Hey everyone! New girl here from Canada


New member
Feb 11, 2007
Hello everyone!

I just recently found this forum while researching parrots and the care thereof.
I've only ever owned a cockatiel before, who passed away a couple of years ago. She actually belonged to my dad, but she was the family baby.

I've been researching parrots and whatnot for close to a year now in hopes of getting one for myself now that I've moved into a new townhouse. I didn't want to get one while I was living in my apartment as it was quite small and not very soundproof at all.

However, now that I'm in a secure place I'd like to own a bird of my own, but I've come to a fork in the road. I cannot decide between a White Bellied Caique or a Sun Conure. While I love the conure's coloring, and affectionate ways, I also adore the Caique's clownish antics and whistles/chirps. I hear that sun conures can be biters, but then people tell me otherwise. I was hoping I might be able to get some advice from people here on the forums

Caique versus Conure..

Which one is easier to train?
Which is more affectionate?
Which has more personality?
Are there any health concerns related to either of the species?
Which is considered more "bitey"?
Which is more active?
And Are Caiques quieter then conures?

If anyone could help me out with a little veteran advice, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Thanks in advance,
Hello, I am also very new, but I decided to come and say welcome!

I am not sure about your questions, since I never studied either of them. I think the last one is right, since I heard some conures can be quite noisy.

Sorry for the lack of help I gave you!
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No worries, I'm not just here for the help. I probably should have put that in my post =P
I'm just so full of questions.
Thanks for the welcome! =)
hmm i dont know much about caiques since ive only really researched a few conure species, and fortunatly sun conures was one of them :D umm i do know caiques are quite clownish, but as far as comparing them to a sun conure i think theyd be pretty equal. i dont know which is more bitey but i know when sun conures are young since they test tings with there beak they can be a little nippy but you just have be real firm with them and you shouldn't have any or many problems when they are older. I know sun conures especially can be very loud... i heard they have a really high pitched screeching sound. Although i think you can train them to be quiet and it also depends on the personality of the bird. I knwo some people witha sun conure and there quite quiet for a conure and others who say they are quite loud. i think both very active. Overall i think there both pretty equal species. but ive never had a sun conure nor a caique so i could be worng o the thinsg i said about the caiques.. the only reaosn i know about the suns is because im getting one within the this year.
first off WELCOME!!!!!!!! I have to say I'm biased gotta love conures If clownishness (is that even a word) is a priority you will not be dissapointed with a conure Sidney turns somersaults, swings all over his cage, and hangs upside down! plus he super cuddly the absolute best combination

Caique versus Conure..

Which one is easier to train? I'm not sure it depends on what you mean by train as in basic taming or specific tricks?
Which is more affectionate? from the one's I've interacted with conures but I haven't been around that many caiques and have met a few nasty green cheeks
Which has more personality? it depends on what you mean they both have their own distinct one's Sidney always makes me laugh I go in my room to do home work and just sit there and laugh at ll the funny things he does in his cage
Are there any health concerns related to either of the species?
Which is considered more "bitey"? I don't know about caiques conure need something to chew I carry around those hamster chew sticks and things so he can chew they are really sweet but that little beak has to be exploring
Which is more active? All I know is Sidney never sits still
And Are Caiques quieter then conures? I'm not sure Sidney lets out a few loud quaks when he sees me when I get home but other than that he is really quiet but he quaks to himself LOL over all the personality way over rides the noise
as you can see I'm really biased Conures are the pest little birdys in the world :):):)
Firstly, I would like to offer you a very hardy HOWDY!! Welcome to our little corner of the world wide web ... we are bird loveres and we welcome everyone who loves birds.

I, too, am biased towards Conures ... (check out the NEW HAMLET PICS thread) they are very sweet and very lovable, and very BIG ATTITUDES in a little birdy package. Essenitally immagine a MACAW in a 12 inch / 110 g package.

Caiques, on the other hand, are one of the most playful birds out there (ever seen a bird sleep on its back ... don't be surprised if you see a caique do it). I would also think that caiques would have the advantage in the noise area. Hamlet has times when he is LOUD (espically when he sits on my shoulder and flock calls right in my ear ... ) and I don't understand how my neighbors don't hear him (I live in an apartment and they have told us that they don't hear him at all, I don't believe it for a second, but hey I will take their word for it!)

I think that both birds can be amazing if trained properly (as always your step-up command MUST be your first ... and you must teach them that they have to step-up from anywhere (on top of the cage, going into/coming out of the cage ... anywhere)!!

Here's another thought, if you are sure that you want either or, go to a place where you can see both type, interact with them, and see who picks you first!

~ Tex :50:
I'm not sure, Sidney lets out a few loud quaks when he sees me when I get home but other than that he is really quiet but he quaks to himself LOL over all the personality way over rides the noise
as you can see I'm really biased Conures are the pest little birdys in the world :):):)

Hamlet does the exact same thing ... he's got that little duck/goose type honk/quack ... and when he's really happy it's twice as much. I can always tell when he is content.
also if you want to see some of there clownish personalities and stuff you could search caiques or sun conure on youtube im sure you would come up with something. i search sun conure before and it came up witha quite a few videos, never searched caique before but im sure there is something!


You have some great points there on the two different species. I don't have either species here, but I do think that a lot depends on how you treat the bird, and how much you will let them get away with. Both species seem to be a lot of fun. I know from the members here who have Suns how much fun they can be and Caiques are real clowns.

Tex gave some great advise about going to a place that has both species of bird and watch them.

I hope you have fun here, please ask as many questions as you have and we'll try our best to help you.​
Welcome Laine

Let me try and help you out with your questions. Firstly it depends on the individual bird and not always the species. For example I have a senegal parrot, supposed to be very quiet wouldn't even know you had one. Well mine never shuts up, she does this great sea gull impression at the top of her lungs that she will do all day while I'm home. Of course before we got her she never made a sound then a week or two later she started. I love it though but if you don't like noise, well she can be annoying.

Ok so to the questions (which are only my opinion so take it with a grain of salt)

Which one is easier to train?

Well this will depend on the bird and its background but both species can be relatively easy to train. Not much difference there between the species. More depends on you and the bird. (when you do decide and start to train people here have great advice on helping you)

Which is more affectionate?

Again depending on the birds background and the individual bird. I have seen both be quite affectionate and some be not quite as affectionate. Every bird will have time they want to love you and then they can have a mood swing and hate you for a bit. Thats every species of bird.

Which has more personality?

Of course Caiques are clowns but conures can be clowns too. Both have lots of personality!!!

Are there any health concerns related to either of the species?

Conures are prone to most of the common psittacine diseases and ailments, while Caiques are not really prone to anything. But anything could happen so proper care and vet visits will make all the difference.

Which is considered more "bitey"?

I hear people to say conures are more bitey but I consider this to be dependant on the individual bird and the training it recieves.

Which is more active?

Proper care and nutrition and both these species will be very active.

And Are Caiques quieter then conures?

Typically yes but this depends on the bird itself. Any bird may be quiet in a store or at a breeders but that doesn't mean it will be when it settles in when you get them home. So be careful!!!

Hope this helps your decision. If it were me I would personally go with a Caique (Sorry Tex and Kelli) Conures are gorgeous but I really love Caiques. If I had it my way I would have one of everything. :D
Welcome Laine
Hope this helps your decision. If it were me I would personally go with a Caique (Sorry Tex and Kelli) Conures are gorgeous but I really love Caiques. If I had it my way I would have one of everything. :D

Tracy, don't ever be sorry for your opinion ... it's your opinion and that is how you feel. I would never take it personally - besides, if I had my choice I would have black-headed caique, a TAG, a U2 another sun AND a Macaw ... How can you pick just ONE?! :confused: :D
I really want a hawkhead parrot next but I'm not allowed to have anymore :eek: Actually there was a Sun Conure I feel in love with once but I seen Popsicle first so thats who came home, then the Sun Conure was gone right away anyways..

Hey Tex I say go with the TAG if you got to choose, love those little guys too!!! Ahhh I love all parrots (For the most part)
ok im sorrey, but what is TAG? lol ive heard of the mens body spray but tahst it. and also whata U2 i know its a band but what does the bird thing stand for?
also, i really like caiques too, but theres more sun conure breeders, well actually i dont think theres any caique breeders in my area so.. ya.. and also i like te sun conure colours, as well as the jenday ones. so thats one of my reasons why i didnt go witha caique.
When ever you talk about a Cockatoo you call can all it a "2" ... a U2 is an Umbrella Cockatoo ... and a TAG is a Timneh African Grey Parrot ... a cousin to a CAG (Congo African Grey ... BUCC if if you will) There is a thread on here somewhere that was posted about abbreviations and such ...


I am sure it's around here somewhere... Let me find it and I will post it for you and you can read them ...
When ever you talk about a Cockatoo you call can all it a "2" ... a U2 is an Umbrella Cockatoo ... and a TAG is a Timneh African Grey Parrot ... a cousin to a CAG (Congo African Grey ... BUCC if if you will) There is a thread on here somewhere that was posted about abbreviations and such ...


I am sure it's around here somewhere... Let me find it and I will post it for you and you can read them ...

ohhh ya i know a few abreviations for em... but not thsoe ones lol... but i geuss now i do :D

cat macaw(sometimes people call it catmac too lol)-catalina macaw
.... i think thats all i know of but i could be wrong lol
I'm not greedy guys but its easy for me, Start from The A parrot species and work your way through to Z I'll have two of everyone of them. Yes 2 everything in this house seems to come in twos. :D Well apart from Hubby and I really don't need another one of them. :D Can't speak for him though.
I'm not greedy guys but its easy for me, Start from The A parrot species and work your way through to Z I'll have two of everyone of them. Yes 2 everything in this house seems to come in twos.

I'm with you on that one, maybe for the exception of Cockatoos. I don't think I would be the right home for one of those but they're gorgeous. But I can't be too greedy and do whats right for the bird. Maybe if I win the lottery and can quit my job stay home with the birds... Yes thats my plan :D

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