How to give lovebird oral medicine?


New member
Mar 13, 2021
My little lovebird sherbet is unwell, and while we don't know why yet, the vets have given me some medicine to try her on. How do I give it to her without her hating it/me? I tried this evening to give her her first dose and my friend had to hold her while I tried to feed her with the syringe. Most of it ended up on her face as she wiggled so much. She was quite upset after too. I feel like I'm doing it wrong somehow but I just want to help her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
If holding and admin is not a possibility, try mixing it with a favorite food in small, measurable quantities. If you mix it with more than he/she will eat, that is a problem because you can't be sure how much he/she is getting. Plain oatmeal with mashed banana is good for me, but again, you need to make sure they get the full dose, even if it's given in halves (1/2 1 hour. 1/2 hour later).

What kind of vet do you see? General, exotics or certified avian?
I've had a lot of luck soaking a tiny piece of bread in the medicine and feeding that by hand through the bars. Or mixing with peanut butter, tiny amount.

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