help ! :(


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Lahore, Pakistan
Indian ringneck, *Twinkle*
Alexandrine parakeet *Cookie*
I brought home an alexandrine parakeet baby. Its about 6-7 weeks old now. He was perfectly fine in the start but he's been lying around and acting really lazy since last week. He has a runny nose too. I consulted a vet and he gave me a 5 day medicine. Can anyone please tell me if this is fatal or not?? :( Will my bird be fine??
I'd listen to your Vet and do the medication. You haven't told us what your Vet diagnosed your bird with, so just your description alone isn't enough for anyone to make the call as to whether something is fatal. It sounds like you're at least on top of things by getting the bird to a Vet (avian, I hope), who then gave you medication. And only a few illnesses are 100% fatal; there are illnesses that have the potential if left untreated or untreated for a long period of time, just like with people, dogs and cats.

Good luck.

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