head bobbing?


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Dec 24, 2014
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the past few days my gcc has been bobbing his head at me and my partner and also a few objects and toys and also his reflection (i covered the mirror now). he bobs his head and puffs up his feathers.. he taps his beak on a hard surface. these movements are weird, he bobs his head down every 2-3 seconds hitting the desk hard and loud with his beak.. then he stretches his neck out slowly and then quickly taps. he also runs while dragging his beak on the ground.. i read on here that it means they are happy but on other sites i have also read it is a display of dominance?
i just want to know what you guys think?
he has not been agressive.. just acting weird.. today he also made some strange noises.. sounded like a snorting piggy lol. let me know what you think!
(update) he is on my shoulder now near the back of my neck and bobbing his head rapidly... very very fast.. he has never done this before and its not regurgitation
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About how old is he?
My girl Genevieve has done some variation of that since I brought her home last summer. She does the quick head bobbing when she's hungry and away from her food. That's her way of telling me she wants me to feed her.
The other activities, she does when she's very happy and playing.

I'm not sure about the display of dominance angle, because my girl is pretty bossy to my other birds to begin with. She's submissive to me, however.
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he is 4 months.. :)
the past few days my gcc has been bobbing his head at me and my partner and also a few objects and toys and also his reflection (i covered the mirror now). he bobs his head and puffs up his feathers.. he taps his beak on a hard surface. these movements are weird, he bobs his head down every 2-3 seconds hitting the desk hard and loud with his beak.. then he stretches his neck out slowly and then quickly taps. he also runs while dragging his beak on the ground.. i read on here that it means they are happy but on other sites i have also read it is a display of dominance?
i just want to know what you guys think?
he has not been agressive.. just acting weird.. today he also made some strange noises.. sounded like a snorting piggy lol. let me know what you think!
(update) he is on my shoulder now near the back of my neck and bobbing his head rapidly... very very fast.. he has never done this before and its not regurgitation

Many birds do this...it can mean many different things, for example to lay claim on a territory as theirs....other times simply adjusting the crop, other times it's a contentment and happy bird bob...other times it's dancing...or singing...It's a form of communication.
When I am having a bath, JellyBean - my 2 yr old GCC - runs about the edge of the bath dragging his beak on the surface - I think it is the funniest thing! I always thought he was sharpening it!! Lol...
Mine do the same thing.

They bob their heads in short, rapid motions as well as ones where they put the head all the way down and shoot all the way up and stretch their necks. They do this when theyre trying to get your attention or theyre happy to see you (usually both).

Mine do a real slow one when theyre looking at you sideways when theyre being either a little territorial or theyre uncertain. My conures are about 18-20 months old. Theyre siblings. Im not sure of their gender.

They run with their beaks on the surface and tap as well. I think its just playing. Theyre never aggressive when doing this. I hear they have a lot of nerves in their beaks so maybe they just like how it feels :)
I feel much better about my 14 week old GCC exhibiting this behaviour during our training now. He only does it when he is getting treats, and as he eats them. I was super scared at first, but when I read up about what vomiting actually is I realized that wasn't what he was doing (or at least I'm pretty sure it isn't). No food actually comes up, just a slow bobbing and neck elongating between bites of his pellets. Adjusting his crop is my best guess now.

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