
New member
Nov 21, 2019
Bare eyed cockatoo
Hello. My name is Kristin, and I just brought a BE2 into our family this week after about 3 years of research and waiting. We already are getting along amazingly. I am having a difficult time finding new foods (fresh) that he/she (still waiting on the test to come back, finds interesting. The baby seems not to be very food motivated at this point, or maybe I just haven't found the right food lol. I have made a huge deal about eating the food in front and with her but she still will just take it and throw it on the floor. I have a great avian vet near me who suggested to keep her on the same mix for the first 6 weeks before attempting any diet conversion so I'm using that as the base food and offering new veg and fruits daily (to no avail). Any advice is welcome! I've been stalking here for quite a while, it's so exciting to have a reason to be a member :white1:

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Welcome Kristin, thanks for joining our community with your BE2!

Introducing fresh veggies and fruits can be laborious, but time and patience generally succeed. One technique I've found is preparing identical bowls of "chop," one for you and one for your bird. Begin eating from yours, verbalize enjoyment with "mmmm" sounds and bobbing your head. They are flock eaters and this may stimulate participation.

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Glad you joined, and we love pictures!!
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I'm a newbie and still trying to get the picture link to work correctly but I will get some up asap! ��
Awwww!!!!! Looking at those long toes!!!!! If that's were she will hang out a lot you want the perch to be big enough that her toes can only go around fifty percent or less. It's a big problem for medium to large parrots that they don't make perches bug enough,,!! Leads to arthritis and many problems. I have quakers, not very big birds and I have bought the biggest perche's available, as they still weren't big enough I use crepe myrtle branches from trees in my yard. Even the budgie love to rest in these logs ;)
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Awwww!!!!! Looking at those long toes!!!!! If that's were she will hang out a lot you want the perch to be big enough that her toes can only go around fifty percent or less. It's a big problem for medium to large parrots that they don't make perches bug enough,,!! Leads to arthritis and many problems. I have quakers, not very big birds and I have bought the biggest perche's available, as they still weren't big enough I use crepe myrtle branches from trees in my yard. Even the budgie love to rest in these logs ;)
Thanks for the reply! I absolutely plan on replacing that bar, I hate that it's smooth as well. I am going to put a large natural perch in place of it!
Awwww!!!!! Looking at those long toes!!!!! If that's were she will hang out a lot you want the perch to be big enough that her toes can only go around fifty percent or less. It's a big problem for medium to large parrots that they don't make perches bug enough,,!! Leads to arthritis and many problems. I have quakers, not very big birds and I have bought the biggest perche's available, as they still weren't big enough I use crepe myrtle branches from trees in my yard. Even the budgie love to rest in these logs ;)
Thanks for the reply! I absolutely plan on replacing that bar, I hate that it's smooth as well. I am going to put a large natural perch in place of it!

Don't you wish those parrot toy perch , cage makers would talk to us parrot keepers? We could really help !

Your baby looks so happy and relaxed!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!
I'm so glad you found us. You're going to love the advice and support you get.


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