[ame=""]Aftermath - YouTube[/ame]
Too funny Wendy I give all the phone books to Jillie but I am happy to say they last days with her. Ripley made short work of that!:eek:

Pick up! LOL Has you well trained I see!:p
Hahaha! He really ripped that up fast! What will our poor birds do when they no longer produce phone books?
Hahaha! Ripley's a beast!!! He went to town! I've never tried the phonebook idea, Wendy. I think Maya and Jolly might enjoy it, too. I'll give it a shot.
That was quick! Poppy's phone books last a few days. I love Ripley's voice.
I keep forgetting about the "phonebook toy"! I will try it...especially Peanut would really love it! Hope it lasts longer than Ripley' You should ask people to donate their old phonebooks to have some spare'
Can't beat free bird toys!:D
Hee! I love Ripley. He's got a BIG personality! I love the way he chomps a BIG phone book. Heeheeheehee!

For smaller birdies, you can clamp the phone book and cut it in slices across the spine. We cut ours in three and that gave one slice each to the Beaks, to Dommie and to the little Lovies. Oddly, the Beaks aren't all that interested in paper, but Dommie loves it and the Lovies can't do without it: they shred everything into narrow streamers, which they stick in their wing and tail feathers and carry up to their perches to process. LOL! I so love watching birds at work. It's inspiring, don't you think?
Ripley was sure loving that! Is there anything left of it at all now?
I used to deliver phone books (pre birds) and now I wish I had kept alot of extras. Ekko and Justice love them, but we have gone through our stash of them.
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Ripley was sure loving that! Is there anything left of it at all now?
I used to deliver phone books (pre birds) and now I wish I had kept alot of extras. Ekko and Justice love them, but we have gone through our stash of them.

Yes, there's still a little left, but yesterday, while running errands, we stopped at each house that was empty and picked up more Yellow Pages from driveways. :D
Great idea! I think I am going to go on one of the Freecycle sites we have here and ask for anyone's extras. All we got out here this year was a tiny local book.
I use old paperbacks as well as phone books. Since the paperbacks are smaller, you can just set them on top of the cage with the pages hanging down into it. Both my macaw and my bluefront amazon love this.
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I use old paperbacks as well as phone books. Since the paperbacks are smaller, you can just set them on top of the cage with the pages hanging down into it. Both my macaw and my bluefront amazon love this.

Brilliant idea, Margret, thank you for that!!! I actually have a boat ton of old paperback books here!!! :D

But I think I won't give any to my YN Amazon until she's done being broody. :54:

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