How do I get her to always fly to me when cued?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
My Sun Conure is almost 20 years old and had a late start with training meaning I didn't start teaching her stuff outside of step-up until she was like 18 years old.

Last year I taught her how to fly to my hand from a standing perch. I notice that this is the only training behavior that is not consistent. What I mean is some days she will always do it on cue but other days she won't. She will either just sit there or do something else like the big eagle. Is this normal for birds? Is there any way to solidify this behavior? I have tried using different treats but that doesn't work.
Parrots have minds of their own, and like to mess with thier humans. Some nights Salty will refuse a trick he knows like the back of his wing. Done it hundreds of times, just not tonight. Be glad your Sunny does it sporadically!
when i taught my bird to fly to me on command, I started really close so she could see the treat. maybe on the days that she isn't cooperating, get close again to her until she hops on and give her the treat. then maybe get a little further. I find that when I talk to my birdie and tell her good girl and coax her she does things more quickly, so maybe tell her that she is a good girl and it will help!
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when i taught my bird to fly to me on command, I started really close so she could see the treat. maybe on the days that she isn't cooperating, get close again to her until she hops on and give her the treat. then maybe get a little further. I find that when I talk to my birdie and tell her good girl and coax her she does things more quickly, so maybe tell her that she is a good girl and it will help!
Yeah, that's pretty much what I do. When she doesn't cooperate she sometimes "gets mad" when I try to entice her to come to me. LIke she will let a screech that sounds like "leave me alone." Today, she was flying to me no problem.
hmm.... i dont then.... i think when u think she is mad i read that u should ignore them for like 5 sec, so she sees that getting mad doesn't giver her what she wants.....

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