How to hold Senegal on back?


New member
Jul 18, 2015
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Saratoga Springs NY
Gollum - Senegal
Hatch Day- 5/8/15 &

Dobby- Indian Ringneck
Hatch Day- 7/16/15
I have had Gollum for a couple weeks and I have been working on trust. Granted she let me hold her, pet her and would step up from day one. First I started with just her head and neck. I have worked it so she is use to me touching everywhere (except under her wing, she resists, so I do not push it).
I tried to hold her on her back the other day and she resisted. I didnt want to push it. Am I starting too soon? Is this something they will do on their own? Or is there a way I should do this? I do not want to lose trust with her or push her too fast. Any suggestions?
Remember that parrots are prey animals - in the wild, anything touching their back is a predator! And lying on their back (except for some cockatoos) is not a natural behaviour.

Take it slow - make sure you pair back pats with something she likes, like head scratches. While you're scratching her head (if she likes this) you can gently stroke her back. Once she is completely comfortable with this, you can try gently rolling her over onto her back. If she doesn't like it, there's no point in pushing her. There's nothing to gain from her learning this trick, other than the fact that it looks cute - not something worth annoying her for.
Thank you! I was not sure if this was something you needed to do for training to show you are the flock leader (like dominance with a dog). If this is pointless there is no reason to keep trying it
Why do you want her to lay on her back? It's not really a natural behavior for most birds (though some individuals seem to enjoy it and do it all by themselves).

If you want to train her to do it as a trick, I think theres quite a few other "tricks" that come between follow the target stick and being able to flip them over. I would suggest looking into some of the free training videos on youtube and seeing what skills she needs to learn first:)
I thought it was something you needed for training.
I really have no want for tricks. I just want to do the best I can to raise a well adjusted, happy, content bird. If tricks entertain her and keep HER happy, sure I will do that lol. I do not need it for my entertainment. Talking, although it would be cool, is not something I need either. Her precious chirps and tweets melt my heart. (every once in a while she makes very strange noises, I really wonder if that is her attempt at human speech).
Her harness is on the way! Very excited to start that!

There was another reason I thought it was important to be able to hold them that way now that I think about it. I thought so that you could look them over. I have heard people talking about using a towel (that is what the vet did) but I figured if she were comfortable being held that way, when I NEEDED to do it, it would be easier
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There is no such thing as 'dominance' with parrots - you're not the leader, you're an equal :)
There was another reason I thought it was important to be able to hold them that way now that I think about it. I thought so that you could look them over. I have heard people talking about using a towel (that is what the vet did) but I figured if she were comfortable being held that way, when I NEEDED to do it, it would be easier

I actually just got Willow on her back for the first time successfully last night for a nail trimming. I did use a towel, but only as a mat to lay her on, and hold her in place as I flipped her to keep her from freaking out and flapping her wings all over the place. Then she just laid on the towel on her back.

Literally draped the towel over her as she sat on my chest, moved her onto my hand/thumb, wrapped my hands around her, and slowly flipped her upside-down while telling her "it's ok." (Which I have to do when carrying her downstairs anyway.)

I let her hold my thumb with one hand and stroked her neck, head with the other between clips, and each time she started to get worked up I'd stop and pet her telling her "it's ok."

She did really well, didn't bit me nor hold it against me, even though I cut one a little too short.
Does Gollum play on her back yet? if not then I wouldn't push it. You are building some great trust. As Gollum begins to explore she may start playing with her toys and roll on her back. I would wait until then. Give it time.
It's a play thing with some birds. I see it most with conures and lorikeets, but that has just been my observation. Not really something trained. Foo does it when she goes into her plastic ferret boat, lays on her back and scoots along making weird echo sounds.

As far as toweling for nail clipping or whatever, most don't really like it. We only do it when we need to and we give a treat when it's over so she short memory's out on that.
She isnt playing on her back yet. Honestly she JUST started playing with her toys in the past few days. Before that she would just stand there. If I walk out of the room she will fly to follow me but since she is clipped slightly she glides to the floor... the she runs over to my foot and stands on it and just looks around lol. It seems so sweet! I am enjoying her SO MUCH
She isnt playing on her back yet. Honestly she JUST started playing with her toys in the past few days. Before that she would just stand there. If I walk out of the room she will fly to follow me but since she is clipped slightly she glides to the floor... the she runs over to my foot and stands on it and just looks around lol. It seems so sweet! I am enjoying her SO MUCH

Thats so awesome that you are enjoying her so much. Id just giver her more time. how does she react to you touching her toys? Get her some foot toys and sit her in your lap. See if she will play with them, she may be on her back before you know it. LOL. I have used a hanging toy before when they climb on I then lay them down on my lap and let go of the toy. if she panics then back off. but you can try it. I also used to hang some toys over the top of her cage inches off the top and she would roll on to her back to play with them.
All my toys are hanging toys. I dont have any foot toys. I need to check that out
All my toys are hanging toys. I dont have any foot toys. I need to check that out

Well if you have a small hanging toy bring it just at head level and see if she climbs on. when she does then just gently lay her on your lap and let go of the toy. just see what happens, like i said before if she panics then try again another time, but don't make a big deal either way. I hope that makes sense.
I agree with all of the above, my JoJo is still terrified of being on her back! She is just now beginning to allow me to cup her in my hand, she spent half a year in an open pit, grabbed by everyone who walked by, so she had/has real reasons to fear hands!
You should read this book called "The Guide to the Senegal Parrot and its Family" by Mattie Sue Athan and Dianalee Deter. The authors are former breeders, and one studied zoology. The book is also rooted in interviews with experts, from what the authors wrote in the forward. It came out in 1998. I think's really interesting. It digs deeper into the species than the normal "So you wanna buy a bird" intro book.

According to this book, Senegals and Poicephalus are one of the few parrots that actually commonly enjoy playing on their back. Tangie, my mom's Senegal, will roll on his back for her. Not for me! lol Maybe some day.

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