Help! New parotlets

1 DAY?

Are you experienced with hand feeding?
I would never take on that responsibility myself as too much can go
Can you take them back so the parents or breeder can feed them? Or is this a situation where there is no other choice for you to feed them?
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I ended up getting a small syringe from the vet
The breeder that I usually get my birds from doesn't want to hand feed the small ones anymore so she's been giving them all to me and I'm kinda a newbie bird mommy. lol
Thanks for the help :) kinda in shock reading this and Im kinda confused. Are you saying these are the breeders birds but the breeder is refusing to feed them? Where are the parents of the babies? more info please
Yea I'm totally confused.
But no answers have been given.
The message I'm getting is the breeder kinda "quit" feeding the babies, and handed them off..
If that is the case, PLEASE get these babies to an avian vet, or an experienced hand feeder! Hand-feeding babies can be incredibly dangerous no matter the circumstances, let alone for someone with no experience.

I'm not trying to put you down, or be rude, but for the sake of the baby birds please take them to a pro. One day old? Should be fed every couple hours, with a specific formula, at a specific temperature, in specific amounts. I'm so sorry you were put in such an "on the spot" situation. I had to hand feed my Alexandrine once. ONCE. And I was so nervous. Luckily the hours of research helped me feel somewhat comfortable with her one comfort feeding.

I hope everything works out for you and the birds, best of luck.

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