You must be talking about an Indian Ringneck. These are wonderful birds but however they are very loud, at least the one I knew was. I would not reccomend for an apartment.
Thankyou, just wondering. One that is three years old is for sale here in our city with top of the line large cage for $250, owner is never home and can't take care of it properly. I am looking for my first parrott so I may go with a parrotlett.
keep in mind parrolets are generally more hyper and not very cuddly at least the ones i've known. Green cheek conures make excellent pets are funny do all the cute parrot things and are fairly easy to handle because of their size. They can hurt bad when they bight but won't break your finger like a larger bird. they are also quieter than many birds.Senegals, are also another one worth looking into.
Let us know if there is a specific species you want more info on. I can tell you all about Senegal's if you are interested. And I know Tex can let you know more about GCC And Sun's.
I am currently working on web pages for Hamlet and Mac that will really be informative and list out personality "quirks" for these guys ... hope to have them ready by the end of the week. I will let you guys know when when they are done.